Halftime Show

he's always had great guys around him....brass and sweet as percussion..

I love the lyrics too...

I'm a big fan so i'm biased.

Seriously, name one artist who has connected more to the idea of the "working man's plight."
I'm with you, Smoke. I don't think he's untalented, I think he is. He also created one of the seminal albums in American music history. That said, I don't like his music much.

It also doesn't shock me that he's the halftime show. This is exactly what the Super Bowl would put on at halftime. Bruce, U2, Tom Petty, the Rolling Stones, maybe Elton John or Celine Dion although those are a little too effeminate. But big, popular, very nonthreatening.
I'm with you, Smoke. I don't think he's untalented, I think he is. He also created one of the seminal albums in American music history. That said, I don't like his music much.

It also doesn't shock me that he's the halftime show. This is exactly what the Super Bowl would put on at halftime. Bruce, U2, Tom Petty, the Rolling Stones, maybe Elton John or Celine Dion although those are a little too effeminate. But big, popular, very nonthreatening.
just because he speaks for the working man or whatever the hell he does, doesnt mean his music is good...you know, like musically speaking

just not a fan at all
just because he speaks for the working man or whatever the hell he does, doesnt mean his music is good...you know, like musically speaking

I won't make the argument that he's musically bad, just that I won't buy his albums and don't like it. But I don't like a lot of what was really popular at one time or another, I don't like the Stones, the Who, Zeppelin.
A lot of people and friends I know are into that shit and this type of music. I cant stand it. They all call me crazy, but i just cant get into it. I mean I might like a song every once in a while, but nah not for me
Bruce Springsteen does not belong in the same sentence as the Who, the Stones or Zeppelin unless that sentence is something along the lines of "Bruce Springsteen can not carry the jock of the Who, Stones or Zeppelin."
No, I think musically he can compete on the same level as the Stones and the Who. Zeppelin just ripped off old blues songs, I don't give them much credit despite the fact that they could actually play their instruments.
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Should have b een the halftime show
I just dont get it

but i guess that the thing about music...each to their own

im sure some people would think i was insane for spending a few hours constantly reloading a webpage to get Phish tickets this morning

but usually even if i dont like the artist personally, i can see what other people might like about them....with springsteen, not so much
i guess its not that i cant see why anyone wouldnt like springsteen...its I cant see why hes considered a 'rock legend' even remotely worthy of being mentioned in anywhere near the same breath as the who, zeppelin or the stones

if he was just on say john mellancamps level then it wouldnt bother me as much i guess
all that being said....

anyone seen any props on this?

Hes gotta play born in the usa right?

can i get odds on that???
so theyre obviously never gonna go with someone young and or in any way 'hip hoppish' after the wardrobe malfucntion, so whos out there?

Pearl Jam?
Chili Peppers?

I mean whos big enough to play the super bowl, but not too old to completely suck and be past it?
I would expect John Mayer to play the bowl here shortly (if he hasn't already); he's the type...and he pretty much sucks. I am pretty neutral on Springsteen...like him a little more than John Cougar, but not by much.

I doubt you'll see much hip hop...ever; It's barely even music anyway and the SB doesn't want one big gangsta-fest.

Phish...now you're talking, Dawg...:cheers:
I think the Chili Peppers are a great call. Have they already done it? They're now overexposed and past it enough. Areosmith? I feel like they've done it already though.

Beyonce works, though she's a little young for the crowd they seem to go for.
Actually, Phish would have been a great call this year simply because it would have brought more fans to the city.

I saw the Boss on my birthday last summer in Paris. Best birthday party ever.

Really looking forward to the halftime show.
SO did you Springsteen fans like that?

was that a good show?

Thought it was pretty eh...was only half watching though...did think the ref coming out and throwing the flag was one of the dumber things ive ever seen though...seriously, that was lame
so you watched it ? lol

It was on in the room...I mean theres like 10 people in there, what am I gonna do? Tell them all we're not watching the halftime show because Springsteen is awful??

Im a more gracious host than that....i was half watching, putting bets in on the laptop
It wasn't good IMO....He looked old..even Boss fans would agree I would think.

Bring back u2 for the Super Bowl show.
Funny...i was watching that game on the NFL network last week and that U2 halftime show was amazing

they killed it
I also cant get past the fact that Silvio is his guitarist

how the hell did he get cast in the Sopranos??

He has zero acting credits other than that and hes like the number 2 guy on one of the most highly critically acclaimed tv shows of all time??
