Has anyone heard from Mr Bloodhound?

Just checked my emails and I got an update a few days ago from Mr Hound. He's getting his blood filtered to get ready for chemo.

He's going through quite a bit right now, I know he will get through these difficult times
best wishes for our friend Mr. Bloodhound from Croatia...

I've been reading this forum for a long time.
Not so active in writing, but I'm here and I appreciate every post from you guys.
They've been helpful, bloodhound's especially...

In times like this, support of the people around you means a lot, even from "some online guy" you gamble along with...
just good to know someone wishes you well... I know it by my example

so hound, good luck and all the best!
Very active cfb forum right now. Do not want this to get lost in the shuffle.

Show Blood some love gang and those that are the praying sort give a shout out to whoever it is you shout out to.
prayer delivered to the big man ... hope you get better soon, appreciate all the time you've put in at CTG ... BOL Blood ... :shake:
Lots of support around here blood, head up buddy. Can't wait to have you back better than ever.
thanks guys, I certainly appreciate the thoughts, they all mean a great deal to me doing this fight

looks like they will have my blood cleaned up by next tues and then start some chemo while here in the hospital and see how i tolerate it
hope to be home late next wk

thanks again

win some for me

Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Just know there are people here that care about you even if we are complete strangers in physical form. We aren't strangers in the sense of community and in the heart.
blood I wish you all the best and I have full confidence that you will fight like hell to beat this. When I used to do the MLB contest every year you would always be in dead last (sorry lol) , but you would never give up. You always posted your plays every single day despite having no prayer to win it. Finally I believe you won it or came very close to winning. You certainly have a never give up attitude and I'm sure you'll take that into this fight.

Ticket I wish you all the best as well.
Damn Blood, I didn't know. Keep fighting my friend, you can beat this. You've always been one of my favorite posters and want you to continue educating us kids. Prayers your way. Cancer sucks but it's beatable. It's a mental battle as well. We will be here to give you all of the emotional ammunition you need. From one old fart to another.....we are fighters, we NEVER quit. Keep swinging that bat and make it home my friend!!
Blood...Ticket...HUNT nailed it when he said you've always got a "family" here keeping you in our thoughts...everyone is rooting for you both in your fights...but on your days where you feel you don't have the strength to fight, just know that everyone here is here to help you push through those days if and when you need an avenue to share your thoughts. Prayers and positive thoughts will always be in your corner around these parts, guys. Stay strong and know you're not alone. Good health wishes to you both.
Just keep fighting blood as everyone is saying. Everyone here knows you have what it takes to beat this and we are all sending good wishes

thanks all of my friends
after 7straight blood exchanges and filtering, i get my 1st chem 'cocktail' today. initially a total of 4 a wks apart

for those that are keeping up with this, i have something called

Waldenström macroglobulinemia which is a subtype of lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, is a rare, indolent B-cell lymphoma that occurs in less than two percent of patients with NHL. There are about 1,800 new cases of Waldenström macroglobulinemia diagnosed each year in the United States. The disease usually affects older adults and is primarily found in the bone marrow, although lymph nodes and the spleen may be involved. Lymphoma cells in the bone marrow grow and block normal cells, making it difficult for the bone marrow to produce normal amounts of red and white blood cells.
Patients with Waldenström macroglobulinemia have a high level of a protein called immunoglobulin M (IgM) in their blood. High levels of IgM can cause hyperviscosity (thickening of the blood). Therefore the heart can not pump sufficient blood to body parts
Waldenström macroglobulinemia is an incurable disease, it is treatable

so we will see

Thanks again for all of ur thoughts

So glad you feel up to replying, fight this fight everyday. I know it seems like an endless road ahead but their is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You're in my daily thoughts & prayers. God bless you Mr Hound
thank you for the update, Blood. always have you in my thoughts, and wishing for the best possible outcome

Keep fighting the fight. We are all pulling for you.

If it's ok with you, I am running two NFL Survivor pools (info posted in Web promotion section here) and typically 15-20% is donated to charity. I am going to include the International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation in Sarasota, Florida to the list of charities we will include. It won't be a huge donation, but it will be a nice to support what you are dealing with.

GOOD LUCK and I assume that will be OK with you.
Blood - Thanks for the update and my thoughts, prayers and good wishes go out to you and Tracey as you fight this disease. I know how much you appreciate all the good things in life including family, friends, and our passion for sports. It's my sincere hope that your treatment will help you to continue to enjoy all these great things in life. All the best my friend!
Brother Blood! Please know that you have some good folks deep in the Heart of Texas thinking and praying for you. Hang in there Brother, look forward to you being back in due time.
Brother Blood! Please know that you have some good folks deep in the Heart of Texas thinking and praying for you. Hang in there Brother, look forward to you being back in due time.

I second that.

I am also fighting the cancer beast. You are in my thoughts. It is a very tough road. Hope you have a strong prognosis and attitude. Good luck to you

Thinking of you too Ticketwindow.

This thread just makes me stop and think what really matters in life and to not take my blessed health for granted.
I wish you both the best in your fight against cancer. Keep up the good fight guys. We are all pulling for you.
Blood, S. And I are thinking of T. and you. You will catch a winner on the river, I am convinced. All the best mate. Raise/Dexter
Feel bad for jumping in blood's thread but feel it would be remiss if I didn't thank everyone for their well wishes. Cancer fucking sucks and not fun. I do look forward to coming to this site everyday and reading everyone's thoughts. Sports and the ability to make a wager are two things I really enjoy and is a small help to get me through each day on my road to recovery. Thanks again guys
Had some chemo dealings with my wife recently. When getting treatment pack hands and feet in ice wraps. Will help down the road with nueropy. It's all you getting thru this not a team sport. You got this.
Thanks guys. U will never know who much ur well wishes mean to the ole hound. appreciate the suggestions and will try them all.
The doctors gave me three options on how we wanted to attack this type of cancer that I have, basically, shot term, medium or long term and drag it out with varying degrees of side effects, but always with those dreaded side effects. I said lets hit it hard to start with and see what happens....well, after two treatments i am feeling all of the sever side effects and having 2nd thoughts on my initial decision....the major prob is my body doesnt have time to recover in between the weekly treatments before being hit again....I have at least two, maybe six more (depending on blood work) treatments and then we sit back for 3 months and let my body recover and take another series of test and see where we are.

Thank U again my friends
