Golf Indexes/Handicaps and Tourneys/Matches and Cheating


THE Wife
Does anyone here play golf in tourneys where handicaps are used? If so, do you find there are a lot of cheaters out there? If so, is there anything that can be done about it?

I'm fairly new to tourneys and matches and it seems to be super common. Golf is supposed to be a "gentleman's game" and honest so the common reaction is "it is what it is" and nothing can be done. I feel like there has to be something - I'm not sure what, but I can say that yelling "sand-bagger" during a playoff is frowned upon.
Sandbagging in golf is as old and abundant as flopping is in but it's a game that some are masters at
I've found that there are basically 3 types of golfers when it comes to handicaps: 1) posts every score every time 2) vanity golfer who only posts his/her good rounds 3) only posts bad scores, especially leading up to a handicapped event. You will never weed out the sandbaggers. And if you're playing in a scramble event, you can bet that there will be rampant cheating. It's just kind of the nature of the beast.
It's so frustrating! I hate giving pops to these people that I KNOW are lying.

May there be a special place in hell for golf cheaters.
Not sure. Start a tax cheat thread and talk about it.
I won't do that. I know golf cheats and I know tax cheats. Was trying to draw a parallel.

Figured you might know both as well and wanted to gauge the similarities
Cheaters cheat


and you're welcome

love u toots


A person cheats on their taxes can go to jail for tax evasion. A person who lies to increase their index so they get more pops in competition is a total asshole/bitch but it's not illegal and they can't be prosecuted. I really don't see the parallel you speak of.

It's super early for you to be drunk though isn't it?
Cheaters cheat. Legal/illegal isn't relevant....especially golfers who are much more likely to itemize than the average joe

I'm drunk now? That would be fascinating

I do have a piece of beef jerky stuck in my teeth that's driving me nuts
I don't need to tell you, of all people, that I record all my strokes.

I assume there are sandbaggers out there with their handicaps and even folks inflating. With that said, a persons game can change dramatically from day to day, week to week and month to month.

For instance, I think I played fairly competitive with you and Giveit in Las Vegas. Were you both better players than me then and now? Yes. But a month or so later, I played a round that you would have beaten me by 50 strokes or so. Now, as handicaps get lower, the variance should be lower too. But I think you need more than suspicion on the sandbagging front ... there could be wide variance in amateurs efforts from day to day. Friend of mine shot under par front nine the other day and considerably worse (though not awful) on the back.

If they aren't counting their strokes ... that is a different level of cheating. The scoring cheats drive me crazy.
I don't need to tell you, of all people, that I record all my strokes.

I assume there are sandbaggers out there with their handicaps and even folks inflating. With that said, a persons game can change dramatically from day to day, week to week and month to month.

For instance, I think I played fairly competitive with you and Giveit in Las Vegas. Were you both better players than me then and now? Yes. But a month or so later, I played a round that you would have beaten me by 50 strokes or so. Now, as handicaps get lower, the variance should be lower too. But I think you need more than suspicion on the sandbagging front ... there could be wide variance in amateurs efforts from day to day. Friend of mine shot under par front nine the other day and considerably worse (though not awful) on the back.

If they aren't counting their strokes ... that is a different level of cheating. The scoring cheats drive me crazy.

Haha... that was me!

I see what you are saying and you're right but it can be hard to swallow.

I'm playing my arch nemesis in individual match play on Friday and I have to give her 5 pops (strokes), but I'm not 5 strokes better. She was really excited about shooting an 84 in the member/guest tourney but when you look at her GHIN scores, it's NOT there. It's advantageous to record higher scores (and lie or not record lower scores) to give you an edge in tourney/match play. Same thing with one of the ladies we play 4 ball against next round - I have to give her 24 (yes, twenty-four) strokes. I have played with her during league and she should not be a 42 handicap. In the meantime, my index is dropping quick.
It is the same with everything else in life. The important thing is that you conduct yourself with moral integrity and ethics. And, of course, that means you will get the short end of the stick often in the short term, but your sacrifice to those less ethical pays long term dividends for you ... and their lack of sacrifice has long term detrimental effects for them.

Do you, some you and try not to worry too much about the cheaters.

I tried a business venture in an industry filled with liars and refused to lie. You have to stand by your principles and maybe not be willing to accept the cheaters but understand that most people are not good, like you are ... and that is one of the major reasons that those people aren't as happy as you are.

Bad people, other than the psychopaths, know when they are being bad people. It gives them reason to hate themselves. Good reason. They are miserable because of it.
Also, you have come an amazing distance with your golf game the last year. Don't let cheaters steal your joy or sense of accomplishment because of a tourney or match play result. Be proud of your improvement.
Ain't that the truth

The biggest competitor and challenger to you in this you. Enjoy beating yourself up lol
I refuse to carry an index for this very reason. as others have mentioned, it happens everywhere and in every sport. I've been in multiple bowling leagues and sandbagging occurred in every one of them. I recently started shooting pool in an 8 ball league and I'm noticing it there as well. I guess my point is that it happens everywhere and in every sport.

Good luck in your matches...
I refuse to carry an index for this very reason. as others have mentioned, it happens everywhere and in every sport. I've been in multiple bowling leagues and sandbagging occurred in every one of them. I recently started shooting pool in an 8 ball league and I'm noticing it there as well. I guess my point is that it happens everywhere and in every sport.

Good luck in your matches...

Wait... it happens in bowling? Good thing I suck at bowling and know I'm not winning. But how? Throwing games that don't matter? Isn't everything for money? If someone free bowls does it count towards their handicap?
you figure out how many pins you need to beat someone by and barely win... Instead of winning by a higher margin you squeak by... Thus deflating your true scoRe and affecting your real average. Also if you know a match is lost then one can just tank and lose by a higher margin, again deflating his or her true average. Sound familiar? I actually announce that I'm not a sandbagger when joining a team, relieves some of the pressure so the teammates know what to expect from me....

Enjoyed reading the thread thanks for starting it.
I want to look at a different angle and take it a step down and get some thoughts on...

-Putting Out a Hole


Whether or not you have money on the round in whatever form what is the procedure(s) you use or prefer? Do you have a standard gimme range? Do you always putt out?

Anyways, just looking to gather some responses.

The guy I play friendly rounds with the most basically is an awful putter. He doesn't take much time reading them at all. Basically he is marking a 2 putt regardless even if he blows it by 10 feet. He is the king of swiping away putts up to 10-12 feet away. I mean, some of them are brutal breaks or downhill. I've taken him to my club and basically told him that even 18 inchers are no gimmies because they really are not at times. I see so many missed due to some very tough greens. The other thing too, at least 50% of the time a chip from off the green is considered an up and down if he gets it within 10 feet. It is mostly unspoken but I make some comments at times. It just gets to me that he goes saying he beat me by 2-3 strokes when in reality he most likely lost by 3-4 strokes. If I am in a real competitive mood, I already feel like I am giving him strokes to begin the round. In all honesty, we have a good time and he is a great guy -- it is just funny. I told him he's never gonna make his birdie attempts when he barely practices putting before a round or during it ;).
This year, in my main league, I have never seen so many curious handicaps in both directions. It is, um, interesting.

I never would have guessed TakeIt is that aggressive and competitive hehe.
I always putt outside a couple feet but inside I get out the way

But they're good anyway so I don't think twice
I putt everything out for the most part, but if we're playing our usual Nassau and my score won't count on the bet, I don't always putt. But I won't give myself anything over a foot or two for bogey or better. We used to have some issues with guys giving themselves longer putts for par, but we added "all team par" as one of our trashes, and that's cut it down a bit. The group I play in is pretty good at self-policing. Unfortunately for me, they are also all pretty good golfers and I'm still way out of practice due to kids
Well I lost my match today. I shot a 46 (19 course handicap) on the front and she shot a 42 (24 course handicap). I was 4 back and could not recover. Lost on hole 15. Oh well....

One fucked up thing though - one of her friends was playing behind us and yelled in the middle of my backswing one hole. Not that it made a huge difference but I shanked the shot and lost the hole.
I putt everything out for the most part. I'm pretty sensitive to time issues so it depends on who I am playing with. If our group is behind and slowing things up for the course I tend to give myself more putts than I normally would. Just depends on the day and how things are flowing...

@BAR the curious handicaps are in a golf league or a bowling league? Just curious...
Usually inside the leather is good. But I like putting out because like to see the ball go in the hole.
I putt everything out because these women will not give you a putt over 6 inches. If you always take the short putts, you don't get good at making them and some are easy to miss.
Tell ya what...when it's 110 out and some asshole insists on putting out....he won't be invited out again. Hell he might not be on the cart at the next hole