How did you guys miss the whole Matt Leinart thing?

I love how this is even a story. Let's see; holding a beer bong for a chick or shooting bouncers at a strip club. I love how Whisenhunt is dissapointed in his QB. I'm proud of him personally.
i don't know why this is even news only because everyone knows once someone goes to college that is when the drinking age starts. Even cops generally don't hand out underages unless someone is pissing out in public or being loud and obnoxious. Pretty much i would consider 18 the drinking age. On the flip side of this i think matt leinart is undershooting himself with these girls. For being a 41 million dollar QB, i'm sure he can do better than these girls.
You know, maybe you guys were right. Maybe I was blowing the whole thing out of proportion.

Or maybe this picture says everything we need to know about Matty L.

You guys for real? Frankie G, you'd be singing a VERY different tune if Big Ben was trashed and pretending to suck off some flaming looking guy. Give me a break.

Leinart guy was drafted to be the face of the franchise. A franchise as shitty as the Cardinals let's not forget. All that said, pics like this get out? You can have fun, just make sure some dumbshit isn't taking pictures of you while you can't do anything about it! Fuck whoever you want, I don't care. If we've learned one thing about Leinart, it's that he likes to bone anyone around him.
You guys for real? Frankie G, you'd be singing a VERY different tune if Big Ben was trashed and pretending to suck off some flaming looking guy. Give me a break.

No i wouldn't, not at all. I have no problem with players acting like jackasses as so long as they aren't true criminals or hurting others. Leinart can do what he wants in his spare time, personally i wouldn't of even think about doing what he did to that bottle but thats not in the scope of this discussion. This is the first time i have seen that picture, i am sure the only way someone had gotten that picture was by hacking into his computer. He needs to get a computer with NO internet connection so it is unhackable.

Why do you think this is such a big deal? If those girls weren't at his party drinkin/boozin, do you think they wouuld have a hard time getting alcohol on their ASU campus?
All reports have said Leinart has never missed a training session, and he works very hard. I don't know what pro athletes are supposed to do on their free time on weekends?
and he works very hard

That part I haven't heard. Everything I've heard, even from his days at USC is that he's all Hollywood all the time. Trying to pretty much f**k anything he can and live the life of a star.

However, one, there may not be anything wrong with that and two, who's to say any of us wouldn't do the same--sans the pics of you blowing a champagne bottle.
No i wouldn't, not at all. I have no problem with players acting like jackasses as so long as they aren't true criminals or hurting others. Leinart can do what he wants in his spare time, personally i wouldn't of even think about doing what he did to that bottle but thats not in the scope of this discussion. This is the first time i have seen that picture, i am sure the only way someone had gotten that picture was by hacking into his computer. He needs to get a computer with NO internet connection so it is unhackable.

Why do you think this is such a big deal? If those girls weren't at his party drinkin/boozin, do you think they wouuld have a hard time getting alcohol on their ASU campus?

You must be kidding again right? A computer with no internet connection? And he was hacked? Ummmm, ok.

In my post, I said that I didn't care if he wants to have fun. Go ahead. Go fuck any girl. Of course you are free to do whatever you want, just as long as it doesn't affect your play on the field. Unless he gets a serious STD, I wouldn't worry. However, he got caught and now he makes him and the franchise look awful. Maybe he doesn't care what people think of him, that's fine with me. The problem is he is representing the Cardinals, a franchise that is known as a joke, and now he makes the franchise look even worse.

If he comes out and blows next season, people are gonna give up on him and also say that the guy can't stay focused on football. If he can get past the distraction, great. He hasn't shown ANYTHING in the NFL yet to prove that yet. Who knows what happens. When there is a distraction, it is NEVER a good thing. Not sure how it can be.