Hate this league - predicted to win 128 to 64


CTG Partner
Has anyone played in a league that has the standard defensive scoring but also includes points on yards allowed?

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: statName"]Each Sack (SK)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]1[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Interception Return TD (INTTD)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Fumble Return TD (FRTD)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Kickoff Return TD (KRTD)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Punt Return TD (PRTD)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Blocked Punt or FG return for TD (BLKKRTD)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]6[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Blocked Punt, PAT or FG (BLKK)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Each Interception (INT)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Each Fumble Recovered (FR)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Each Safety (SF)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]0 points allowed (PA0)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]5[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]1-6 points allowed (PA1)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]4[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]7-13 points allowed (PA7)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]3[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]14-17 points allowed (PA14)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]1[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]28-34 points allowed (PA28)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-1[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]35-45 points allowed (PA35)
[TD="class: statPoints"]-3[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]46+ points allowed (PA46)
[TD="class: statPoints"]-5[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]Less than 100 total yards allowed (YA100)
[TD="class: statPoints"]5[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]100-199 total yards allowed (YA199)
[TD="class: statPoints"]3[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]200-299 total yards allowed (YA299)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]2[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]350-399 total yards allowed (YA399)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-1[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]400-449 total yards allowed (YA449)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-3[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]450-499 total yards allowed (YA499)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-5[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]500-549 total yards allowed (YA549)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-6[/TD]
[TD="class: statName"]550+ total yards allowed (YA550)[/TD]
[TD="class: statPoints"]-7[/TD]
[TD="class: spacer"][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"][/TD]

How does that effect your defensive scoring? I would assume it makes the bad defenses just that much worse and places a premium on the great ones. Almost thinking that i wouldn't want to start a defense each week. Feedback is appreciated.
I committed to this league with the girlfriend's side of the family before seeing the league settings. The person who set the league up before has never played fantasy football before. No fractional scoring. 6pt passing TDs. Negative points on missed field goals. A huge bench which will be good for me to take sleepers. Etc.
Sounds like you're gonna be the only guy in the league who understands the scoring implications. You're gonna crush
Yes, the big league I'm in uses yards allowed by defenses for scoring purposes. I can tell you that guys in our league start grabbing a defense as early as the 6th round (maybe the 5th one or two years) because the defenses can score so many points each week. That may not be the best way to go (drafting defenses that early), but it does happen in our league due to the scoring....all I'm trying to let you know.

We don't, however, have it set where your defense gets negative points for allowing too many yards. That changes a bunch, and puts a premium on the better defenses even more so than it does in my league.
Here's how our defenses ranked last year in the league with yards and points allowed counting for scoring purposes...

SEA 287
CAR 258
KC 245
CIN 244
SF 227
ARI 223
STL 216
NO 196
BUF 183

No other team had over 180 points. It does seem like each team in our 10 team league can get a decent defense, but that's a pretty big gap between #1 and #9...it's even a decent sized gap from #4 to #9.
Thanks for the feedback. It appears that there should be enough defenses to get positive points (even with the negative points for too much yardage) that starting a defense is worthwhile. With the bench spots I'm afraid a few of these idiots will grab 2 or more defenses so I'll have to go early enough.
Thanks for the feedback. It appears that there should be enough defenses to get positive points (even with the negative points for too much yardage) that starting a defense is worthwhile. With the bench spots I'm afraid a few of these idiots will grab 2 or more defenses so I'll have to go early enough.

What do you mean starting a defense is worthwhile? Are you saying there's an option as to whether or not you start a D? That's really, really odd....I've never even heard of such a thing. I know you said the guy was new to FF, but that's just strange.
What do you mean starting a defense is worthwhile? Are you saying there's an option as to whether or not you start a D? That's really, really odd....I've never even heard of such a thing. I know you said the guy was new to FF, but that's just strange.

