GoIrish! Week 8!!!!!!!!


Pretty much a regular
Week 1 5-3 +3U
Week 2 8-9 -2.5U
Week 3 7-2 +10U
Week 4 1-2 -2U
Week 5 2-2 +2U
Week 6 7-5 +5.5U
Week 7 1-2 -2U

Total 31-25 +14U

Notre Dame -3 2U....missed the open...Damn!
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Some leans that i'm waiting on some hopeful numbers to pop....
Michigan -7
LSU -7...not sure it will ever go that much
Georgia -7
Central Florida +14..think it to late for that..line going oppo direction
quick thoughts on my Irish....

This game is huuuuuge for Notre Dame. More than most people understand. Notre Dame has not won at home against USC since 2001!!! I have never seen a home win from the Irish against USC ever...hopefully that changes this weekend! This is the time where Notre Dame is going to put there foot down on USC's throat. This game means a lot more for Notre Dame in a few different ways. Notre Dame doesn't really play another good oppenent (if you call USC a good oppenent) until there last game of the year when they play @ stanford. A night game....and if you remember the last night game that was played at ND....after the game ...USC said that Notre Dame quit! There is plenty of pay backs coming for those comments alone. So...if ND can win this..they maybe sitting at 9-2 when they meet Stanford at the Farm.

I think these 2 teams are going in 2 different directions. The D is starting to play much much better than earlier in the year. They did a great great job in slowing down Az St and there passing attack and applying pressure to the qb. I think they put a lot of pressure on Kessler making him do a Tommy Turnover. USC d is brutal so even Tommy should post video game numbers against them.....hopefully he can avoid the turnover bug. ND should win the game by a TD...or 2