Hall of Fame teams in game 2


Active Member
I've seen/heard bettors say Hall of Fame teams have an edge in their second game, facing teams playing their first game.
I didn't believe it. I'm from Missouri, the Show Me State. I need to see proof.
(Actually I'm from NJ, the Garden State, but that's a pretty crappy state slogan any way you look at it. The Missouri slogan better serves the point I'm making here so I hijacked it for the purposes of this post.)

Anyway . . . I did a 5 year look back and here's what I found, in case anyone here is looking at the Texans today and Chi tomorrow.

SU: 4-6
ATS: 4-6

Favs: 2-3
Dogs: 2-3

Hm Favs 2-2
Rd Favs 0-1

Hm Dogs 0-0
Rd Dogs 2-3

Ov 6
Un 4

No real edges to exploit.

Overs are at 60% but it's a very small sample, and there's this - when the total is 37 or > the Ov is 0-4 (Hou game is 37'; Chi 39).
Maybe an Un, like both games last night?

If anyone is looking at an Over. maybe try a team total instead of the full game? Hall of Fame teams score an avg of 23 PPG. in game #2.
Hou team total is 19'/20, Chi 18/18'.

Only five of the ten HofF teams scored > 20 in game #2, so the Hou Ov is a tight squeeze.
Houston’s QB’s Mills and Keenum both threw a TD last week, both looked sharp.
Getting C.J. (Stroud, not Cregg) in for a series or two can't hurt/might help the scoring.

Pitt will counter with the Denver Disaster Russell Wilson and the Chicago Cast-off Justin Fields.
Tomlin said Wilson has the edge for the starting nod but preseason play will determine his final decision.
Here's how I read that - both QB's, with their careers on the line, will be desperate to make an impression. To me, this means one or both will be chucking up prayers, forcing passes, or, hopefully, gettng sacked holding on to the ball too long while waiting for someone to come open downfield.

I'm looking for at least 17 from the Texans trio and one turnover from the Pitt starters resulting in points for Hou to get me the number I need.
I always advise against laying extra juice but on alternative bets (not the standard side or total) it's sometimes unavoidable. Like tonight.

Hou Ov 19', -124
Line has gone up again today, Hou up from -2' to -3 now at many books, total up to 38'.
With the side going up, the team total also rises. The shop I hit this morning now at 20' -105, up 1 from earlier.
General rule of thumb applies again - if you like the Fav or Ov, buy it early.

Just heard Wilson is out, missed that when looking at the game. Damn, was hoping for some lousy play from him.
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I've seen/heard bettors say Hall of Fame teams have an edge in their second game, facing teams playing their first game.
I didn't believe it. I'm from Missouri, the Show Me State. I need to see proof.
(Actually I'm from NJ, the Garden State, but that's a pretty crappy state slogan any way you look at it. The Missouri slogan better serves the point I'm making here so I hijacked it for the purposes of this post.)

Anyway . . . I did a 5 year look back and here's what I found, in case anyone here is looking at the Texans today and Chi tomorrow.

SU: 4-6
ATS: 4-6

Favs: 2-3
Dogs: 2-3

Hm Favs 2-2
Rd Favs 0-1

Hm Dogs 0-0
Rd Dogs 2-3

Ov 6
Un 4

No real edges to exploit.

Overs are at 60% but it's a very small sample, and there's this - when the total is 37 or > the Ov is 0-4 (Hou game is 37'; Chi 39).
Maybe an Un, like both games last night?

If anyone is looking at an Over. maybe try a team total instead of the full game? Hall of Fame teams score an avg of 23 PPG. in game #2.
Hou team total is 19'/20, Chi 18/18'.

Only five of the ten HofF teams scored > 20 in game #2, so the Hou Ov is a tight squeeze.
Houston’s QB’s Mills and Keenum both threw a TD last week, both looked sharp.
Getting C.J. (Stroud, not Cregg) in for a series or two can't hurt/might help the scoring.

Pitt will counter with the Denver Disaster Russell Wilson and the Chicago Cast-off Justin Fields.
Tomlin said Wilson has the edge for the starting nod but preseason play will determine his final decision.
Here's how I read that - both QB's, with their careers on the line, will be desperate to make an impression. To me, this means one or both will be chucking up prayers, forcing passes, or, hopefully, gettng sacked holding on to the ball too long while waiting for someone to come open downfield.

I'm looking for at least 17 from the Texans trio and one turnover from the Pitt starters resulting in points for Hou to get me the number I need.
I always advise against laying extra juice but on alternative bets (not the standard side or total) it's sometimes unavoidable. Like tonight.

Hou Ov 19', -124
Heckuva cap
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