In my first post I said I may decide to just not start a defense each week if they were going to get me negative points. Based on the points that you showed (without the negative points for bad yardage), there were 9 teams that had 180+ points. Even if you take 5pts for bad yardage on 8 weeks that still equals 180 points - 40 for bad yardage = 140 points over 17 weeks. So the 9th ranked defense was still worth about 8 points a week. So with the different rules it wouldn't make sense for me to just sit a defense each week/ignore the position.

Trying to figure out how I want to handle it besides just grabbing a defense with one of my last two picks (especially when we have something like 11 bench slots).
What a complete cluster fuck... down to 8 teams... only starting 9 players.... and 24 total players per team. Shaker's uncle is running the league and has never played fantasy before. He sent an email out saying "let me know if I have things set up correctly and if any changes need to be made." Sent an email with numerous scoring settings, starting requirements compared to bench size, etc and he sends a response, "there will not be any rule changes this first year as we have a number of beginners. We will probably be eaten allive."

No they won't be eaten alive because every team will be a fucking all star team. Stupid scoring will make things different from any other league. And with the huge fucking benches there won't be anyone to pick up on bye weeks like there normally would so guessing on two defenses, kickers will be lots of fun. I want nothing to do with this but all girl's family side. Ugh.
So commissioners daughter asked "what's a waiver wire" today. I have no way to predict the way this draft is going to go. I'm assuming it's going to go pretty close to the ESPN projections which has lots of things that are a bit off for me. I've got the 6th, 11th, 22nd, 27th picks.

I'm seriously considering taking Peyton Manning at 6 (6pts a TD) and then Jimmy Graham or one of the top 2 WRs at 11.

*Thinking top 10 will include at least these 8*
leaving Graham, Calvin, or Demaryius at 11... I also think that more QBs will go quick after Manning/Rodgers are gone as people think they need QBs. Cobb and Jordy will definitely be gone before my 3rd round pick with all Packer fans.

With pick 22 and 27 I think I could get two out of four of Montee Ball, Giovani Bernard, Andre Ellington (ranked 46 on espn) and Reggie Bush.

At 38/43 grab a Spiller/Gore RB and either my 1st/2nd WR (Roddy, Victor, DeSean).

7th round I might grab Seattle defense ;) - based on the scoring projections it's projected about 20% better than the 2nd defense and to score as much as a top tier RB.

We'll have to see how strange it gets. May just stick to normal 3 RB/1 WR in first 4 rounds.
With what you're facing in competition, I think you may be much better served just gobbling up as many RBs and WRs in the first 6 or so rounds as you can. You can get a QB much later on that will do you just fine, especially if you're going to be loaded at the RB and WR position.
In my first post I said I may decide to just not start a defense each week if they were going to get me negative points. Based on the points that you showed (without the negative points for bad yardage), there were 9 teams that had 180+ points. Even if you take 5pts for bad yardage on 8 weeks that still equals 180 points - 40 for bad yardage = 140 points over 17 weeks. So the 9th ranked defense was still worth about 8 points a week. So with the different rules it wouldn't make sense for me to just sit a defense each week/ignore the position.

Trying to figure out how I want to handle it besides just grabbing a defense with one of my last two picks (especially when we have something like 11 bench slots).

I get what you meant now about the defense, but I just figured that you had to start a defense. In most every league, if you don't have a complete lineup, you just get a 0 for that week (overall, for your entire team) due to an incomplete lineup. I wouldn't count on being able to not start a defense.
With what you're facing in competition, I think you may be much better served just gobbling up as many RBs and WRs in the first 6 or so rounds as you can. You can get a QB much later on that will do you just fine, especially if you're going to be loaded at the RB and WR position.

I agree with that to some extent. Obviously need to see how things play out. My concern is that if I don't get one of the top 3, skip a run of QBs with other teams filling things out that there will be another stretch with teams grabbing a 2nd/3rd QB. That would still leave me someone in the 15-20 range to consider but that's kind of concerning.

I feel as if I'd have a better chance of grabbing upcoming RB/WRs than I do QBs.
I get what you meant now about the defense, but I just figured that you had to start a defense. In most every league, if you don't have a complete lineup, you just get a 0 for that week (overall, for your entire team) due to an incomplete lineup. I wouldn't count on being able to not start a defense.

That's a new one for me. I've never seen that in an ESPN/Yahoo league and didn't know that was even an option. In my prior leagues there's weeks where I skipped on a kicker/defense/te because I didn't want to cut a bench player for a weekly pickup.
That's a new one for me. I've never seen that in an ESPN/Yahoo league and didn't know that was even an option. In my prior leagues there's weeks where I skipped on a kicker/defense/te because I didn't want to cut a bench player for a weekly pickup.

You skipped on a kicker/defense/te, but most likely just left the guy in there who was on a bye. Unless you have a defense who is on a bye, I've never seen it where you can just leave a position empty and not get charged with an illegal lineup. I have only used CBS though, so maybe it's just a CBS thing....I have been in a Yahoo league or two in the past, and I'm pretty sure you needed to have every position filled, but I certainly could be wrong. For CBS leagues, you definitely need to have every position filled, good thing you're not in a CBS league I guess.
Fwiw, everything I've read about playing against lesser competition is go qb early. The idea is u will get the best of them late anyway so take the qb they want early
I just beat my head into my hands enough to give myself a headache over this email sent out by the league commish, "You will have 24 players on your roster as noted below. Each week you will start 9 players. You will start 1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 PK and 1 Defense and 1 Flex player. When drafting you want to make sure you fill these positions first. Technically you don’t have to, but….."

Commish just told people to take a kicker and defense in round 8 or 9. unbelievable.
And if a cluster fuck of a league couldn't get worse Shaker's dad convinced the commish to have all 8 fucking teams make the playoffs with the playoffs starting in week 15. So I could go 14-0 and get the #1 seed and then play the 8th seed in week 15. Even if I get to championship game it's week 17 for one week (not a two week combined). That will likely eliminate me considering Peyton early or even Jimmy Graham as I think both those two teams will have their divisions locked up by then.
Has to be the worst run fantasy league in the history of fantasy football. Having it be in 2014 is quite impressive though, with all of the years fantasy has been around, for the worst run league ever to occur now is just damn impressive. You should chronicle the league somehow...write an article including videos from draft, copies of emails, etc.
Enjoyed the read.
Fondy, why not offer to set up the league since you seem to be the only guy to play fantasy before?
Or don't you want the headache?
I am going to bet Peyton Manning goes 1 in that draft.
All teams make playoffs? You need to stop that asap.
Enjoyed the read.
Fondy, why not offer to set up the league since you seem to be the only guy to play fantasy before?
Or don't you want the headache?
I am going to bet Peyton Manning goes 1 in that draft.
All teams make playoffs? You need to stop that asap.

Commish keeps asking for suggestions... he's taking the suggestions from everyone else and trying to incorporate them but when I give my feedback it's "we'll keep things as they are" and "we all have a learning curve." Really pissing me off as he isn't listening to what I have to say. I wanted to bail but I can't. League involves my girlfriend's family. Her dad, brother, two uncles (sharing a team) and three cousins (of which two of them are mid-20 year old girls that don't follow sports and their brother) and then one of the girl's boyfriends (only one that I'm assuming is competent).

Rules changed again btw. Back down to 6 of the 8 teams making the playoffs for playoffs in week 14, 15, 16. The commish's son talked him out of playing week 17 this evening even after he blew me off last week.

(start of rambling)
I'm really hoping Peyton and/or Rodgers goes in top 5. I want one of the top 4 RBs and would be okay with Lacy at 6. Grab another RB, Graham, or top WR at 11 pending how stupid things get.

Going to treat things as I normally would with this league otherwise. Assuming there will be Def/K taken in round 8 or 9 (of the 8 team draft) so teams can "fill their starters." The way I figure it is if even if all the other teams take 2 of each before I draft one in the last two rounds I still have about half the league to choose from.

Would rather draft a Bishop Sankey (72nd ranked in ESPN) or a Shane Vereen (66th) in those rounds. Also figure that many will be drafting the next best player per ESPN so trying to incorporate guys in my early to mid-rounds who ESPN has lower ranked but I consider better value. Ellington is 46th, Gerhart 52, the two RBs above I think I can all get later that I like. Part of me wants to see if I can get a Montee Ball (ranked 25th) or Giovani Bernard (ranked 26) in round 3 at pick 22.

I also don't see much of a difference from say Vernon Davis (50th) and Jordan Cameron (96th) but ESPN sure does. Even if I wait Pitta is the 8th ranked, Ertz is rated 194 overall on ESPN, Jordan reed at 146. Think I can get some value on some of those guys. Mid range QB guys I personally like such as Matt Ryan, Jay Cutler, and Philip Rivers aren't even in the top 10 of ESPN QBs. Grab two of those three or a Foles (8th ranked) or Kapernick (9th) and I'm fine there.

Probably going to stash Josh Gordon with the roster size I have too. Be interesting to see if the make me draft a kicker/defense.
Draft is tonight. Bench size was changed back to a normal number (from 15 to 7) so all my work getting end round guys for this league was for waste with only 128 guys being drafted now. Probably will take a few less risks now up early. Also, changed the tiebreaker from total points scored to head to head record (sigh).
Trying to troll the league with a facebook post talking about how QB heavy the league is and with having the 6th pick do I want to draft Stafford if Brees, Manning and Rodgers is gone. Hopefully I can get someone to take a QB in top 5 if they weren't already going to.
Free Agents

RB: Pierre Thomas, Fred Jackson, Bernard Pierce, Darren Sproles, Terrance West... and all the handcuffs Carlos Hyde, Knile Davis, Lance Dunbar, etc.

WR: Kendall Wright, DeAndre Hopkins, Dwayne Bowe, Justin Hunter, Brandin Cooks, etc

TE: Antonio Gates/Ladarius Green, Charles Clay, Heath Miller, Tyler Eifert, Coby Fleener, Jared Cook

QB: Tony Romo, Eli Manning, Andy Dalton, Carson Palmer, Alex Smith, Joe Flacco, Ryan Tannehill, etc

Wanted to check those names out first as I lost track of who was being taken at some of those spots as the rounds were flying by once I felt I reached my max at the spots.
1st Round (Highlighted my team)
1 Aaron Rodgers, GB QB
2 Eddie Lacy, GB RB
3 Jamaal Charles, KC RB
4 LeSean McCoy, Phi RB
5 Marshawn Lynch, Sea RB
6 Adrian Peterson, Min RB

7 Peyton Manning, Den QB
8 Matt Forte, Chi RB

Decide between Peterson and Forte. Went with Peterson, but I'm not comfortable with him staying healthy. Couldn't believe Rodgers and Lynch went in top 5. Steal at 8.

2nd Round
9 Calvin Johnson, Det WR
10 Arian Foster, Hou RB
11 Demaryius Thomas, Den WR
12 Jimmy Graham, NO TE
13 A.J. Green, Cin WR
14 Dez Bryant, Dal WR
15 Drew Brees, NO QB
16 Reggie Bush, Det RB

Making the decision between Demaryius and Graham was tough. In retrospect I'm okay with the decision as I got a TE I wanted but there's more drop off between TEs than what I think I would have had between Demaryius and WRs available when I took my TE.

17 Brandon Marshall, Chi WR
18 Julio Jones, Atl WR
19 Jordy Nelson, GB WR
20 Alshon Jeffery, Chi WR
21 Alfred Morris, Wsh RB
22 Montee Ball, Den RB
23 Doug Martin, TB RB
24 Randall Cobb, GB WR

I was really hoping for Ball or Giovani Bernard available at 22. Having my choice of those two plus DeMarco Murray was a tough one.

25 Giovani Bernard, Cin RB
26 Antonio Brown, Pit WR
27 DeMarco Murray, Dal RB
28 Larry Fitzgerald, Ari WR
29 Zac Stacy, StL RB
30 Le'Veon Bell, Pit RB
31 Andre Johnson, Hou WR
32 Ben Tate, Cle RB

Decided to take my flex in Murray. Would have taken Bernard over Murray I think.

