HBO HardKnocks: Houston Texans


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Who is in?

Mods move to GD is need be.

The fight(with the Skins I think) seems the only thing interesting 'bout the Texans.......

Kinda weak team to pick yea?

Anyway, shit is always a good watch.
Stop watching this a couple years back,

I think as part of a deflate gate settlement to reduce Brady's suspension they should force the Patriots to do this show for five seasons with a camera on Brady at all times
Watched it this morning with my coffee. The only thing interesting is hearing Bill O'Brien use the word "fuck"
Arian Foster is a pretty interesting person, I would imagine JJ Watt would be fun as well. Didn't realize this even started. Too bad it wasn't the Jets
tired of jj watt. was tired of him last season when he thought it was his job to tell zach m of the titans how to act as a rookie. shut the fuck up.

agree with what leberetard said today: people like to see people work hard. jj watt treading into territory where it's annoying to hear and see how hard he works.
I don't mind JJ I was just using him because he's the only legit player on this entire squad of bums.
This hard knocks blows
Bill O'Brien is a dork who wants to sound cool in meetings.
What with his chin? That hole gets bigger every yr. Like doc rivers nose
is grabbing hair still legal in NFL? It was to tackle before, but what about an O line dude grabbing ?

Clowney hair is long as shit
Clowney just doesn't.....IDK man

This guy was so damn great in CFB....I hope he is something like he was
Anyone watching tonight?

I feel like this show started off strong(the original idea) and still is interesting......yet I wonder how he ratings are.

I still find the show good and watch it yearly.

I think it helps when there are obv things/controversies happening to entice the viewer, but I can watch it w/o.

I see that NFL Net has something "Welcome Rookie" this similar?

Anyhow, watching tonight:shake:
Quit watching in detail after about year 3

Caught a glimpse of one episode this year and O'Brien seems like a true dbag, he seemed to like the publicity

But in general it's no longer interesting to me to where I'd stop what I'm doing to watch it
Quit watching in detail after about year 3

Caught a glimpse of one episode this year and O'Brien seems like a true dbag, he seemed to like the publicity

But in general it's no longer interesting to me to where I'd stop what I'm doing to watch it


Also I just kept interests me

the cuts and makes of the roster show real emotion and the show just intrigues me, as someone who likes all NFL pretty much
Always kinda tough these cuts

Some of these guys are assholes, but man some guys this is a dream that will never be accomplished

some make it to get cut a week later

either way, always the realest part of the show

this is reality
have always loved this show

it is done very well

I love how JJ Watt jumps on the pj with his boys to watch Wisky vs Bama

then Christian goes to the Rice game

just fantastic

Then.....right to a tear jerker with James

reality TV