Goaltending Change in Montreal................


Serious thoughts and opinions only, please...

I am pretty hot about this goaltending change and I don't think it should have happened. I am not a HABS fan.

So what did we learn????
How much of a bigger improvement are you going to get with 2 different rookie goalies with no Playoff experience.

PRICE games played... - Salary $850,000
Regular Season 41 games
Playoffs 10 games

HALAK games played... - Salary $500,000
Regular Season 22 games
Playoffs 1 games

I know PRICE has to be a hell of a lot better then he has. If this kid is suppose to be your future you can F*** up his confidence with a move like this. But when you have a team that just is having a hell of time scoring. How is it all PRICE'S fault.

Games 3 - Habs were down 3 - 0 starting the 3rd period then they decided to play hockey. This is after PRICE was pulled in between the 2nd and 3rd period.

Game 4 - Habs were down 2 - 0 starting the 3rd period but played a better game tonight but couldn't capitalize on the Power Play which was #1 in the regular season.

Maybe this is what PRICE needed was a night off to get refocused.
I don't believe it.

When you got a total of 74 games played in the NHL between 2 rookies. What do the HABS expect. They need these types of experiences and failure to learn from so when next playoffs come around they are ready for the ups and downs of a playoff series.

Also coming into the Playoffs PRICE was being compared to PATRICK ROY. When ROY was in his rookie year with the HABS and they won the Cup in 86 I think it was.

PRICE got screwed, imo.
I dont have a problem with it.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over & over and expect different results. They had to change up something to try and stem the Flyer tide (they could easily have been down 0-3 headed into game 4). The goalie situation was the most obvious thing subject to such a change.
I dont have a problem with it.

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over & over and expect different results. They had to change up something to try and stem the Flyer tide (they could easily have been down 0-3 headed into game 4). The goalie situation was the most obvious thing subject to such a change.

Sitting 1 or 2 of your top players for a period or two would have been the better choice, imo.

Kovalev has been aweful since game 1.
Halak isn't a typical second-fiddle goalie, hes a future number one. Part of the reason the habs traded Huet was because they were afraid he would bolt and leave for Russia. Many theories abound for Price's recent failures: injured glove hand, and his father suddenly hanging around. Too many of the habs skilled players not going the extra mile. Its frustrating as hell to watch as a fan and as a bettor, I did fairly well in the reg season on Montreal games but now the bulk of my losses has come because of them. Maybe my judgment is clouded as a fan but Montreal has made Boston and Philly look like hockey gods...Its time to dress some american leaguers who dont mind to get their noses dirty IMO
Montreal is having problems scoring and I forgot to mention RYDER is riding the pines cause GUY C. doesn't like him. He has played 4 games averaging 10 minutes per game in these playoffs. He has to play more then this to be in a game.

Seasons in Montreal
03 - 04 35 goals
04 - 05 30 goals
05 - 06 30 goals
06 - 07 14 goals

Notice a trend here, his goals have gone downhill since Carboneau's arrival.
Carbonneau never liked him you are right, because Ryder has always been a bit of a defensive liability. But I agree he shouldve been given more chances, at least he has intensity and many others have sucked more and were given a longer leash. Carbonneaus made a few decisions this year that made me scratch my head, Im not so sure he's coach of the year material just yet.
Carbonneau never liked him you are right, because Ryder has always been a bit of a defensive liability. But I agree he shouldve been given more chances, at least he has intensity and many others have sucked more and were given a longer leash. Carbonneaus made a few decisions this year that made me scratch my head, Im not so sure he's coach of the year material just yet.

He has definately made some questionable moves.

From my understanding. Gainey wanted to start PRICE but Carbonneau wanted to keep and start HUET.
He has definately made some questionable moves.

From my understanding. Gainey wanted to start PRICE but Carbonneau wanted to keep and start HUET.

