Goodnight Fakers- Game 6 Wagers!


Richmond Local TV Legend
19-8-1 NBA Playoffs- 70%, 4-0 Finals

Celts Series Wager Pending...:prayer

Celts -4 (-108) - $90/83.33
Under 190 (+102)

Well, here we stand. Game 6. Weve hit the same points over the head 100 times. We know how each team is going to win this game. Ill quickly highlight what the celts HAVE been doing, and what they need to CONTINUE to do. Ive stated these in my game 1 thread, and nothing has really changed.

Ive been treading VERY lightly this finals, mainly because I have this series wager so in turn I already have money on the celts every game.
These 190ish totals have been an absolute COIN FLIP throughout the finals, that I have not wanted to participate in. But I like the under tonight.

I did play the fakeshow 1Q and 1H (what a fuckjob!) in game 5 and split 1-1, but didnt put in record since didnt get a chance to post. I could. Doesnt matter.

KEEP GAYSOL OFF THE OFFENSIVE GLASS/AWAY FROM THE BUCKET. I have said this 1000x, if they could have done that in game 5, the series would be over already, as it was obvious to see during the 4th Q.
I understand that perkins sitting it out played a big role here, lets hope he plays tonight. PJ brown is a big fucking waste of space, and garnett can not do it all himself.
Gaysol does not have a jumper, gaysol gets all of his points from easy putbacks/layups, and also working screen-n-rolls with kobe and fish. Keep gaysol away from the basket, and you keep gaysol at bay.

Limit Kobe's penetration- pierce has the size to do this (theyre both 6'6) and has been playing physical enough to keep kobe out of the paint, and in turn forcing him to take those mid-range and perimeter jumpers. He has done that, and it has frustrated kobe, as his FG pctg this series has been pretty awful. Even when kobe HAS gotten by him, the celtics have done an excellent job of getting him help from perkins and KG forcing kobe to dish the ball.
If you all noticed in game 5, kobe turned the ball over quite a few times trying to force the ball inside when it wasnt there. His jumpers werent falling (besides 1Q), it took him off of his game/had him frustrated, and in turn it made him force it when it wasnt there more often then not.
Keep him out of the paint, and on the perimeter. Let him shoot.

X-factors---Need a big game from Powe/Perkins (if he plays). KG cant do it all himself, they need help with gaysol/odom. You shut down gaysol/odom, you shut down the fakers. Kobe has not taken over a game yet in the finals... he had all the chances in the world to do it in their 3 home games, but didnt do it once. (I know MJ is smiling...!)
I doubt things will change IN boston, where it will be even tougher on him.

I really dont worry about radman, walton, and machine...theyve been pretty useless this series (although machine plays some excellent D).

Thats about it. Lets hope this fucking plane layover does not screw with the celts, and also that perkins (game time decision)/rondo are healthy, and get this money. GO HOME FAKERS!!!!:cheers:
Have no feel for the side other than I think the league would love to see a game 7. Like the under though, Cap...may break my streak of no-plays in this series and lay a little on it...

GL tonight and with that future bet, too. I know you said it was the largest bet you've made all year. I know the sphincter gets tight when you pull the trigger like that...
yeah boooooooooooooooooooooooooy

Series ends tonite

I also hold Celts +170 golden tixs so lets make some money

gl cap'n
thanks fellas....

counselor, yes it was! fell just short, i believe I had about $480 on the dbacks with haren pitching a couple months ago.

i lost that one.

hopefully this will have a different result.

i do agree with the association wanting this series to go 7, thats the only thing that worries me. it conflicts weird with the fact that the home teams have been getting the calls from the offiicials this postseason (which is normal, but even more this year)....

can a road team actually get some calls? its going to be interesting...

GL fellas, we shall see!
Call me crazy, but I expect KG to have a huge game tonight. Bostons arena is going to be insanely loud. KG is going to be giving headbutts, double fist pumps, and chest thumps to everyone.

To much Talk about KG shitting the bed in game 5, and him not showing up for big games.

KG silences the critics, and Pierce takes home the MVP tonight.

Marlo, I gotta agree. After 3 games in LA, and having dismal performances in the last 2, KG definitely has something to prove tonight.

This motherfucker was stuck on a dogshit team for his whole career (sorry, lol)..... and has been waiting his whole career for this game.

He will make sure they close it out tonight. He has to, this is the game he's going to be remembered for. Huge game for KG.

JackieMac just said "defense wins championships"
That dumb boston slut, she needs to stop reading my CTG posts!
Lets get this beantown money big marlo.

And then holla at some callgirls

KRAMER/RET/CELTS FANS, 4 hours and counting!

lets send these overrated, overpriced fakers back to killa cali so they can go smoke their weed and hookup with Yag dudes in san fran:seeya:

im excited. i want this series money in my account, tonight.

lets all get this series money. tonight.
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I concur, Gaysol and Sissy Vujasicko are ready to end this season so they can get married. Boston finishes with a statement tonight.
Wish there was a way both teams could lose. God I hate both teams hence the avatar. Hate Ko(me) more though. On the under with ya Cap. GL dude. :cheers:
Lmao..... i got a little over the top in a rant I just read above, sorry guys

LA is not a shithole and I dont hate the fakers THAT Much.... but they are overpriced by the books that is true! The books have made a killing taking laker backers money this finals.... they sold the fakers as the favorite and a lot of people bit on them. It happens.... fuck the books

ATP, Gridiron, sammy, pirate, all smiley....
will be heading out shortly to catch it.

Pitchers on me tonighttt lets fuckin cash this last wager and close out the season strong!!!! :tiphat:
This was almost too easy, Cap....I didn't play the total either, and I'm glad. Looks like it'll go over pretty easy...
REAL RECOGNIZE REAL Mr. 70 % we called this shit since day once son.

Its been all my pleasure
Dog I remember a little convo we had through PM breaking down this motherfucker and guess what Im gonna see yo ass at the ticket window.

KG :tiphat:
Pierce :tiphat:

Ray Ray :tiphat::tiphat:

Rando :tiphat::tiphat:

Cap or Die :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:

Marlo :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:

+170 :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat:

KG getting that Championship he so deserved :tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat::tiphat: