Hey, Smoke (Eagles-related)

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Saw Donovan on SportsCenter tonight from Arizona, he's talking like he's 100&% back in Philly next year and lobbying for the organization to go get him help on both sides of the ball.

I thought it was interesting. I also liked to hear him say that he needs to play better as well.
Yeah, I saw that

Both Westbrook and Runyan have come out in the last couple days saying they wanted some help too...

Should be interesting
And i was listening to an interview with Merril Reese on 610 today and he felt like their number one need was to get a solid third corner both for nickel coverage and because you cant count on Lito being healthy...

hadnt heard that perspective before...

That being said, Im hearing they really like this corner from Troy State Leodis McKelvin...supposedly hes a kick ass return guy as well...just a question of whether or not hes still there when they pick
per Mel Kiper:

13. Leodis McKelvin, CB, Troy (5-10½, 185) | Previous: 25
Not only a very good cover man with superior recovery ability (runs in the 4.38 range) and the aggressiveness to get the job done in run support, McKelvin has made a name for himself as the top return man in the entire nation. He's also stood out this season in games against the likes of Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma State and Georgia. With his speed and versatility, McKelvin will bring a great deal of value to a football team.
Good grief, I've never heard of that guy before in my life and he's supposed to go number 13 in the draft? Yikes.

Of course, 5'10", do we need another corner under six feet?

Merril's right, you can't count on Lito being healthy. He generally gets hurt for a good four or more games a year. But when he's in there he's a stud.

But the Birds need some secondary help--and I think the draft is where to get it. I was sort of surprised they let Barksdale go last year, I thought they liked him in camp. I think he ended up in KC, though I don't know if he ever played or made the team.

Either way we need depth at CB and we need to find the eventual replacement for B-Dawk whose years are numbered as much as it pains me to say that.

But I don't think the Eagles need to try to do that through free agency. I think you handle that through the draft, just as you look to do with depth along the O-line.

But WR you go out and you get somebody. At LB, you go out and you get somebody. And maybe you look to do the same along the D-line although their track record there has been spotty and Jim J. has high hopes for Bunk next year, and they seem to like Victor Ibriwhosits as well.

But again, at WR, you go spend some money--and I like where our young LBs are going, but don't let that stop you from bringing in somebody else.
Also, I hadn't heard B-West and Runyan speaking out as well. I like that a lot, it tells me they're not just brooding and potentially whining about D-Mac being the only one opening his yap. It says they're with him.

Let's get this show on the road, baby.

Go Birds.
Yeah, Westbrook spoke on some radio show in Atlanta over the weekend and I haeard the clip from Runyan today - dont know where that came from

They love the young LBs. I would be absolutely shocked if they did anything there

They need, in order:
1. Wide Receiver (I'm thinking more and more this is Stallworth)
2. Defensive End (this will be a free agent - heard Jared Allen, Terrell Suggs and possibly even Jason Taylors name all pop up, but Id be surprised if any of those actually materialized)
3. Safety (draft)
4. Corner (draft)
5. Return guy (who knows)
6. Tight end (who knows)
7. OLine depth (draft)

Basically, they need a Number 1 WR, a stud Defensive End, a 3rd safety, a 3rd CB, a TE and a return guy

You gotta get the good guys through free agency and develop the secondary guys through the draft

That should about take care of the holes...
Yeah, Westbrook spoke on some radio show in Atlanta over the weekend

I've mentioned how much I love Westbrook before, right? That little f**ker is going to get a ring if I have to hold up a liquor store to make it happen. Granted that might defeat the purpose a bit, but you see what I'm sayin'.

They need, in order:
1. Wide Receiver (I'm thinking more and more this is Stallworth)

If this is just Stallworth I'm going to shake my head. I mean, maybe with Curtis on the other side they'll balance each other out. Maybe. But Stallworth has injury problems and he's not that number one threat other teams have to focus on. He's just not.

2. Defensive End (this will be a free agent - heard Jared Allen, Terrell Suggs and possibly even Jason Taylors name all pop up, but Id be surprised if any of those actually materialized)

We won't get Allen, we just won't. But if we could get Suggs I'd feel like I just found $500 lying on the floor. I'd pick it up, quietly put it in my pocket, and keep my mouth shut because I wouldn't know how the hell it happened and I wouldn't want to know, either.

