Good read about the life of an NBA agent...

Great read.

To be quite honest..... A lot like real estate agents on a much smaller scale in terms of how much work is done that the average person doesn't realize

Cant wait for Ballers new season
Why do NBA players put themselves in these crazy situations? One agent believes it’s because a lot of players were stunted developmentally since their star status meant they were never held accountable or forced to deal with consequences for their actions.
“A phenom in basketball is different from a standout in other team sports because there’s no helmet on the kid and by the time he reaches junior year in high school and becomes an All-American, everybody knows who he is,” the agent said. “Everybody in that town knows him. Agents, college coaches, media and many other people in the basketball world know him. You and I went to college, matured, faced rejection at some point, and experienced failures and successes. You learn and you grow; it’s a healthy development. But these players – the five-star recruits who are known nationally – have a very unique development. From the time they’re 14 or 15 years old, they’re probably the most famous person in their community.
This is really no different than the entertainment world or dealing with politicians. When you have a single person as the principal and everyone around them exists to enable their every whim, you're going to end up with a distorted view of the world. That's how Johnny Depp ends up spending $5 million on a cannon to fire ashes into the sea or a politician is calling their staff at 9 p.m. to bring blueberry ice cream to their house because they have a craving. You want to be a part of the fame and glory, especially if it will lead to greater riches for you later on.