Has Bob Stoops become Lloyd Carr?

M.R. Goode

Ohio St. deserves no BCS talk
Just like Carr, Stoops has had early success in his career but now losses games he should not lose every year and for the fourth consecutive year his team is not ready to play in a bowl game. Apparently you can't spell Stoops without two oh's.
What about his play calling? Would you have attempted an onside kick with a full quarter to go and only trailing by 1 score? Im still trying to figure that one out cause it cost him another 7 points.
I do not get the 2 pt conversion attempt. Yea I understand, make it a 3 point game but there were 6minutes left in the 3rd quarter and you just stopped them twice and scored twice. Keep it 20-16, the next TD would put you up 3. The onside kick call blew me away, way too early to do that and from there it was WV off to the races and all momentum gone. With all that said, WV played a hell of a game, Devine is a beast, White is a beast, their DL had a field day on OU, they were the faster team, and they played with alot of heart and emotion.

I think from now on, its an injustice to Pat White to say "Pat White/Steve Slaton" when talking about WV, it should just be "Pat White".
I do not get the 2 pt conversion attempt. Yea I understand, make it a 3 point game but there were 6minutes left in the 3rd quarter and you just stopped them twice and scored twice. Keep it 20-16, the next TD would put you up 3. The onside kick call blew me away, way too early to do that and from there it was WV off to the races and all momentum gone. With all that said, WV played a hell of a game, Devine is a beast, White is a beast, their DL had a field day on OU, they were the faster team, and they played with alot of heart and emotion.

I think from now on, its an injustice to Pat White to say "Pat White/Steve Slaton" when talking about WV, it should just be "Pat White".

i had oklahoma in a teaser ..... and while i agree that the onside kick call , and two point conversion attempt prior to that were both questionable calls .... west virginia was simply the better team last night.

As far as stoops goes .. have to think some of the luster has come off of this guy now.

And lets face it ... oklahoma is based on a culture of cheating .... so you also always have to be concerned about shadiness with this team ...more specifically ... shadiness in bowls. By the end of the year , these guys might owe a lot of favors.... especially to car lot owners
VK makes a very good point.

Also, I don't think he's becoming Carr as much as he's just drunk with power.

It's so obvious that he thinks he should never win a game by less than 20 let alone lose out right. When he gets down you can see it in his face, it just doesn't compute.

Sometimes this is a good thing, in that it can inspire your team to not give up.

But other times it turns into things like last night, where you're on-side kicking at precisely the wrong time because you think, 'who are they to stop me from doing whatever the hell I want.'

That shadiness aspect, though, that can never be overlooked.

Think about both of their last bowl games. They take what appears to be the first half off, then storm out in the second half.

Now, both times they lose outright, which I'm not saying was totally the plan, but I wouldn't be shocked to see that there was heavy money against OU in the first half of both of those games.
Joe are you saying the games are fixed in Oklahoma? Maybe that would explain the look of nervousness on STOOPS face, maybe he is another DONAHEY Nba ref. Perhaps the mob threatened to get his family if he did not tank the 1st half? I doubt it, but you never know, as it is strange his teams come out flat and then start moving it in the 2nd half.

Stoops can only coach one way- That is Fast fast fast, he needs to get up on a team by 7, then 14, then 21 really quickly. He plays one defense and when a team figures his D out he never adjusts to what they are doing because he is so scared of losing.

On offense he abandons the run as soon as they are down by 7 and starts throwing on every down. He also has all pass patterns very deep, and if the O line cannnot protect, they give up INT's and sacks.

I mean how many coaches expect to win every game by 50? This guy is possibly the worst coach going these days. Have some composure. He would be better off next year to lay off the gas, and win games by 10 to 17 points instead of by 30+, then he expects to beat everyone by that total.
I'm saying VK has a good point. That program has always been shady. Hell, wasn't it just last year they had to throw their QB off the team for taking money from some car dealership?

I have ZERO information on this, this is simply coming out of my own conspiracy theory brain. And I don't mean to take away from what either Boise St. or WVU did, both those teams came out completely fired up and ready to play whereas OU didn't.

That said, be it Stoops or OU players or both, there is an extreme arrogance to that program. How tough would it be to say to either him or a couple of kids, 'hey, you're OU, you just crushed the Big XII--again--go easy in the first half of the bowl game, then turn it on, everybody can make out and you'll be taken care of.'

You're not asking someone to throw the game, not even close. You're asking them to conserve their energy for the second half, you're still suggesting they win the game.

It just so happens that in both cases, the team they were playing didn't lay down and they couldn't actually come back and win the game. But if you look at how flat they were in one half and how fired up they were in the other--and that it's a pattern now, well, conspiracy folks like me wonder about things like that.

And the grassy knoll. We spend a lot of time on the grassy knoll.
Sorry...but this thread is getting ridiculous if people are actually suggesting that a coach that makes millions a year is on any sort of take.

Hmmm...maybe OU didnt' look so good because they had 4 starters out, inc two that were scratched within the last 3 days. I had OU -7 last nite; I made a mistake by not hedging out of it when I found out WR Kelly was a likely scratch. I'm over it. End of story.
Sorry...but this thread is getting ridiculous if people are actually suggesting that a coach that makes millions a year is on any sort of take.

