How Does Jeff Fisher still have a Job?


In transit, arriving late.
wise could do this better and he can chime in but I am pretty sure I heard this is his 22nd year and he has had SIX....6 winning seasons.

They pay Tayvon and let other way more talented people walk.....the owner is an already and then marries a Walton

OH.....his agent is related the owner isn't it?

feel bad for Rammers....nice guy, love to have a beer with him, but he aint an NFL coach
shut out?

And why in the FUCK did the NFL open the season with the Rams OTR??

and how bad is Goff? Worse than what we saw last night? Play the kid
also the commentators did an actual play by play for the fan, it was the most excitement it seemed at that point in the game.
I was at the game and left BEFORE the 2 minute warning of the 1st half. I had seen enough. We were struggling vs a team that sucks. Drive in and drive out, season in and season out, Jeff Fisher has shown to have the competence level of a novice. Nothing will change. We have a replica of the Cleveland Browns. I'm putting away all my jerseys and my Rams helmets until this coaching staff is gone. My tickets for home games are all for sale. I will not spend my Sunday pretending to support this garbage.
He's not as bad as Fisher, but Rex Ryan needs some consideration for being an average to shitty coach. He hasn't done much, especially lately. All talk with empty promises.