Gut play Wednesday, UCF across the board


Pretty much a regular
Hard to ignore the fact that everyone and their mom is on Marshall and the Under. I usually don't buy into the whole fade the public thing, but I just couldn't help myself, so it's probably all or nothing tonight. :smiley_acbe:

1 unit each on
+4 -113
ML +151
Over 20.5 +102
Over 44 +102

I'll probably be :hairout: this game :cheers:
Seemed that way with Tulsa last nite as well....

Definetly seen UCF money past 2 days got knocked off 3.5 down to 3...and about 57 /43 spread split....and 50/50 ML split...seems liek a balanced book to me.

Is it worth guessing at ?
I like it!

I don't see this as a game I would play outside of Wednesday but I know I am going to put something on it.

Going with UCF ML!

Lets get this!
Difference being, Tulsa is a damn good team, and has been getting better every year for the past few. Neither of these teams are. Tonight is a coin flip IMO.
I dont usually look at %s that much, but covers has it 66/33 marshall and wagerline 63/37. Maybe your numbers are more accurate as to the "real" %s, but hey, that's why they call it gamblin! :wacka wacka:
SportsNut said:
Not saying I am right...just throwing it out there......GL
Appreciate it, the more numbers the better :shake:

Edit: Ah ok, sportsinsights, forgot about that one.
F U.

Against you on basically all of them. Missed XP killed it. Had their FG with 6 seconds tied it, Marshall would have swamped them in OT.

Or just make the damn XP and block the FG and I win all the way around.