33 Julius Thomas, Den TE
34 Roddy White, Atl WR
35 Rob Gronkowski, NE TE
36 Percy Harvin, Sea WR
37 Vincent Jackson, TB WR
38 Andre Ellington, Ari RB
39 Keenan Allen, SD WR
40 Ryan Mathews, SD RB

Decided to spoil myself a bit and take a bench player in round 5 (4th RB) in Ellington. Probably could have waited another round or two on him and grabbed a 2nd WR.

41 C.J. Spiller, Buf RB
42 Frank Gore, SF RB
43 Victor Cruz, NYG WR
44 Matthew Stafford, Det QB
45 Vernon Davis, SF TE
46 Michael Crabtree, SF WR
47 Ray Rice, Bal RB
48 DeSean Jackson, Wsh WR

I had less than a minute between my 5th and 6th round pick. Was scrambling a bit for a WR at that time. Cruz at 43 is okay value in my opinion, but not someone I am particularly high on.

49 T.Y. Hilton, Ind WR
50 Jason Witten, Dal TE
51 Toby Gerhart, Jac RB
52 Jeremy Maclin, Phi WR
53 Stevan Ridley, NE RB
54 Cordarrelle Patterson, Min WR
55 Trent Richardson, Ind RB
56 Andrew Luck, Ind QB

Wanted to take my 3rd WR/2nd bench player with upside. Would probably have grabbed Luck with 54 and confident I'd have gotten Patterson at 59.

57 Pierre Garcon, Wsh WR
58 Rashad Jennings, NYG RB
59 Shane Vereen, NE RB
60 Robert Griffin III, Wsh QB
61 Colin Kaepernick, SF QB
62 Julian Edelman, NE WR
63 Jay Cutler, Chi QB
64 Seahawks D/ST D/ST

Wasn't expecting the QB run or Seahawks defense going there. Vereen as my 5th RB/3rd bench player over Seahawks defense might be something I end up regretting with this defense heavy league.

65 Emmanuel Sanders, Den WR
66 Steven Jackson, Atl RB
67 Bishop Sankey, Ten RB
68 Anquan Boldin, SF WR
69 Steve Smith, Bal WR
70 Jordan Cameron, Cle TE
71 Torrey Smith, Bal WR
72 Michael Floyd, Ari WR

Felt there was a drop off on TEs after Cameron and he was top available TE available per ESPN default so someone would have grabbed him before my next pick.

73 Terrance Williams, Dal WR
74 Dennis Pitta, Bal TE
75 Golden Tate, Det WR
76 Zach Ertz, Phi TE
77 Maurice Jones-Drew, Oak RB
78 Sammy Watkins, Buf WR
79 Reggie Wayne, Ind WR
80 Knowshon Moreno, Mia RB

Pick 72/73 were solid. Wanted another possible breakout WR with Tate (4th WR/4th bench). Not a huge fan of anything in these middle rounds from any of the teams really.

81 Eric Decker, NYJ WR
82 Justin Tucker, Bal K
83 Nick Foles, Phi QB
84 Danny Amendola, NE WR
85 Mike Evans, TB WR
86 Matt Ryan, Atl QB
87 Mike Wallace, Mia WR
88 Khiry Robinson, NO RB

Got the QB I wanted, but passed up some potential higher guys. I think I'd have taken Foles over Ryan if he was still there.