Again, I'm not saying it happened, but stick with me on this for a sec, Horses.

Bob Stoops is The Man in Oklahoma. He gets paid a ton of money, can pretty much do whatever he wants, no?

There's only one group he needs to keep happy. It's not his players, it's not the OU board, it's the boosters. It's the people who pour tons of money into 'his' program because of what he does.

Again, it's not as if the connections between this program and these influences is something we need to speculate on. There is a history of influence with this program dating back to as recently as last season.

I'm not saying anybody says to Stoops, 'hey, throw this bowl game.' Not at all. I'm just saying they suggest, be it to him, or some of these other players they have access to that maybe they take it easy to start the game then turn it on later.

After all, it's not as if OU doesn't have a history of pouring it on in the second half.

Again, I'm not saying it happened, I'm just saying I'd be interested to know if there was considerably more money wagered on the first half of this year's and last year's OU bowl game than other first halves. Maybe it was no different, and as you said, OU was missing some guys. As I said, both WVU and Boise St. came out fired up and ready to play.

And both WVU and Boise St. deserved to win the game. Don't hear me saying otherwise.

So maybe there's nothing there at all. However, given the history of this program, I don't think they're above the speculation.
I see what you're saying now, JoeP and it makes better sense. I still say its a stretch to even think Stoops would listen to the boosters regarding such tactics but the players are an entirely different animal.

Yes, we can speculate (all we want); no doubt OU has come out soft in most bowls recently, and it would be interesting to see the 1st half money in these games. Question is why wait for such a high profile bowl game to engage in such activity; OU is favored by large numbers every year during the regular season in at least a few games; these games are lower profile and seemingly easier (to do whatever it is you are speculating they might be doing).
And whats up with Bradford falling to the ground when a rusher tapped him on the shoulder? :36_11_6: Sorry, not trying to add fuel to the fire :liar:
I wasn't saying that oklahoma "took a dive" in the game. Just saying you have to consider shadiness when betting a program like oklahoma in a bowl game.

west virginia obviously cared moe about the game. they were emotional to the point where several players cried during the game and several more cried after the game. I absolutely donot want totake away from the mountaineers with my comment above. they played a great game and deserved to win.

i am just saying that you need to take these things into consideration before placing your bet... whatever weight you want to give it, if any.

BUT if you are not handicapping for bad officiating for the oakland raiders or great officiating for the new england patriots.... then you have not factored in everything you need to in order to make the proper line.

Same goes for college football and the sahdy teams. You should be worried about teams from florida , arizona state , oklahoma , etc etc.. anywhere that has a history of cheating or shadiness. I know a lot of cappers in here believed that colorado state was a "shady" team this year and that they factored that in as the season wore on.


I am just saying .... by the end of the year , players paid money for work they never do ... may owe favors. That happens at the universities with cheating histories.
I agree with Vegas K and STOOPS, it is possible cheating goes on. This is my theory on what happened to OU.

THe mob kidnapped Bob STOOPS before the game yesterday, and brought him to the labratory where they did a facial transplant onto Tim Donahey, who then became Bob STOOPS, much like in the movie FACEOFF.

That is why BOB STOOPS(Tim DONAHEY) looked so nervous and uptight, his face looked really tight, because of the facial transplant.

Sam Bradford was not Sam Bradford it was RYan Leaf dressed in BRadord's uniform. WHo says the mob isn't advancing with their techniques.
I agree with Vegas K and STOOPS, it is possible cheating goes on. This is my theory on what happened to OU.

THe mob kidnapped Bob STOOPS before the game yesterday, and brought him to the labratory where they did a facial transplant onto Tim Donahey, who then became Bob STOOPS, much like in the movie FACEOFF.

That is why BOB STOOPS(Tim DONAHEY) looked so nervous and uptight, his face looked really tight, because of the facial transplant.

Sam Bradford was not Sam Bradford it was RYan Leaf dressed in BRadord's uniform. WHo says the mob isn't advancing with their techniques.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.
BUT if you are not handicapping for bad officiating for the oakland raiders or great officiating for the new england patriots.... then you have not factored in everything you need to in order to make the proper line.

That's a very interesting comment.
BUT if you are not handicapping for bad officiating for the oakland raiders or great officiating for the new england patriots.... then you have not factored in everything you need to in order to make the proper line.

That's a very interesting comment.

Nooo, its an insane comment and I'm not even going to try and explain myself here. :prayer
Not factoring in officiating for raider games or patriot games would be like not factoring in officiating at cameron indoor. This is not a conspiracy theory ... if you are not factoring in bad officiating for the oakland raiders or good officiating for the new england patriots then you have not factored everything you need in order to create the proper line. Fail to see the argument against this.
BUT if you are not handicapping for bad officiating for the oakland raiders or great officiating for the new england patriots.... then you have not factored in everything you need to in order to make the proper line.


You can add the Florida Gators football team to this officiating conspiracy. They will almost always get the key or borderline call. The 90's Braves were notorious for getting pitches 9 inches off the plate for strikes in the regular season. It was much more difficult to get those calls in the postseason which is one of several reasons they didn't win more championships. It's true about the Cheatriots as well, if you really pay attention to the game you will see it.