Hopefully Interesting thoughts about Tanking


Pretty much a regular
I was thinking that the jags and jets will always come to play and at least not get blown out by bad teams, so how do we make money on these teams that want to appear competent but obviously want to lose?

i don’t think you’ll get a lot of value in the lines betting on the tankers as everyone knows this.

So, live bet late close games? Going ML against the tankers.
Bet with the tankers full game?
Go against them 2H?

I felt pretty strongly that the jets cb let rugggers score on that last play.

Just brainstorming.
I totally disagree, I don’t believe for one minute anyone on the field is trying to lose, it doesn’t benefit current players or coaches one iota, front offices tank by not providing talent. The guys on the field don’t.
That said I’m sure you will win way more than lose betting against them cause those teams don’t win games for a reason, they pretty much suck. Of course any playoff type team in a close game with them is usually gomma find a way to win.
I totally disagree, I don’t believe for one minute anyone on the field is trying to lose, it doesn’t benefit current players or coaches one iota, front offices tank by not providing talent. The guys on the field don’t.
Come on down 4 with 5 seconds left and bites on a stop and go.
They just bad bro, Mfers won’t have a job in this league showing much film like that. Bad teams find a way to lose. In what way you think getting beat helps that corner in the long haul?
There no chance the coach gonna tell him to get beat and even if he did why listen? That dude in no position to promise anything cause he won’t be in the league come next season.
I’m still sure you make money doing this cause those teams almost always find a way to lose. There just no logical argument for why anyone on the field would try to lose? Mfers don’t get to that level not being competitive and they don’t get new contracts putting out film of quitting. Not one guy on that field gives one fuck where their team drafts next year, I promise that.
They just bad bro, Mfers won’t have a job in this league showing much film like that. Bad teams find a way to lose. In what way you think getting beat helps that corner in the long haul?
It’s one play that decides a game for an awful team. I doubt he’ll lose anything over it. It’s obviously all opinion and conspiracy theories are all the rage now. Cover 0, bite on a stop and go...maybe just bad, cb bites because he knows all out blitz? It’s interesting.
“Back and to the left.”
He might not lose anything but he damn sure isn’t gonna ever get paid if he has to many of those on tape. It prob was combination of call and him actually wanting to be aggressive and make a play opposed to the opposite. I wasn’t paying much attention but that would make more sense to me than anything else, that what happens with loser teams, guys want desperately to make a play which more times than not leads to them doing something dumb like that.
You ever been on a crappy team? Makes you want to try harder but rarely does it result in anything good, lol.
There no chance the coach gonna tell him to get beat and even if he did why listen? That dude in no position to promise anything cause he won’t be in the league come next season.
Coach called the play to get beat......lol
U read the DB calling out the D coach? Hahaha
Williams is a red ass and has done this before. The bigger question is why anyone would still hire the guy. Many won’t, he doesn’t get along with anyone in house wherever he goes.

Again, the real ? here is why teams continue to recycle horrible coaches like Williams and Gase.

we all chose the wrong profession guys.
Williams is a red ass and has done this before. The bigger question is why anyone would still hire the guy. Many won’t, he doesn’t get along with anyone in house wherever he goes.

Again, the real ? here is why teams continue to recycle horrible coaches like Williams and Gase.

we all chose the wrong profession guys.
I guess this goes with all professions ,
It’s Who u know....not What u know.....
I can assure you the players and coaches on the field do NOT want to lose. You don't get to this level without developing a pretty good ego.
Williams is a red ass and has done this before. The bigger question is why anyone would still hire the guy. Many won’t, he doesn’t get along with anyone in house wherever he goes.

Again, the real ? here is why teams continue to recycle horrible coaches like Williams and Gase.

we all chose the wrong profession guys.

it’s idiots like those 2 why nfl gets accused of racism in their hiring practices. Nobody of any color can understand why they not getting a chance when a couple bums like these guys get one after another. I think it more about as 2 said “who ya know” or who you have blackmail information on in some these cases where these garbage retreads get chance after chance despite never proving they have any ability to succeed at this.
The jags look like they are trying to win. The jets im not sure. Very questionable late game calls in some of their games
Definitely not saying they aren't trying. The front office is trying to tank. Glennon is not an NFL starter and Minshew is 100% healthy. Minshew would win a game if he played. Glennon obviously wants to put up good film to be the next Henne and get paid to sit in a similar situation.