89 Jordan Reed, Wsh TE
90 Panthers D/ST D/ST
91 Joique Bell, Det RB
92 Broncos D/ST D/ST
93 Greg Olsen, Car TE
94 Chris Johnson, NYJ RB
95 Kyle Rudolph, Min TE
96 DeAngelo Williams, Car RB

Interested in seeing how the offensive changes do to Bell's numbers and had to pull the trigger even if he was my 6th RB/5th bench guy. Some depth at RB going here

97 Martellus Bennett, Chi TE
98 49ers D/ST D/ST
99 Marques Colston, NO WR
100 Jeremy Hill, Cin RB
101 Mason Crosby, GB K
102 Cam Newton, Car QB
103 Danny Woodhead, SD RB
104 Packers D/ST D/ST

I was debating what I wanted to do here and just felt Cam had too much value even with the broken ribs. QB2/Bench 6

105 Josh Gordon, Cle WR
106 Tom Brady, NE QB
107 Lamar Miller, Mia RB
108 Devonta Freeman, Atl RB
109 Russell Wilson, Sea QB
110 Cecil Shorts, Jac WR
111 Riley Cooper, Phi WR
112 Stephen Gostkowski, NE K

Would have taken Josh Gordon here. RB7/bench 7

113 Greg Jennings, Min WR
114 Steven Hauschka, Sea K
115 Patriots D/ST D/ST
116 Chiefs D/ST D/ST
117 Wes Welker, Den WR
118 Phil Dawson, SF K
119 Delanie Walker, Ten TE
120 Adam Vinatieri, Ind K

121 Ben Roethlisberger, Pit QB
122 Nick Novak, SD K
123 Rams D/ST D/ST
124 Philip Rivers, SD QB
125 Blair Walsh, Min K
126 Dan Bailey, Dal K
127 James Jones, Oak WR
128 Johnny Manziel, Cle QB

My Full Team
6 Adrian Peterson, Min RB
11 Demaryius Thomas, Den WR
22 Montee Ball, Den RB
27 DeMarco Murray, Dal RB
38 Andre Ellington, Ari RB
43 Victor Cruz, NYG WR
54 Cordarrelle Patterson, Min WR
59 Shane Vereen, NE RB
70 Jordan Cameron, Cle TE
75 Golden Tate, Det WR
86 Matt Ryan, Atl QB
91 Joique Bell, Det RB
102 Cam Newton, Car QB
107 Lamar Miller, Mia RB
118 Phil Dawson, SF K
123 Rams D/ST D/ST
My team vs. Challenging team
QB: Matt Ryan < Andrew Luck
RB: Adrian Peterson = Matt Forte
RB: Monte Ball = Giovani Bernard
WR: Demaryius Thomas = Calvin Johnson
WR: Victor Cruz < Randall Cobb
TE: Jordan Cameron > Jordan Reed
Flex: DeMarco Murray > Ryan Mathews
K: Phil Dawson = Adam Vinatieri
Def: Rams <? Packers

His bench
C.J. Spiller, Buf RB
Khiry Robinson, NO RB
Terrance Williams, Dal WR
Pierre Garcon, Wsh WR
Michael Floyd, Ari WR
Josh Gordon, Cle WR
Ben Roethlisberger, Pit QB

My bench
Andre Ellington, Ari RB
Shane Vereen, NE RB
Lamar Miller, Mia RB
Joique Bell, Det RB
Cordarrelle Patterson, Min WR
Golden Tate, Det WR
Cam Newton, Car QB

I like my bench a bit better, but if he has Josh Gordon for the playoffs I like his team a tad bit better as of right now. Hopefully I can trade two of my depth RB for a starting WR over Cruz.
Nah. Aaron Rodgers went #1. Eddie Lacy #2.

My bad. I should have looked and saw your location. I would have then guessed Rodgers #1. Since your league is all fantasy newbies from Wisconsin area, they want the guys from their fave team!
I really hate this league. My opponent this morning dropped the Carolina defense to pick up the Bills... Bills of course get a defensive TD and haven't allowed a TD yet.
Who should I pick up out of Knile Davis, Donald Brown, Khiry Robinson and Ahmad Bradshaw?

Going to cut Delanie Walker for one of them (and likely keep Jordan Cameron or attempt to pick up Antonio Gates). Would you cut Victor Cruz, Shane Vereen, or Golden Tate for more than one?
Who should I pick up out of Knile Davis, Donald Brown, Khiry Robinson and Ahmad Bradshaw?

Going to cut Delanie Walker for one of them (and likely keep Jordan Cameron or attempt to pick up Antonio Gates). Would you cut Victor Cruz, Shane Vereen, or Golden Tate for more than one?

