Happy New Year- still rolling


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
Bowl record

ATS, 6-1, +10700
HT, 4-1, +4050
ML Dog, 1-0, +2400
Totals 0-2, -4100
Hedging 1-1, -200
Tease 0-1, -2200

Total, 12-6, +10650

* Counted hedging on BC game as a win and a loss

Shaping up well. Hit both ATS's yesterday and love today. Be around all day but no time for write ups just yet. Running hard

Tn -2.5, -110 4 units; 2200-2000 WIN
Mizzou -3 , -115, 6 units 3450-3000..Love this one WIN


Mizzou 1H -1.5, -130, 2 units; 1300-1000 WIN
TTech -6.5, -110, 4units; 2200-2000 LOSS
Mich +10.5, -110, 4 untis; 1100-1000 WIN
TT 2H -4.5, -125; 2 units 1250-1000 WIN
Ill +14, -115, 4 units; 2300-2000. LOSS
Ill. over 21.5 2H, -130 4 units; 2600-2000. WIN
Haw. +8.5, -110, 4 units; 2200-2000
Haw 2H +6, +100, 4 units; 2000-2000.

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GL all . hope to keep it rolling​
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With you on both bud. Have a very happy New Year. Looks like we're gonna get a cold start to the year here in Florida for a change. Predicted forecast 32 degrees. Thats damn cold in Florida... haha

TTech -6.5, -110, 4units; 2200-2000
Mich +10.5, -110, 4 untis; 1100-1000

Quick thoughts:

Sorry I haven't been around much today to add color to my selections. Hectic.

TTech- this is the kind of game Vir is not going to feel very comfortable in. Similar to Mizzou/Ark IMO.. Tech can get to 40 or more and Vir can not.

Mich- Too many points. Florida did lose 3 games, right? And had several other single digit wins. No way you can lay DD here and feel confident.
Mizzou in an easy one. picked up 8 units on that game.

8-1 now on game ATS in the Bowl season:smiley_acbe:

working up late games now..:cheers:

Ill +14, -115, 4 units; 2300-2000.

Give them a shot to win the game SU, gladly take the points.

Illinois' one bad loss was to Iowa in a classic let down spot.. When they have been focused they are very effective. This will be a battle. How can you not like the points? May add.. Good day going.

Have an unposted parlay going also with only Michigan left at the back end:prayer
Tailed on Illini. You better win. :)

might have been my only real bad read of the day bro.. Wish I would have tailed you on Clemson in CBB.... Ill st in CBB is a 6 uniter for me this evening...

Illinois might have a backdoor cover in their plans but they are going to have tough going now.. Had their chances with turnovers in the 1H but did not capitalize..
Maybe so.

Illini gettin rolled and it's going to continue my friend, I'm sorry. Do yourself a favor and make your money back with USC and Under 2nd H.
Tell me about S.Illy.

Other than their D, what makes you want to lay it here?

In the wrong forum but maybe the mods will give me some latitude.

WSU is short handed-- 2 starters out tonight. Matt Braeuer, the starting senior point guard is out with a concussion. Ramon Clemente, the starting power forward is also out with a broken finger. Braeuer is particularily significant . Ill St should have a big advantage inside and they are on a roll. Think they will contend for MVC title... 6 units for me on it.. Got smoked a couple times lately in CBB so tread lightly with my thoughts.:cheers:
Holly F*&ck.. Over 21.5.. Thought they would make it over 24.. Juice will make plays in the 2H that will help both teams..

add: ILLover 21.5 2H, -130 4 units; 2600-2000.
Should have listened to myself. USC totally outclassed them, but I backed off.

2H over was easy and allowed an easy hedge out of the bet for me... To be honest, if Ill does not fumble twice in the red zone in the 2H the Ill game bet would have been in very good shape.. I'll take a wash minus juice on this game.. move on:cheers:.

Added the Ill st ML in CBB for 4 units so I have a total of 10 units on that bitch..:seeya:

I am playing Hawaii but waiting until gametime as it is climbing.. Hope to get 9 or maybe even the ability to buy it to 10..

Haw. + X, -X, 4 units; X to win 2000.

A team that can score is always attractive to me when I can get TD+
Misread a couple today late and Hawaii was the worse read.. Illinois actually would have been in the game without the redzone turnovers.. Hawaii has no chance.. Still up over 8 units on the day:smiley_acbe:
Yeah, its getting ugly for Hawaii but it aint over till the fat lady sings. I also would have never in a million years thought that Florida would lose outright to Michigan. Crazy shit happening this bowl season. I'll end up 4-2 today with a Hawaii loss but im not giving up yet. :tiphat:
Guys, I was ready to go to bed and had no intention to bet this 2H and figured it would be near a pk.. +6? at Plus juice? can't resist.. tail with caution guys as I really don't like Hawaii but this is too good to pass up..


Haw 2H +6, +100, 4 units; 2000-2000.
You are on fire, I was on the same picks as you, I shoudl have kept taking the same as you, I hit some, but not as good as you!

WHo you liking tomorrow, we will be on the same page again.