After looking at it more the CB was an undrafted rookie who was on the practice squad earlier. I doubt he did it on purpose, but like 2dabank says it's probably just incompetence. Also, firing Williams screams power struggle and this was a "valid" reason to make it seem justifiable.
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Definitely not saying they aren't trying. The front office is trying to tank. Glennon is not an NFL starter and Minshew is 100% healthy. Minshew would win a game if he played. Glennon obviously wants to put up good film to be the next Henne and get paid to sit in a similar situation.

After looking at it more the CB was an undrafted rookie who was on the practice squad earlier. I doubt he did it on purpose, but like 2dabank says it's probably just incompetence. Also, firing Williams screams power struggle and this was a valid reason to make it seem justifiable.

it cracks me up they fired Williams over that. Did anyone catch the prior play? He only rushed 3 and dropped 8 yet agular still got behind the d and Carr just missed him! Both safeties sat down on that play!! Lol. can hardly blame him for bringing pressure, the problem was obviously the rookie corner is conditioned to assume the ball would have to come out quick when they sending the house, you gotta instruct him it doesn’t matter if they hit you underneath in that spot give him room and make the tackle!

I think it pretty clear the front office tanking, they not firing Gase cause that would give them a chance to win a game!!

agree bout jags front office as well, starting Glennon when Minshew healthy says it all. They made all kinds of moves right before start of season that screamed they wanted to lose. Then Minshew comes out playing Better than anyone could have predicted which I’m sure wasn’t the plan! Lol
it cracks me up they fired Williams over that. Did anyone catch the prior play? He only rushed 3 and dropped 8 yet agular still got behind the d and Carr just missed him! Both safeties sat down on that play!! Lol. can hardly blame him for bringing pressure, the problem was obviously the rookie corner is conditioned to assume the ball would have to come out quick when they sending the house, you gotta instruct him it doesn’t matter if they hit you underneath in that spot give him room and make the tackle!

I think it pretty clear the front office tanking, they not firing Gase cause that would give them a chance to win a game!!

agree bout jags front office as well, starting Glennon when Minshew healthy says it all. They made all kinds of moves right before start of season that screamed they wanted to lose. Then Minshew comes out playing Better than anyone could have predicted which I’m sure wasn’t the plan! Lol
It's funny as Minshew and Luton were both 6th round picks, both started with little to no playing time. Minshew comes in as a rookie with just exhibition games as experience and goes .500 (6-6) as a starter. He was so bad in the preseason, there is a quote somewhere from the Jags head coach saying he was worried if Minshew had to play. Down goes Foles in Game 1 vs the Chiefs and Minshew comes in and looks like an NFL starter. Luton starts, he had one good play to Chark and looked lost the rest of the time. If I was an NFL team with a great team and no QB, I'd look to trade for "The Jock Strap King" Minshew.
It's funny as Minshew and Luton were both 6th round picks, both started with little to no playing time. Minshew comes in as a rookie with just exhibition games as experience and goes .500 (6-6) as a starter. He was so bad in the preseason, there is a quote somewhere from the Jags head coach saying he was worried if Minshew had to play. Down goes Foles in Game 1 vs the Chiefs and Minshew comes in and looks like an NFL starter. Luton starts, he had one good play to Chark and looked lost the rest of the time. If I was an NFL team with a great team and no QB, I'd look to trade for "The Jock Strap King" Minshew.

i don’t think Minshew is a franchise qb, I actually get the feeling he more likely to do better on bad teams than if you put him in a good system w good players, I’m not sure he processes info or can run a real offense, strikes me as a guy who does better when plays break down and he plays backyard football, like “run to the Buick and turn around!” Lol. Not sure he can drop back and deliver the ball on time to the right places? Obviously I don’t know for sure cause he hasn’t really gotten that chance, just what I see when watching him.
I forgot about him, of course he another that shoulda been fired a year or 3 ago and somehow still has a job! Just don’t understand some these franchises choices.
They keep giving him a pass despite the teams best players constantly wanting out. Campbell, Ramsey, ngakowe (spelled that wrong for sure) among others