Golden State @ Dallas, game 1


Well-Known Member
Pick taken from my website:

As I already said, this is some paper-scissors-rock where GSW is scissors and DAL is paper. GSW has sweeped the Mavericks in the regular season, and did a similar thing the season before that, 3-1. People say, Dallas is #1, they have good defense, well - where was that defense and power in the regular season? Against the Warriors? Is it a coincidence and a bunch of bad days? When it was 1-0 for GSW, it was a coincidence. 3-1? Coincidence. 6-1? Coincidence. I don't think so.

Don Nelson spent 10 seasons coaching Dallas, and taught Avery Johnson everything he, as a coach, needs to know. We all know offense wins games and defense wins championships. Why is that? Because, in regular season, not too much tactics is involved as games are played too often. Tactics become a weapon only in playoff games. Now, everyone says Dallas is a playoff team. But, Golden State has the edge in tactics in this matchup. Avery Johnson is limited, while Don Nelson knows everything. He's an excellent coach, and if there's a team against which he has the biggest tactical advantage, it's the Mavericks. His own baby.

Golden State had to go 9-1 in order to qualify for the playoffs. That's how bad their season was, but their spirit is high and they have a winning atmosphere. Unlike them, Dallas rested their key players in the last few games, and I think they lost a part of their team chemistry. They'll get it back soon enough, but don't count on them having the same team chemistry at the moment when this game starts. It's too bad that the first game is played in Dallas, it really limits our betting options. However, Golden State is #1 team when it comes to difference in scoring in 1st and 2nd half. They score 11 points more in 1st half, which is not seen anywhere else in NBA.

When we add all these facts together, the bet is obvious. Golden State + points, 1st half. The odds for this game are very strange. Odds on Dallas are 1.16, and yet we see a small spread of -9.5. Bookies are confused. Still, the over/under line offers value also and it's a huge mistake by the bookies. This is how it is - if Golden State scores over 105, they win. If they score less than 100, they lose. And odds on them losing are 1.16. So? How many points do you expect from Dallas (season average - 100 scored, 93 conceded)? Dallas would be crazy to accept the run'n'gun style, it would jeopardize their chances to win. The line is overinflated and we'll take a teaser to make sure.

Just one more thing to add, I am proud of Nowitzki and his comment. "It will be fun to see who can impose his will". Spoken like a true sportsman.

Golden State +6.0 (first half), 1.90, 2/10. Pinnacle.
Under 220.0 points, 1.46, 5/10. Bet365.

I don't mean to be rude, but based on your comments about Don Nelson I could tell that you were not from the US. (Your pinny account confirms that) Your assessment of him is so off its not even funny.

"Don Nelson spent 10 seasons coaching Dallas, and taught Avery Johnson everything he, as a coach, needs to know. We all know offense wins games and defense wins championships. Why is that? Because, in regular season, not too much tactics is involved as games are played too often. Tactics become a weapon only in playoff games. Now, everyone says Dallas is a playoff team. But, Golden State has the edge in tactics in this matchup. Avery Johnson is limited, while Don Nelson knows everything. He's an excellent coach, and if there's a team against which he has the biggest tactical advantage, it's the Mavericks. His own baby."

I mean, that just makes me want to laugh. Nellie taught Avery everything he needs to know?? As soon as Nellie left Avery changed the entire mentality and style of this team. Thats cuz Nellie has no idea what defense is. Which leads me to your next point about how defense wins championships and tactics are employed more in the playoffs. Exactly, thats why Nellie could never get it done in the playoffs with the Mavs. They were too offensively based and Nellie's defense were always based on gimmicks. Those gimmicks were always exploited. As we know, the old version of the Mavs with Nellie always bowed out early cuz they couldn't score points in the playoffs like they did in the regular season. And when they did score it didn't matter cuz their defense was like a turnstile to the hoop. Some people thought well maybe these Mavs players just aren't very good defensively. WRONG. Avery took the same core of players and implemented his own system and what do you have. A hard nosed, tough defensive team. Again, your assessment of the situation with Nellie is completely off.
I'm not from US, and I don't have a Pinny account, I posted the best odds offered as tipsters usually do. We have TV in non-US countries, you know. We even have basketball players. That's not the issue here so don't even get me started on that. Let's talk about the game instead.

BTW I can see from your avatar that you're a Dallas fan. Meaning, you're biased.

I prefer Don Nelson over Avery Johnson anytime. And he knows the Mavs inside out. Dallas is a huge favourite, but I see a good chance of an upset here, although it will not be enough for GSW to actually win the game.