3. Safety (draft)
4. Corner (draft)

5. Return guy (who knows)
Jeremy Bloom anyone? These f**kers drive me nuts not caring about the return game. OK, I'm sure they care, but they consistently do jack s**t about it.

6. Tight end (who knows)
I think we roll with Barry Scheck aka Tom Selleck aka Brent Celek. LJ's gone, we all know that. And though I'd like to see them have someone we can both count on as a safety valve but who can also create matchup problems like, oh, Kellen Winslow Jr., I don't think that's going to happen. I think they stick with this kid, keep Schobel, and draft somebody in the 6th round or bring in somebody cheap.

I just don't see them spending money here, though it would be nice to be wrong--but who would you go get?

7. OLine depth (draft)
Yep, agreed there, too.

The sad thing is, you know we're both probably going to be completely wrong.

Trust me - Im not thrilled with Stallworth, but thats the name that keeps poppin up and he'll be cheap (relatively speaking in relation to what it would take to get someone who would matter like a fitzgerald or roy williams or chad johnson)

dark horse is Javon Walker

I like reggie brown as a 2 and curtis as a slot guy...they just need a legit 1
they just need a legit 1


I kind of think Javon is a dark horse, too. But if they went out and found a way to get Larry Fitz or Roy Williams in here I could very well never ask for another receiver from them in the McNabb era.

You just need that guy. Especially in this division, especially with the way teams are defensing the Birds. They simply don't respect our receivers. Donte Stallworth, much as I like him, isn't going to change that. Kevin Curtis, who I knew we'd like, and who will be our Wes Welker, doesn't do that either.
I don't mind his comments, but I'd really like him to specify some names. Obviously this team needs a WR, and that's who he is referring to on offense. But who's out there?

Randy Moss -- Hard to imagine he won't stay in NE after winning the super-bowl, and having a chance to be the best Qb-Wr combo EVER.

Berrnard Berrian -- Probably will want unjustified money. He's got potential, but nothing proven. I see him as similar to Curtis.

DJ Hackett -- Could be a good fit here after playing in Seattle's offense, but he's unproven and is coming off an injury.

Dante Stallworth -- I guess I could see him coming back since he will likely get less money this time around. But injury concerns are still with him.

As for LJ Smith, I can't see him returning. Dallas Clark is available and he'd be a perfect fit for this system. I just don't see the Eagles putting that much money into the TE position, especially with Selek on board. He should have a larger role in his second year as a pro.

On the defensive side, there is a slew of talent available, but all these names will want big money. I think Jason Taylor would be willing to take a pay-cut if Philly can convince him McNabb is 100% healthy, and this team has a shot to make a title run. I'm sure Taylor just wants to win at this point in his career.

Nnamdi Asomugha is a young corner from Oakland who is 6-2. He's coming off a down year, and he could come at a discount.

Jared Allen would be a great fit here, but the Eagles have already thrown a bunch of money unsuccessfully into the DE position recently. Hard to imagine, they'll do it again.
I'd be disappointed if they didn't make a run at a FA corner this year. Shepperd has injury concerns, and Josilio Hanson sucks. Here's the long list of decent corners available..A good mix of young and veteran talent available, too:

Asante Samuel
Drayton Florence
Randall Yag
Marcus Trufant
B.J. Sams

A side note on Sams, he is a return guy, but he practically missed all of 07 due to injury. Before that, he was one of the best return men in the league. I'm sure the Eagles will at least take a look at this guy in the off-season.
As for the draft, I dont think they will take Desean Jackson because he really isn't a great WR. Tough to take a return man that high IMO.

Justin King is a local guy from Penn St. A CB. He's got some size at 6'0, and could be a decent fit.

I'd like to see them get Felix Jones. Jones is the type of play maker Philly needs. He wouldn't need to step in and take a major role this season, but it would allow Philly to use Westbrook more as a WR. Soon, Philly will have to make a decision whether or not to pay Westbrook, so why not have a little insurance, too?
I love DJ Hackett. OK, 'love' is too strong a word, but I really like him. He's not the answer, though. He's Kevin Curtis only not as fast.

