Here's the proposed rule changes...

I applaud the effort by the rules committee. They really went the distance to address the problems with the game that they created. Looks like we‘ll get a very watchable product next season. Can‘t wait!
Seriously how do these assholes get their jobs? Their jobs are so inaccessible (as in most people would never be considered for it). But clearly their inaccessibility shouldn‘t apply that the people who hold those jobs are at all special in any positive sense of the word. Fucking clowns and morons!
Excellent news coming out of the coach's meeting

First is a two-minute limit on video reviews. Long, long, long overdue, but only a committee thinks two-minutes are needed. Maybe for some retired official who's a little slow, but any competent 21 year old can look at two or three viewpoint and see what happened or realize it's too close to call. Good start though

Other one is doing something about players faking injuries on orders of coaches to slow the other team down. That's now what college coaches need to teach. My favorite coach, Barry Switzer, said, "hell, I'd quit coaching if I had to sink that low." That's not how you play football.
Can't believe they're not going to fix the targeting bullshit that is killing the watchability of this once fun game.

I told you they're never going to walk this thing back.

I'm guessing a lot of it is just PR optics. 'Hey there parents, we made the game safe by publicly humiliating players in front of millions, so go ahead and let your kiddos take up football and eventually make us rich.'

If they pull the plug on it then they just look like morons and have no way of deluding the public into thinking that football is safe. Their decision making has jack shit to do with what's good for the game.
I meant „can‘t believe“ in a grief-stricken sort of way. Cause its sad. Used to be a great game before games starting being turned on offensive players initiating contact to get innocent defenders ejected.

And this is why commercialism sucks. Profit and the superficial crap that supports it like image and pr optics take precedence over the game
I meant „can‘t believe“ in a grief-stricken sort of way. Cause its sad. Used to be a great game before games starting being turned on offensive players initiating contact to get innocent defenders ejected.

And this is why commercialism sucks. Profit and the superficial crap that supports it like image and pr optics take precedence over the game

When they start paying players with more than free housing, free food, free benefits, free education (others saddled with hundreds of thousands in student debt) etc. etc. then this gets much worse.

Paying the players is pretty much the sign the sport is in the death throws. It will absolutely kill college football.
When they start paying players with more than free housing, free food, free benefits, free education (others saddled with hundreds of thousands in student debt) etc. etc. then this gets much worse.

Paying the players is pretty much the sign the sport is in the death throws. It will absolutely kill college football.

On the surface it prolly shows how desperate they are to keep them playing. With overall youth participation way down (right?) by paying players (more) they create incentive for the poor (also maybe the poor from other countries?)