GSW will hold their form only until their next loss. So if they lose this one, they'll lose the series 0-4 or 1-4. But in the first half of tonight's game, they'll have a small advantage, the only question is will they convert it into something useful. GL and enjoy the game.
im a bulls fan and i know my team in and out. i know when the are going to win and when they are going to lose.

if you think cappers on this site are biased you are badly mistaken.

avery johnson is the best coach in this league. don nelson couldnt carry his lunch pail.
I'm plenty aware that the NBA is very popular overseas and can be seen in countries outside of the US. I am not trying to say you must know nothing because you don't live in the US. However you may not be privy to some opinions and thoughts that are prevalent in the US. For example, your statements on Nellie about how awesome he is. You will not hear an opinion like that here. The overriding opinion about Nellie is that he is a solid coach but will never take your team to the next level cuz he plays no defense. He can take a poor team and make them average or good but nothing more than that.

" I prefer Don Nelson over Avery Johnson anytime. And he knows the Mavs inside out."

Two statements, two misguided opinions. You can have Don Nelson. Everyone else will take Avery Johnson anyday. If you want, set up a poll. You will be the only person who'd rather have Nellie. Nellie does not know the Mavericks inside and out. He knows some of these players but he doesn't know their system. He did not create the style they currently play at all. Avery changed everything.

Now, as far as your two plays posted, I don't love the plays but I do see the sensible reasoning here and I can see where theres value. GS is indeed an awesome 1st half team and the stats certainly prove that. They may come out guns blazing and definitely keep this close in the 1st half. Good luck on your plays and again, not trying to say that you must know nothing just because you don't live in the US. Satyr is a great NBA capper for example and he lives in Croatia I believe.
I'm laughing as everyone continues to tout the Golden State Warriors.

Dallas was in three bad spots on their schedule this year when they lost to GS. It's likely to be a much different story tonight. Unless you think GS is likely winning tonight you have to be crazy to take those points. I believe Dallas is going to run them out of the gym and I'm a dog player. I see no value in GS tonight. Inexperienced playoff team and a lousy post season coach who doesn't believe in Defense. Golden State is going to get beat real bad tonight.
I'm laughing as everyone continues to tout the Golden State Warriors.

Dallas was in three bad spots on their schedule this year when they lost to GS. It's likely to be a much different story tonight. Unless you think GS is likely winning tonight you have to be crazy to take those points. I believe Dallas is going to run them out of the gym and I'm a dog player. I see no value in GS tonight. Inexperienced playoff team and a lousy post season coach who doesn't believe in Defense. Golden State is going to get beat real bad tonight.
:cheers: Dallas running them outta the building
GL Cafa! Welcome...

I agree w/ Handyland. The 3 games GS beat Dallas were fraudulent in my mind. 1 game early in season during Dallas' stretch of 4 or 5 straight losses, one game at the end of a LONG road trip, and one game without anyone playing. Dallas is focused on ONLY winning the whole thing this year. GS is happy to be here and knows next year they can make a serious run. A Dallas 1H play seems to be a very good bet. As for laying DD full game against this high power offense, I dunno.
hmm im not sure about that. i think dallas takes first two games. then golden state comes back and takes the series.. good luck tho with you on the under tonight
I had Mavs season tickets a couple of years ago, and I can tell you.....I couldn't stand Nelson as coach. Great guy to have a beer with. But his best strategic move was to get tossed out when his team seems lethargic.
10 is a lot of points, but this home boy is all over the Mavs.

GL on your play, and welcome

I'm laughing as everyone continues to tout the Golden State Warriors.

Dallas was in three bad spots on their schedule this year when they lost to GS. It's likely to be a much different story tonight. Unless you think GS is likely winning tonight you have to be crazy to take those points. I believe Dallas is going to run them out of the gym and I'm a dog player. I see no value in GS tonight. Inexperienced playoff team and a lousy post season coach who doesn't believe in Defense. Golden State is going to get beat real bad tonight.

So what about the other three they lost to the warriors last year? We're those bad spots too? 1-6 Against the W's
if you think cappers on this site are biased you are badly mistaken.
I'm not saying that, but I think twice whenever I hear a PHX fan saying PHX will win. And vice versa. If a PHX fan (he's watching PHX closer than other guys do) is saying PHX will lose, then I'll believe him.
Satyr is a great NBA capper for example and he lives in Croatia I believe.
So do I, he invited me to this forum. I admire his consistency in capping.
GL on your play, and welcome
Golden State is going to get beat real bad tonight.
Very likely, but not in the first half. IMO.

I just like Nellie for some reason, and in basketball I like run'n'gun. It exhausts you and your opponent within minutes, believe me, a coach tried to make me play it. He failed. I have this unique ability to resist the urge to run. violin

Anyway, I found the next best thing to Dallas winning the 2nd half - Dallas winning the final Q by 1 1/2. TheGreek, 1.91, 3/10. That's -110 for you Yankees ;)

We can't know how will the game develop and will Dallas have a really big lead after the 3rd Q, so maybe it's better to take the 3rd Q -2 1/2 Dallas...

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From what you said, I'd note that, if Nelson taught Avery everything Avery knows, how did Avery get to the Finals his first season/try, while Nelson never has? Pupil exceeds teacher archetype in play here.

But onto the game in hand -

While I fully understand the hype the Warriors have got and how that's shading the Mavs, the thing to me is, a Warriors win, let alone cover, sets up the books well.

(1) It gives GDS believers the delusion that their team will be worth continued backing throughout the rest of the series no matter how many more times they lose (4), and with the odds they'll be getting, losing won't put them off going back again (even getting into deficit monies) if they've started out from the point of profit (ie, a Game 1 win)

(2) and it'll have Mavs backers thinking twice/2nd guessing about laying it out (esp. if GDS manages a 2nd (& last) win, or at least cover, within the next 2-3 games).

A GDS win G1
A GDS cover(?) in a loss G2
Mavs win Game's 3 & 4 (cover 1 or both)
GDS cover(?) in a loss G5 a scenario made to hurt lovers of both teams IMO, even thou GDS believers are rewarded immediately for believing in the hype.
Cafa calm down buddy, guys here aren't biased I can vouch for that. :) :shake:

Same as I can vouch for you being a great capper, you :pillow: :D.

What albyman and others said about Nellie and Johnson I agree with, and I told you that the other day. Nelson didn't teach Avery everything he knows, Avery changed Dallas from this run-and-gun-small-ball-jump-shooting team to a versatile team of many virtues, a powerhouse in the true meaning of the word.
His mentor? I think he was equally influenced by several coaches, perhaps more by the ones in SA back in his Spurs days, meaning Hill, Popovich, Carlesimo, if I'm not mistaking, but also Nelson of course.

Avery has a MONSTER record so far, something like 139-38, and that shows A LOT. His ability to lead the team, he's not just a coach, he's the leader.

Anyone who watches Dallas games can confirm that. And what Handy said about schedule spots, this is exactly what I told you last night on the other board, it doesn't have to mean that GSW style is necessarily "the one" to utilize Dallas and their game.

Actually I wouldn't even think that for one second, the reason is simple. You cannot say ok, we have that famous Riley' statement, and I'm fading it, not here buddy. Perhaps in a PHX-DET finals you could be on the fade, but Phoenix have excelled into much more than just a run and gun team, even though they still show moments of weaknesses and in my opinion will be very hard for them to keep the needed level in order to win the ring, but they're improved.

Nellie's ball is stagnant. He doesn't improve his teams, he just coaches them as they are. GSW aren't going nowhere, this is their limit, even more than some expected.

I'm saying they cannot beat Dallas or even play with them with Biedrins being the sole interior presence. They cannot beat Dallas by counting on run and gun only. Dallas will shift their game A LOT, and GSW will run out of steam once they do that.

I'm not going to bet game 1, but I sincerely doubt it GSW will have a chance. However, that 1st half bet might not be such a bad idea, after all there is that known phenomenon of GSW stepping up in the 1st half and mailing it in in the 2nd.

GL tonight buddy, I hope you're enjoying the site, it's the greatest around when NA sports are concerned. :shake:

GSW will hold their form only until their next loss. So if they lose this one, they'll lose the series 0-4 or 1-4.

This one I can very much agree with :shake:

Btw, your first or second day here and already tons of people here, discussions, feedback :D

Za dobrim konjem se prašina diže ;)


Relax with calling out posters as biased. Just because they have a certain teams avatar doesn't mean they bet blindly. This isn't the other forum, everyone has an opinion and it isn't wrong because you assume its biased. Some are more informed than others, thats all.

and that Battlestar Galactica avatar? You must be biased towards Starbuck and her manlike physique.

on that note, welcome to ctg.
nice hit with your 1st posted play cafa.

Now get yourself a real BGalactica chick avatar
and that Battlestar Galactica avatar? You must be biased towards Starbuck and her manlike physique.
Don't attack women in a manly discussion. It's wrong and there's no honour in it.

