Handy's Friday post and run


Pretty much a regular
Hi there,

Since it's quite often the case that what I post creates contrevesary I'm simply going to post a thread and not respond. You can agree, disagree, get upset or just laugh and think I'm a fool. I don't care but I'm not engaging in any conversation after the post. So if you're looking for a forum fight find someone else. I'm not sure I will even be around to read your response. I'm just going to give you the Handyland Friday sports forecast.

Here we go:

Detroit at Toronto - Toronto still needs to keep winning. Detroit needs to make sure they stay healthy. They're the #1 seed. Toronto can still keep hopes alive for catching Cleveland and Chicago as long as they keep winning. I would expect them to win tonight and probably by a large margin.

Milwaukee at Boston - I'm not going near this game. I have not a clue what will happen. I'm pretty sure one more Boston loss locks up the second worse record in the league.

Knicks at Nets - The Nets need to win. That's all I can say. I wouldn't bet on the Knicks who have clearly packed it in.

Washington at Atlanta - I have no idea what to make of this one either. Perhaps the Wizards are going to win just to get a win under their belt as they've struggled mightily without Gilbert and Caron.

Indiana at Miami - I like the Pacers to win this game. The Heat's Easter Sunday loss at home to the Bobcats pretty much sealed their fate as the 4 seed in the East. I believe they're not really interested in winning these games. If they do they do but staying healthy and getting Wade in some sort of shape is their goal. It just looks like Riley doesn't care about these games right now. I would take the points and the ML and take my chances with Indy.

Denver at New Orleans - This is another game which Denver clearly has nothing to play for. Yeah, they're not locked into the 6th seed for sure. At least I don't think so but they really are. Too many things would have to happen for their playoff position to change. That being said it's the Hornets last ever home game in Oklahoma City so don't be surprised if they're actually up for this game. I don't care what George Karl says I don't believe Iverson and Anthony are going to log big minutes in their remaining games. That strategy makes little sense. This year has been the year of major injuries. I think New Orleans might be worth a shot. Don't be surprised if the line creeps up on N.O.

San Antonio at Minnesota - The Spurs win. I have no idea by how many but they will win to keep the pressure on the Suns to keep winning.

Utah at Dallas - This finally might be a game the Jazz can win. The line will be short on Dallas but I can't see the Mavs playing their starters too long in this one. The Jazz really need a win to get their confidence back.

Charlotte at Chicago - Well the Bulls need to win but one thing is clear the Bobcats haven't quit and they're interested in playing spoiler. I don't think they beat Chicago but they might hang around.

Golden State at SAc- In what's sure to be a big public bet on the Warriors I'm not sure they win this game. If Sac shows up they should be able to compete and win this game at home. That's a big if and there is no way I'm going to take the gamble on either club in this one.

Lakers at Phoenix - Well the Suns need to keep winning in order to stay in front of the Spurs for the 2 spot. Lakers are now in jeopardy of missing the playoffs if they don't probably win 2 of their last 3 games. I saw this situation coming a mile away. I laughed as so many of you were thinking the Lakers would purposely lose so they could play the Suns. Well I don't think so.

Portland at LAC - Well I would have to believe LAC will win but you never know. Teams in must win situations often come up short. Could this be a let down? Maybe but I doubt it.


If the Angels are getting change at Boston it's a very intriguing bet. The Angels are a nightmare for Wakefield. They get on base and just run. However, Lackey has struggled vs. Boston in the past but this Red Sox lineup is very different than the ones which have beat him in the past.

Well that's it. I'm done and I remind you I'm not commenting. There is a chance I will add more thoughts but I'm not responding to you. Not being mean but just don't need the drama.

Good luck


You can always PM me and we can chat there.
Golden State at SAc- In what's sure to be a big public bet on the Warriors I'm not sure they win this game. If Sac shows up they should be able to compete and win this game at home. That's a big if and there is no way I'm going to take the gamble on either club in this one.

Major injuries for Sacramento. Maybe just a 7 or 8 man rotation in this up tempo game.
Here is another thing to think about tonight.

Would it really surprise you if Shaq doesn't play tonight? I've been thinking about this game and how the Heat truly have more to lose than to gain. They're already down Payton for a few weeks which sounds like it could be the season. Remember he's old and doesn't heel as fast. The last think they need to do is put Shaq's health at risk in a meaningless game. Yes, it's important for their team chemistry to get Shaq and Wade once again playing together but at what potential expense? I just think Riley has decided these games don't mean shit down the stretch and he's going to treat them like that at least in the fourth qtr. Remember, all it takes is a few minutes and 15 pt. lead is out the window in the NBA.

