Guaranteeing Victory seriously??


Power Boat Enthusiast
Randy McMichael of the St. Louis Rams guaranteed a victory against the cleveland browns on sunday. The more shocking part was that kellen winslow's reponse was "there's nothing wrong with that, he's just stating confidence in his team."

St. Louis shouldn't be guaranteeing anything, especially against a cleveland team that seems to be turning things around.

I wonder if this is bulletin board material for the cleveland browns.
I was hoping that's what this thread was about.

It's been, I believe, three years since the Browns have had back to back wins.

Now, I know there was a bye week, but still, YEARS since this team has won two in a row.

That and this guarantee should hopefully be enough to motivate this team to beat a bad St. Louis team this weekend.
What do you want him to say?

Do you want him to guarantee a loss? Ike Bruce did the same thing a few weeks ago at Dallas and look what happened. The Browns are pulling a "buffalo" on Dallas with their 1st draft pick. Before the season started it looked like a surefire top 5 pick. Now I'm not so sure.
Before the season started it looked like a surefire top 5 pick. Now I'm not so sure.

Damn right. This could actually be the best case scenario for me, the more the Browns win, the more it hurts Dallas' draft status, the more that helps the Eagles.

I think the point is not to give the other team anything to motivate them any more than they already are.

I'm sure the Browns are very excited to have a shot to win their first consecutive games in forever, really ready to have a winning record this 'late' in the season for the first time in forever as well.

So to add to that by guaranteeing a win is just dumb on St. Louis' part.

Although, at this point, I suppose the Rams can take any sort of motivation they can get even if it's just wishing and hoping.
I live in St. Louis....and that was unbelievably stupid thing to say....He has been popping his mouth off for the past 4 weeks and it was only a matter of time till he said that....But it didnt work for Bruce earlier when he did it this year so lets see if it works for him...Was actually liking STL +3 here till I read that
the more the Browns win, the more it hurts Dallas' draft status, the more that helps the Eagles.

True, I see them coming out around .500 somewhere. Regardless a first round pick should make an impact. If Jerry wants McFadden that bad he'll package up both first round picks. I just dont see runningback as a need for them now, they need some depth at corner and WR. It also doesnt hurt to stock up your lines on both sides.
If they cant beat STL in their present state - it will be because of wild and crazy turnovers!
I agree with you G-Man, the NE game should of been a lot closer than what it was, if it wasn't for a fluke turnover that was returned for a TD, but i guess that is why Ne is the best team in football because they get turnover's for Td's.
you know when you go to and it says who's in or out and what channel the game is on?

Well I think they should start adding a note such as this:

<table summary="" border="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr class="game_time"><td class="first left">1:00 PM EDT</td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td class="notescol"> </td> </tr> <tr class="game_team"> <td class="first nowrap"> 203 cleveland browns </td> <td> -3 -15 / -3 -20 / -3 -15 </td> <td> -3 </td> <td> -160 </td> <td class="left last"> </td> <td class="notescol"> </td> </tr> <tr class="game_team nowrap"> <td class="first"> 204 st. louis rams </td> <td> 43.5 / 44 / 44.5 </td> <td> 45 </td> <td> +140 </td> <td class="left last"> </td> <td class="notescol"> </td> </tr> <tr class="game_team"> <td colspan="6" class="last left">CLE-RB-Lewis-Questionable STL-RB-Jackson-Probable TE-McMichael-Guaranteed Victory
</td> </tr> <!-- game primary id 17243 --> <!-- game storynumber 20071028NFLSTLOUIS0 --> </tbody></table>
If Jackson played the whole game, it could have been a little different...

but at one time the Browns got
on consecutive possessions. I saw them slicing through the Lambs, and they could have won by even more. At least I got that Browns second half wager in.
you know when you go to and it says who's in or out and what channel the game is on?

Well I think they should start adding a note such as this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR class=game_time><TD class="first left">1:00 PM EDT</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD class=notescol></TD></TR><TR class=game_team><TD class="first nowrap">203 cleveland browns </TD><TD>-3 -15 / -3 -20 / -3 -15 </TD><TD>-3 </TD><TD>-160 </TD><TD class="left last"></TD><TD class=notescol></TD></TR><TR class="game_team nowrap"><TD class=first>204 st. louis rams </TD><TD>43.5 / 44 / 44.5 </TD><TD>45 </TD><TD>+140 </TD><TD class="left last"></TD><TD class=notescol></TD></TR><TR class=game_team><TD class="last left" colSpan=6>CLE-RB-Lewis-Questionable STL-RB-Jackson-Probable TE-McMichael-Guaranteed Victory

</TD></TR><!-- game primary id 17243 --><!-- game storynumber 20071028NFLSTLOUIS0 --></TBODY></TABLE>
Reminds me of this:
