Good call, Don 'Doughnut' Koharski

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
How do we not have a playoff in-game? For shame, people.

Flames go back up by two, Iggy is just a stud.

3-1 Flames, 3:00 to go in the 2nd.
Flames look like they're gonna be worth chasing at home. Odds will be good, no way imho they go 0-2 at home after this effort (win or lose).

Cheering on a Minny OT goal for Santa's series bet
was thinking about an in-game earlier but usually not much participation.

the sens look horrible right now, could we see a pens sweep?
Brar - my thinking is injuries + last season Stanley Cup finals hangover + this result tonight = 4 or 5 game series.
the sens look horrible right now, could we see a pens sweep?

The problem is injuries, in my opinion. I was worried about this series, and I'm not counting it over, but Ottawa is not the same team they were last year. They're hurt, they're not on the same page, and so everything I was worried about with the Pesn here may be come an asset. The Pens may take this chance to kick them while they're down.
honestly, the worst sport for in-games.

Well, I can buttress it if I'm here, but you know, it takes more than one Joe to tango.
The killer fact is they knocked out PIT last season in the playoffs - can't see the Pens forgetting that = willingness to humiliate.
ya the injuries are really killing the sens for sure, but even when they weren't injured they weren't playing well.

not having alfy is huge for this team, seems like hes the guy that keeps it all together and gets the timely goals.
honestly, the worst sport for in-games.

Well, I can buttress it if I'm here, but you know, it takes more than one Joe to tango.

only this type of thing can save a Hockey in-game, Joe

Well, I can buttress it if I'm here, but you know, it takes more than one Joe to tango.

haha we'll ill be around for full out in-gamingness after i'm done my final exams.

middle of next weekish, before that I can only pop in once and awhile.

but I loooooove hockey!
I don't know if those will save a hockey in-game, but they're certainly welcome.

Huge 1-on-1 for the Sharks right out of the intermission, but Kipper stands tall and keeps it 3-1.
Oh, and if I was going to be around for the next month, I could really hold these down.

But in about a week I have to go get my Obama back on so I may miss entire rounds of playoff hockey.

The sacrifices we make for this country.
took the Suns +175 in-game vs the Spurs, so I'm just been made a happy camper

I'm not sure what's more admirable, that you found this price or you had the intestinal fortitude to actually watch the game to see what happened.

Kipper standing like a man in the Shark tank, by the way. Very impressive.
Oh, and for the record, I love the CBC's coverage of hockey, so much better than what we get in the states generally.
Brar - my country's only legal book, has a couple of live betting NBA games a week (those shown on local pay tv - which I dont bother to subscribe to, so didnt see anything live, Joe. Yep, the live bettor who sees nothing live).
CBC is the best man, one thing us canadians do right is hockey!

Well, and poutine. And some chicks. And wars, you guys are slowly catching up to us in wars won vs. lost.
Wow, what a final minute.

But the Flames hold on.

Congrats to everybody who had it.


Thank you, Gambling Gods.
Although that SJ game probably should have gone over, that you took the push with 1:00 to go is always a tough one to swallow.

Great games to start the playoff season, though.