

Pretty much a regular
Let me first start off by saying this wasn't my idea. My idea was to lick my wounds take my ass whooping and come back posting during football. This is really Mr. Bloodhounds idea. He (and a few others) has been sending me emails and calling me since I got back from my trip trying to get me to post MLB again. I haven't a clue why because I got crushed this year but he obviously has his reasons. Something about looking at my and a few other posters picks before he makes up his mind about his bets. I believe that but only if he looks at my picks and fades the shit out of them. A person could get very rich doing that actually.

In any event, we talked and talked and he even offered me a loan which was damn nice of him but by the grace of all the gods I don't need money. He finally got me with simple logic. Can you imagine two old men like us actually stumbling upon some logic? Well, I will admit it was really him not me but he did ask a good question. He said "Are you still going to bet baseball even though you aren't going to post it?" I admitted yes and that I did last week on vacation. He said "Then what the fuck is the difference whether you post it or not if you're still betting?" I had no answer for that.

So I will post when I get time (which may not be every day) until the end of the season. And even though he said I didn't have to post a running record I believe it would not be fair if I didn't. Look at them, fade them, or a better idea may be to not even open the damn thread.

YTD -501.2

Cubs/Mets over 5 1/2 -180 (3 units)

KC/Minn over 7 1/2 -170 (3 units)

Cinn/St Louis over 6 1/2 -180 (3 units)

Cleveland/Washington under 41 1/2 -110 (5 units) (NFL)


Cubs/Mets over 5 1/2 -180
KC/Minn over 7 1/2 -170
Cinn/St Louis over 6 1/2 -180
Cleveland/Washington under 41 1/2 -110 (NFL)

Round robin groups of 4 and 3 for 2 units each.

Thanks for coming back Wire. Now with football season coming on, at least there will be someone to carry on in MLB... and u being here relieves me from having to post as I was just trying to hold the ''hard headed old farts club'' in tact.
No doubt in my mind that Sept will be ur Best month as it has so many times in the past


Littler league:

Czech/SD under 12 1/2 -110 (3 Units)

Austrailia/Mex under 12 1/2 -110 (3 units)

Texas/Wash over 10 1/2 -160 (3 units)


Czech/SD under 12 1/2 -110
Austrailia/Mex under 12 1/2 -110
Texas/Wash over 10 1/2 -160

Round robin groups of 3 and 2 for 3 units each.

Even though i don't bet on baseball it's good to have you back. GL with your plays
Today in the Boston game first 5 3 runs were scored with 16 men on base. Just an amazing under umpire.