I think Berrian is going to ask for too much, I think the answer might just be Bryant Johnson from Arizona, but that's really betting on the come.

I also see no way Indy let's Dallas Clark go, but he'd be the second coming of Chad Lewis--only better.

Oakland's top priority is keeping AsawhosenameIcan'tspell. But maybe they're enough of a trainwreck they let him go.

Samuel will be waaaaayyy too expensive for this crew. He'll got to KC or Miami or somewhere who needs the name as much as the talent.

Sams would be interesting to look at. He'd be a risk because of that injury, tough you're right, he could solve the return problems even though he's no Josh Cribbs.

I also agree with you, I don't think they take Desean Jackson from Cal either.

I'd be surprised if any of us can even guess who they take first particularly given their track record.
Heres a name for you: Larry Fitzgerald

He was on with Eskin this afternoon and said basically he has $14 million due to him this year from Arizona and they want him to restructure his deal. Hes not thrilled with the direction theyre going and is said to be pushing for a trade...said Philly would definitely be on his list of places hed want to end up

Wow...if they got Fitzgerald?! Id feel just like I did when I found out the Mets got Santana - except the exact opposite
I just wanted to say something about the McKelvin kid. I watched a lot of that senior bowl practice last week and from what I saw he was possibly the best corner there. Unbelievable feet and I was most impressed with his closing speed if someone got a step on him. You could tell that he wanted to prove that he was as good as a lot of the players there which I loved.

All great points in this thread. I really don't want them to bring Stallworth back unless he is dirt cheap.
Id feel just like I did when I found out the Mets got Santana - except the exact opposite

Ah, I laughed out loud. Good stuff.

I knew that about Larry Fitz--well, part of it anyway. They do owe him $14 mil. for one year--ONE YEAR. And it's this year.

Yeah, that ain't happenin'. They have to restructure that so it does open up some opportunity.

The weird thing is that I read this morning that he said he wanted to stay there and hopes they work it out.

Pthpt, nuts to that, it's Arizona, Larry, you can live there in the offseason if you like it so much, just like Donovan. But come play your football at the Linc.
I watched a lot of that senior bowl practice last week and from what I saw he was possibly the best corner there.

I didn't see much of the practices, phat, but I did see part of the the game. Did you see that corner from Tennessee St.? He was very impressive in the game. I wonder how he was during the week.
Rogers-Cromartie or whatever his name was looked really good too during practice but coaches were always apprehensive of him because people think he's soft. He showed during the game that he wasn't and I was incredibly impressed. McKelvin unfortunately didn't play in the game because he pulled a hamstring during the week.
Good info, Phat.

Yep, that's his name, Cromartie (no idea if he's related to Antonio or not).

I didn't know McKelvin didn't play in the game. Thanks for the post.
aqib talib? am i the only eagles fan who loves this guy? he comes in and is your third CB and a return guy. i dont think he will be there when they draft, but if he was i would not be pissed if they got him.
aqib talib? am i the only eagles fan who loves this guy? he comes in and is your third CB and a return guy. i dont think he will be there when they draft, but if he was i would not be pissed if they got him.

I'm a fan, and I agree. But remember the Eagles are NOT a conservative team when drafting. Remember when they traded up a few years back and got some dude named Sean Andrews? Who the fuck was that bum?

I don't know the Eagles draft pick situation this year, but I believe they have a few extra picks.
theyve got a bunch of comp picks, but i dont think they can trade them

theyve shown in the past if someones there that they like, theyll move up and get them

the more i read and hear, the more i like this McKelvin kid
This thread just proves to me that I don't pay enough attention to college, because if we draft the one guy I'm going to call him Talib Kewli and the other one McLovin just so I would know who the hell we're talking about here.
This thread just proves to me that I don't pay enough attention to college, because if we draft the one guy I'm going to call him Talib Kewli and the other one McLovin just so I would know who the hell we're talking about here.

Well, he can pick off some passes and also write some decent hip hop songs :cheers: