HNIC to dump theme song?


Pretty much a regular
TORONTO - Hockey fans called a major penalty against the CBC Thursday as the national broadcaster seemed prepared to do away with the Hockey Night in Canada theme - a beloved 40-year-old musical institution as familiar to Canadians as the country’s national anthem.
“CBC won’t get away with that,” said Mary Quigley of Cape Breton, N.S., outside the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. “The Canadian people won’t let them get away with that.”
Websites carrying news of the possible separation of the hockey anthem from Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts quickly got e-mails from people passionate about the theme.
Online petitions were launched. Some fans of the song shared anecdotes.
“In 1990 my son stood up in a crowded restaurant in Tokyo, Japan and ‘sang’ the Hockey Night in Canada theme,” commented a reader on the CBC website carrying the story. “Before he had completed four bars he was joined by various other Canadians he did not know.”

<SCRIPT language=javascript>if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();window.yzq_d['SJ.hBEwNBkw-']='&U=13ecmuffm%2fN%3dSJ.hBEwNBkw-%2fC%3d655378.12737725.13038528.1385748%2fD%3dSKY%2fB%3d5349989%2fV%3d1';</SCRIPT>Reports that the theme might be benched next year came when the agency that represents the song’s composer said Thursday that the CBC will no longer use the familiar hockey anthem.
But the head of CBC Sports says the song hasn’t been shelved yet.
“Our negotiations continue and if we can do a deal for the theme that’s reasonable for both sides, we’ll do it,” said CBC Sports executive director Scott Moore in an interview. “It’s a great theme. If we can’t, then we have an alternate direction that we’re excited about and that I think will create controversy and create excitement amongst Canadians.”
“But certainly our first choice would be to keep the theme as it is.”
The licence agreement CBC had with composer Dolores Claman ended with this year’s Stanley Cup playoffs, which wrapped up Wednesday night.
John Ciccone, whose company Copyright Music & Visuals controls use of the song, said he was given a deadline of noon Wednesday to reach a new agreement. Ciccone said the CBC sent him an e-mail later in the afternoon telling him they would not renew the contract.
“We looked at it every different way we could,” he said. “Whatever it takes, let’s try and come up with something.”
Moore said that he was scheduled to speak with Ciccone later Thursday.
It didn’t take long for a public outcry to gather steam over the possibility of a theme change. The story immediately became a hot topic at the water cooler, on radio phone-in shows - some politicians even weighed in with their reaction.
“The Hockey Night in Canada theme - you hear it everywhere,” said Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach. “Even during the summer, you get to a barbecue in rural Alberta and somebody strikes it up after a good (version) of O Canada. And it’s going to disappear and it’s been with us for years and years.”
For many people, the song is wrapped up in hockey days gone by.
“It just brings back memories of Ward Cornell and all those other guys that brought Hockey Night in Canada to us,” said Gary Fiering, who said in Toronto that the song reminds him of watching hockey in the 1970s and ’80s. “It is our national anthem.”
But the idea of change doesn’t bother everyone.
Elizabeth Richards said in Toronto that while she remembers hearing the song as a little girl, she thinks the theme song might need a postmodern edge.
News websites had hundreds of readers weighing in and discussing the cultural significance of the theme.
Moore of CBC Sports said he thinks it is great that people are passionate about the Hockey Night in Canada broadcasts.
“While we want to keep what is a great musical theme, we can’t do it at all costs, we can’t do it with a cloud hanging over our head,” he said.
Moore said one option would be to launch a nationwide contest for musicians to submit themes for consideration.
It cost the public broadcaster about $500 every time it used the theme, but Ciccone doesn’t think the issue is money. One of the ideas Ciccone said he offered involved maintaining the same contract for two years, then increasing the rates by about 15 per cent, an increase he calls an industry standard.
Claman could not be reached for comment but released a statement on the website
“I am saddened by the decision of the CBC to drop the Hockey Night in Canada theme after our lengthy history together. I nevertheless respect its right to move in a new direction.”
Claman wrote the song in 1968 after it was commissioned by McLaren Advertising. The company was looking for something big, adventurous and brave to go with the broadcast.
Despite going through numerous rearrangements, the jingle has become one of Canada’s most recognized tunes.
Claman has written about 2,000 jingles over her career. She is also credited with writing the Ontario theme “A Place To Stand,” which she co-wrote with her husband Richard Morris in 1967.
it does suck... its like taking away a right left turn in a nascar race... you just cant do it.

In all seriousness, Id be surprised if it actually happens, there is a pretty big outcry from the public now. Same thing happened when CBC tried to stiff arm Don Cherry and Ron MacLean a few years back, they caved. Trying to change a canadian institution doesnt fly

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it was written in 68, so a little outdated, but still kind of like america and apple pie... dont mess with a good thing, our hockey night in canada
They got to keep the song, and dump Maclean instead, I cant stand him. Cherry is controversial but he knows his hockey though and his analysis is usually spot on. CBC is outdone by virtually anybody else that carries a hockey game.
CTV Inc., together with Copyright Music & Visuals, today announced that CTV Inc. has acquired all rights to 'The Hockey Theme' in perpetuity, preserving the song's legacy and ensuring it will be heard on national television for years to come. 'The Hockey Theme' song will now live on CTV Inc. properties TSN, RDS and across Canada on CTV during coverage of the upcoming Vancouver 2010 Olympics as outlined below.
The deal between CTV and Copyright Music & Visuals was agreed to in principle after the CBC publicly announced last Friday at 5 p.m. ET that a deal could not be reached with the rights holders. Due diligence was completed earlier today.
The song, which was created by Vancouver's Dolores Claman in 1968, will now be used in NHL broadcasts on TSN and RDS beginning this Fall. In addition, CTV will utilize the song as part of its hockey coverage during the upcoming Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
"The song has a long and storied history in Canadian sports and has become ingrained in the hearts and minds of hockey fans across the country. It is an iconic tune, embraced by Canadians everywhere, and we felt it was imperative to save it. We know we will be in hockey forever, so there's no doubt this acquisition will create value for us," said Rick Brace, President, Revenue, Business Planning and Sports, CTV Inc. "It's an honour and a privilege to own such a cherished piece of Canadiana."
"I am very moved by how so many Canadians have taken the hockey theme to heart. We are so pleased the song has found a new home," said Claman. "Throughout our negotiations, CTV displayed a tremendous amount of respect for my family and the song. 'The Hockey Theme' means so much to Canadians, and we know it's in good hands with CTV."
The announcement complements TSN's new six-year multi-platform NHL deal, featuring more coverage of Canadian teams than ever before with at least one Canadian team in every game. Earlier this year, RDS extended its exclusive rights agreement with the Montreal Canadiens through the 2011-12 season.
CTV, together with TSN and RDS, boast the most powerful and prestigious sports programming lineup in the country featuring the NHL and Stanley Cup Playoffs, NFL games and the Super Bowl, every CFL game including the Grey Cup, International Hockey including the World Juniors, NBA, Blue Jays Baseball, all four golf Majors, all four tennis Grand Slam events, Season of Champions Curling, NASCAR and F1, and this month's NBA Finals and UEFA EURO® 2008.
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CTV Inc. and Copyright Music & Visuals (Photo: CTV Inc.)
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sounds like the intro to a Starsky & Hutch like b-grade cop show

In fact, it does. But it's HNIC, that's what that song means. Can't just toss it away. It has too much history.
I read this yesterday and was outraged..even as an american..but tell ya what it was part of the experience of watching a game on CBC...which was great to experience for 3 of the Cup Finals games.