Only one with long term value imo is Bradshaw although Davis could, but he's not worth cutting any of those guys you mentioned.
1. Davis
2. Bradshaw
3. Brown
4. Robinson

Also depends on your team needs. If you desperately need someone long term id go Bradshaw, personally.

Lastly, out of the guys listed I would cut delanie walker. He can go off, but will be a hit or miss guy IMO.
Missed the waiver wire. Thought it was 4:30am local time instead of 3:30. I used my #2 spot to get a new kicker! #winner

Ended up dropping AD to pick up Lamar Miller. With Moreno out I liked him the best (especially as I was the one who dropped Miller last week to get a starting TE in Walker). Bradshaw, Brown, Ivory, McFadden, and Asiata were all waiver wire pickups I missed out on. Davis and Robinson are still out there and I'll grab one or the other before kickoff. I sent out a ton of trade offers and I have people interested in Delanie Walker. Trying to swing him for an injured player like AJ Green or Jamaal Charles. I mean Walker is a superstar right? ;)
Missed the waiver wire. Thought it was 4:30am local time instead of 3:30. I used my #2 spot to get a new kicker! #winner

Ended up dropping AD to pick up Lamar Miller. With Moreno out I liked him the best (especially as I was the one who dropped Miller last week to get a starting TE in Walker). Bradshaw, Brown, Ivory, McFadden, and Asiata were all waiver wire pickups I missed out on. Davis and Robinson are still out there and I'll grab one or the other before kickoff. I sent out a ton of trade offers and I have people interested in Delanie Walker. Trying to swing him for an injured player like AJ Green or Jamaal Charles. I mean Walker is a superstar right? ;)
you sure you weren't the sucker in this league the whole time?
Well I'm going to get beat by the girlfriend's female cousin this week when I was predicted to double up her score.

She picked up Storm Johnson this morning and started him after dropping Zac Stacy. He got a luck b.s. touchdown at end of game when he didn't do anything until final five minutes. She started Jeremy Hill and his 1 pt at other RB spot, Alshon Jeffery at WR for 0 points. Still has Boldin and Vernon Davis tonight. She started Greg Olsen (TE) as her flex and got 10, Bills defense gets 12, Blair Walsh gets 13, fucking Russell Wilson in a loss gets 36. She has 79 points. Can't deal with the luck box of her TE, kicker, and defense getting 35 and her QB getting 36.

Browns fucking defense loses points at end of game for me. Ben Tate gets a massive 3 points, Jordan Cameron a goose egg, Sanu only got me 5, lucky to get 11 from Matt Ryan. I have 27 points.

Need 52 more points from DeMarco Murray, Andre Ellington, Demaryius Thomas and Dan Bailey than she gets from Boldin and Vernon. Already lost to the other female cousin in this league this season.

I'll kep whining and whining
Well I'm going to get beat by the girlfriend's female cousin this week when I was predicted to double up her score.

She picked up Storm Johnson this morning and started him after dropping Zac Stacy. He got a luck b.s. touchdown at end of game when he didn't do anything until final five minutes. She started Jeremy Hill and his 1 pt at other RB spot, Alshon Jeffery at WR for 0 points. Still has Boldin and Vernon Davis tonight. She started Greg Olsen (TE) as her flex and got 10, Bills defense gets 12, Blair Walsh gets 13, fucking Russell Wilson in a loss gets 36. She has 79 points. Can't deal with the luck box of her TE, kicker, and defense getting 35 and her QB getting 36.

Browns fucking defense loses points at end of game for me. Ben Tate gets a massive 3 points, Jordan Cameron a goose egg, Sanu only got me 5, lucky to get 11 from Matt Ryan. I have 27 points.

Need 52 more points from DeMarco Murray, Andre Ellington, Demaryius Thomas and Dan Bailey than she gets from Boldin and Vernon. Already lost to the other female cousin in this league this season.

I'll kep whining and whining

and my whining got me an 11 point win