I already have a gf which resembles Tricia Helfer in appearance, the only difference is that Tricia is flat, so she's not a challenge for me. But thanks for the pics, man with drunk chicks on his avatar.

Calling albyman32 biased was maybe too much, because he had a few solid arguments. But I didn't want to write epic novels on how people who are fans of a certain team tend to be biased. It's not by choice, it's just the way it is. Stakes are high, this is playoffs. I don't believe someone is unbiased until I see him bet against his own team. I'm not making statements, just saying I'm very careful about that.

About the game - thanks guys, but it was not me who had 33p and 14r. :) Things went exactly as I predicted, Warriors fought and Dallas looked like they're on practice. No chemistry for Mavs. And Nellie completely outplayed Avery, this was one unorthodox approach and a great game.

I don't know what to think about game 2, but we see one difference in GSW - they didn't stop at half-time like they usually do. And the name "Warriors" really suits them. I enjoy watching heroes win, I'd enjoy it also if Dallas did it. Probably the best bet for game 2 is under. The value will stay on GSW side as bookies are very inert. They probably still think that 7-1 GSW over DAL is a fluke. Maybe...but for now we don't see a reason to back Mavs. We should listen carefully how did GSW take this win. If they are satisfied, then they'll lose game 2. If they think their job has just begun, then they'll win again.

This is, as I told Cafa via PM, exactly why CTG is a fantastic site. Guys come here to talk sports, not to flame each other, I've been around on European boards and some have grown too big and are impossible to handle any more, I cannot imagine this happening on a European board, this many people discussing the game and then congratulating afterwards, most there are too proud, too bitter and just too frustrated and immature to do that.

I don't mean one board but several.

This is what it's all about guys, congratulating a fellow capper after a winning bet, despite the fact you were on the other side.

As Rod said it briefly, even though I think he only meant Cafa's picks, it could be applied to the whole topic...

Nice hit, but your analysis on the regular season was total crap.

The first game GS beat them was the 3rd game of the mavs' season, where they went 0-4.

The second game was at the end of the mavs' 17 or so winning streak. They had to lose sometime.

The 3rd game was not too long ago. The 3rd to last game of the season. The mavs didn't play dirk, dampier, howard, or stackhouse.

Very nice job, Cafa. I tailed you on both. Your write up made a lot of sense and showed you really had a feel for this game.

Keep 'em comin' mah man!!
Nice hit, but your analysis on the regular season was total crap.

The first game GS beat them was the 3rd game of the mavs' season, where they went 0-4.

The second game was at the end of the mavs' 17 or so winning streak. They had to lose sometime.

The 3rd game was not too long ago. The 3rd to last game of the season. The mavs didn't play dirk, dampier, howard, or stackhouse.
Then I guess me and GSW won on a fluke again. I didn't make a good analysis on the regular season, I didn't know what kind of impact will resting players have on this game, and I apologize for making such a huge mistake and even having courage to write about it on a forum where Americans discuss American sports. Next time I'll comment on games after they finish. Like you do. Deal?

Thanks everyone, I won't come back to this thread so see you around.
Nice hit, but your analysis on the regular season was total crap.

The first game GS beat them was the 3rd game of the mavs' season, where they went 0-4.

The second game was at the end of the mavs' 17 or so winning streak. They had to lose sometime.

The 3rd game was not too long ago. The 3rd to last game of the season. The mavs didn't play dirk, dampier, howard, or stackhouse.

Nice job! So much for your tryout on the welcoming committee.
Nice hit, but your analysis on the regular season was total crap.

slayer, its one thing to disagree with someone's analysis, its another to approach that disagreement disparagingly. *Total crap* could easily have been substituted for *off the mark* / *simply not accurate*, or any other number of (less demeaning) variables.

While not wanting to foster a PC hell here, we do strive not to hit the baseline a certain other place (in particular) has (from its once high/er perch). Something to keep in mind for the future.:shake:
Lots of fun stuff to read here. I only have one big disagreement with what was said. This place does have people biased towards their home teams. I'm the Utah Jazz homer. Nice to meet you and excellent call on the game.
J Picks I could've thought better ways to dedicate your 1000th post than to declare yourself a Utah Jazz homer. Your guys better win for us SU tonight. Yes I did say SU, and no it wasn't my cat who suddenly jumped on the keyboard and typed "SU".

I don't even have a cat FFS.

:pillow: take that you blasphemer :D Utah Jazz homer :D and for having a better regular season record than me :D