How about a good NFL story?

Two Utes

Manual Toothbrushes FTW
This won't make the headlines that the bad stuff does but it's worth a read. Utah doesn't win the most games but they have some of the best people that coach and play for them in the country and I am proud to be a Ute. I also have a degree from Louisville and quite honestly, I'm not always as proud of the way they handle their business.

I knew Chris had some issues that cut his playing days short but I had no idea it was this serious. It explains why his play deteriorated as quickly as it did.
Thanks Ute...there are plenty of good stories out there that we never hear about and this is one
Saw this on the local Pittsburgh news last night, great, uplifting story, but they're BROTHERS, its dumb to play up the Ravens-Steelers angle. I guess the media would consider it a non-story without some kind of (imagined) conflict to present.
They can use all the good PR.

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Was going to post a story related to Devon's a week old now, but may have been lost in the shuffle with all of the BS going on in the NFL. Sean Payton purchased 100 Devon Still jerseys, as the proceeds are all going towards pediatric cancer research. That's a really cool, great move by Sean Payton. It's something he didn't have to do, but makes me like him that much more that he did. I guess Still ended up talking to Payton today on Mike & Mike, and had a chance to thank him for buying the jerseys.
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BTW, that video is very tough to watch, especially being a father. It's a great video/story, just tough to watch. I wish Devon's daughter and his family nothing but the aren't supposed to bury your children, especially anywhere near that age.

And good on the Bengals for what they did for Devon Still. That organization is all class, and clearly cares about their players.