Herman out, Sark in?

I don't get the interest from top schools on Kiffin and Sark. I used to watch those Carroll USC teams loaded with NFL talent and every year they'd lose a game they shouldn't and I always felt the play calling by Sark and Kiffin when they were OC was a big reason. And most importantly they've done nothing as HC's yet. Whether you like him or hate him, Bama's success is due to Saban. He's adjusted from lets win 10-3 Mr. Defense to Don Coryell - Bama is now WR and RB U. To me, Kiffin and Sark were along for the ride. Same issue in NFL with Bienemy - is it him or Reid or the GM that drafted Mahomes. Just wouldn't be real excited if I was a Texas fan. But better than what Auburn got I guess.
I don't get the interest from top schools on Kiffin and Sark. I used to watch those Carroll USC teams loaded with NFL talent and every year they'd lose a game they shouldn't and I always felt the play calling by Sark and Kiffin when they were OC was a big reason. And most importantly they've done nothing as HC's yet. Whether you like him or hate him, Bama's success is due to Saban. He's adjusted from lets win 10-3 Mr. Defense to Don Coryell - Bama is now WR and RB U. To me, Kiffin and Sark were along for the ride. Same issue in NFL with Bienemy - is it him or Reid or the GM that drafted Mahomes. Just wouldn't be real excited if I was a Texas fan. But better than what Auburn got I guess.
Saban has admitted how his mentality has changed and that is because the game has changed.. He has publicly said that you can't just rely on stout defenses anymore and that you have to be able to score (so not a real surprise). I think Sark is a good OC, but not a great HC (see USC) and that role suits him very well and he thrives in it. Less responsibility and open playbook for creativity and Saban trusts him. Believe Saban loves Sark too and his players trust him based on the interviews I've seen. Some of his schemes this year have been outstanding getting Devonta so wide open. The first series last night was essentially them telling ND we can go anyway we want and then Devonta scores running in a straight line. I'm sure GPS and the SEC/Bama guys will have more to add but I think him turning it down is in the better interest for him.
Now Pete Golding....it might just be me but I've seen Saban rip into Petey boy a shit ton lately, and if you remember the defense was meh early on in the season.
Saban has admitted how his mentality has changed and that is because the game has changed.. He has publicly said that you can't just rely on stout defenses anymore and that you have to be able to score (so not a real surprise). I think Sark is a good OC, but not a great HC (see USC) and that role suits him very well and he thrives in it. Less responsibility and open playbook for creativity and Saban trusts him. Believe Saban loves Sark too and his players trust him based on the interviews I've seen. Some of his schemes this year have been outstanding getting Devonta so wide open. The first series last night was essentially them telling ND we can go anyway we want and then Devonta scores running in a straight line. I'm sure GPS and the SEC/Bama guys will have more to add but I think him turning it down is in the better interest for him.
If he turns it down then he is HC at Bama

no other way
Half the sports world saying he accepted and the other half saying he turned it down. Lol
Ponying up a $25MM buyout in order to bring in Sarkisian isn’t having me jumping for joy nor most other Texas alums / fans. More so, it’s indicative of just how bad things got with Herman, especially off the field - insubordination, drinking and general assholery. Not a good look or situation for the school. Clusterfuck all around. The new(ish) AD is already operating on some thin ice. Hooking up your wagon to Sarkisian doesn’t seem like the best move but when your hand is forced and you put all your eggs into a basket that came up empty with Meyer, then you’re pretty much fucked.

On the flip side, good results from the hoops team today.
With Meyer as his OC in Jacksonville with Fields at QB. Yes this is me dreaming up a scenario where Fields does not end up on the Jets.

What planet are you on? Herman could be struggling for life in the ocean and Meyer could have a life vest in hand and he'd drop it in the boat, and go back to his drink.
Given the circumstances it's not a bad hire, at all. But the circumstance could have been addressed and avoided way back. They weren't and thus del Conte was backed into a corner to find someone.
Given the circumstances it's not a bad hire, at all. But the circumstance could have been addressed and avoided way back. They weren't and thus del Conte was backed into a corner to find someone.
I would’ve like to see Campbell get a shot too man.

But that’s a huge huge risk that could be disastrous.
I would’ve like to see Campbell get a shot too man.

But that’s a huge huge risk that could be disastrous.

I'd have killed to have given Campbell a sniff. But pretty sure he wasn't interested and that was communicated up front. He's probably perfectly happy at ISU. Paging roch.....
Will be a test if the NFL comes calling but I do know he's not keen on moving his children again, not like he's making chump change.
Jets wanted to hire him before and they might try again. Personally I think that job is career suicide but maybe he takes it this time if he likes Wilson at 2.
It's an interesting hire for sure. I think the thing for Texas, like any massive program, is that you have to get everyone on the same page from the President to the AD to the boosters, etc. Mack did it until he couldn't. Neither Strong nor Herman was able to. Will Sark? Who knows? I'm guessing he learned a ton on organization and culture while at Alabama. He just has to get everyone on board and also be able to stay the course. I know Alabama provided a massive support system for him and his family to help with his recovery from alcoholism, will there be enough support/accountability in Austin? He knows what it takes to be successful, and he clearly knows the game. Whether or not he succeeds will be 100% based on how well he navigates everything else that comes with the job. I wish him the best, he's earned it. I just wish he'd waited until Jan 12th
It's an interesting hire for sure. I think the thing for Texas, like any massive program, is that you have to get everyone on the same page from the President to the AD to the boosters, etc. Mack did it until he couldn't. Neither Strong nor Herman was able to. Will Sark? Who knows? I'm guessing he learned a ton on organization and culture while at Alabama. He just has to get everyone on board and also be able to stay the course. I know Alabama provided a massive support system for him and his family to help with his recovery from alcoholism, will there be enough support/accountability in Austin? He knows what it takes to be successful, and he clearly knows the game. Whether or not he succeeds will be 100% based on how well he navigates everything else that comes with the job. I wish him the best, he's earned it. I just wish he'd waited until Jan 12th
What about his addiction to prostitutes. I would think that Austin might not be the best place for him. Until I am proven wrong I think Texas much like Miami is a has been program.
I'm guessing he learned a ton on organization and culture while at Alabama. He just has to get everyone on board and also be able to stay the course.

Important aspect - ingesting and hopefully learning all of the things from Saban and the program.