I think the same approach may apply for the Mavs as well. Just way too much to lose and absolutely nothing for them to gain.

Denver is in the same boat. That's why the line has N.O. favored. I'm thinking about putting down some early money on the Hornets thinking that Karl is going to announce he's playing his regular short minutes. It just makes too much sense for him to do that.
Hi there,

Since it's quite often the case that what I post creates contrevesary I'm simply going to post a thread and not respond.

Yeah I've got a bone to pick with you Handy, what the F is 'contrevesary' meant to mean ..?! A fairly 'holerocious' butchering of english right there!

Just kidding mate, keep up the great threads ...
your absolutely right about nothing to gain is those matchups. why would any sound coach risk their superstar when they get nothing in return.
GL with whatever you choose to play tonight. I think i speak for everyone when I say your thoughts are appreciated and welcome here anytime.
Hi there,

Since it's quite often the case that what I post creates contrevesary I'm simply going to post a thread and not respond. You can agree, disagree, get upset or just laugh and think I'm a fool. I don't care but I'm not engaging in any conversation after the post. So if you're looking for a forum fight find someone else. I'm not sure I will even be around to read your response. I'm just going to give you the Handyland Friday sports forecast.

Here we go:

Detroit at Toronto - Toronto still needs to keep winning. Detroit needs to make sure they stay healthy. They're the #1 seed. Toronto can still keep hopes alive for catching Cleveland and Chicago as long as they keep winning. I would expect them to win tonight and probably by a large margin.

Milwaukee at Boston - I'm not going near this game. I have not a clue what will happen. I'm pretty sure one more Boston loss locks up the second worse record in the league.

Knicks at Nets - The Nets need to win. That's all I can say. I wouldn't bet on the Knicks who have clearly packed it in.

Washington at Atlanta - I have no idea what to make of this one either. Perhaps the Wizards are going to win just to get a win under their belt as they've struggled mightily without Gilbert and Caron.

Indiana at Miami - I like the Pacers to win this game. The Heat's Easter Sunday loss at home to the Bobcats pretty much sealed their fate as the 4 seed in the East. I believe they're not really interested in winning these games. If they do they do but staying healthy and getting Wade in some sort of shape is their goal. It just looks like Riley doesn't care about these games right now. I would take the points and the ML and take my chances with Indy.

Denver at New Orleans - This is another game which Denver clearly has nothing to play for. Yeah, they're not locked into the 6th seed for sure. At least I don't think so but they really are. Too many things would have to happen for their playoff position to change. That being said it's the Hornets last ever home game in Oklahoma City so don't be surprised if they're actually up for this game. I don't care what George Karl says I don't believe Iverson and Anthony are going to log big minutes in their remaining games. That strategy makes little sense. This year has been the year of major injuries. I think New Orleans might be worth a shot. Don't be surprised if the line creeps up on N.O.

San Antonio at Minnesota - The Spurs win. I have no idea by how many but they will win to keep the pressure on the Suns to keep winning.

Utah at Dallas - This finally might be a game the Jazz can win. The line will be short on Dallas but I can't see the Mavs playing their starters too long in this one. The Jazz really need a win to get their confidence back.

Charlotte at Chicago - Well the Bulls need to win but one thing is clear the Bobcats haven't quit and they're interested in playing spoiler. I don't think they beat Chicago but they might hang around.

Golden State at SAc- In what's sure to be a big public bet on the Warriors I'm not sure they win this game. If Sac shows up they should be able to compete and win this game at home. That's a big if and there is no way I'm going to take the gamble on either club in this one.

Lakers at Phoenix - Well the Suns need to keep winning in order to stay in front of the Spurs for the 2 spot. Lakers are now in jeopardy of missing the playoffs if they don't probably win 2 of their last 3 games. I saw this situation coming a mile away. I laughed as so many of you were thinking the Lakers would purposely lose so they could play the Suns. Well I don't think so.

Portland at LAC - Well I would have to believe LAC will win but you never know. Teams in must win situations often come up short. Could this be a let down? Maybe but I doubt it.


If the Angels are getting change at Boston it's a very intriguing bet. The Angels are a nightmare for Wakefield. They get on base and just run. However, Lackey has struggled vs. Boston in the past but this Red Sox lineup is very different than the ones which have beat him in the past.

Well that's it. I'm done and I remind you I'm not commenting. There is a chance I will add more thoughts but I'm not responding to you. Not being mean but just don't need the drama.

Good luck


You can always PM me and we can chat there.

on target, handy! what a great night for me and everyone on the board.