Carbonneau always felt Price should have spent the full year in the minors. Carbonneau was for Halak being the number 2 but yes Gainey overruled him. I dont think though any decision is or was ever made by one man alone in Montreal. Theres a lot of hockey brains in the back.
Carbonneau always felt Price should have spent the full year in the minors. Carbonneau was for Halak being the number 2 but yes Gainey overruled him. I dont think though any decision is or was ever made by one man alone in Montreal. Theres a lot of hockey brains in the back.

I don't get why Carbonneau expected or wanted PRICE in the minors with PRICE being between the PIPES for HAMILTON and they WON the CALDER CUP last year.

Carbonneau has shown PRICE no respect as far as I concerned or an confidence that he has faith in PRICE to be a #1 guy.

I really think Carbonneau is not putting enough pressure on his top veterans to step up to the plate and leaders to lead this team to a game 7.
I don't get why Carbonneau expected or wanted PRICE in the minors with PRICE being between the PIPES for HAMILTON and they WON the CALDER CUP last year.

Carbonneau has shown PRICE no respect as far as I concerned or an confidence that he has faith in PRICE to be a #1 guy.

I really think Carbonneau is not putting enough pressure on his top veterans to step up to the plate and leaders to lead this team to a game 7.

Well I could see why Carbonneau wanted him in the minors, he is just 20 years old, and I dont know where youre from but Montreal is quite different in pressure than other hockey cities, it takes on seriously unreal proportions sometimes, it can drive some to nervous breakdowns. I remember Stephane Richer after he scored 50 goals in one year and then had a bad year after that, there was false stories about him sleeping with strippers who had aids on the front page of a normal newspaper...As far as veterans go, theres only 2 I can think of that could use a kick in the pants: Kovalev and Higgins, the rest are young or playing injured.
Well I could see why Carbonneau wanted him in the minors, he is just 20 years old, and I dont know where youre from but Montreal is quite different in pressure than other hockey cities, it takes on seriously unreal proportions sometimes, it can drive some to nervous breakdowns...As far as veterans go, theres only 2 I can think of that could use a kick in the pants: Kovalev and Higgins, the rest are young.

I am in ONTARIO I know the pressure the HABS take in that city. PRICE will never learn how to get through bad game or a bad run if he can't work through them. I think PRICE has been fine with the pressure.
I am a WINGS fan.
I am in ONTARIO I know the pressure the HABS take in that city. PRICE will never learn how to get through bad game or a bad run if he can't work through them. I think PRICE has been fine with the pressure.
I am a WINGS fan.

Well Price has played very poorly lately in my opinion. But Jean Perron did say his father has been around lately. And Perron added from his experience as coach that some players really dont respond too well in such circumstances, and I cant deny Price hasnt been himself the last 6 games or so. Im a fan of Price, Im also a fan of Halak, but i know Halak will eventually leave and be very good somewhere else, much like Vokoun.
Well Price has played very poorly lately in my opinion. But Jean Perron did say his father has been around lately. And Perron added from his experience as coach that some players really dont respond too well in such circumstances, and I cant deny Price hasnt been himself the last 6 games or so. Im a fan of Price, Im also a fan of Halak, but i know Halak will eventually leave and be very good somewhere else, much like Vokoun.

It's not all PRICE'S fault and he hasn't been great. This HABS team has not played 3 periods in one game these playoffs so you just can't blame goaltending. GAMES 3 and 4 both games the HABS were down 3 zip and 2 zip. Where were the goals from the forwards. The forwards are just not getting it down bottom line. Halak is not better then Price, imo.

Good Luck to your Habs. :shake:
It's not all PRICE'S fault and he hasn't been great. This HABS team has not played 3 periods in one game these playoffs so you just can't blame goaltending. GAMES 3 and 4 both games the HABS were down 3 zip and 2 zip. Where were the goals from the forwards. The forwards are just not getting it down bottom line. Halak is not better then Price, imo.

Good Luck to your Habs. :shake:

I am blaming Price, he hasnt made the key saves to keep his team in the games and I know he is young but thats his job, Id feel differently if he was getting peppered. Price will be better in the long run, but right now I think both are pretty equal. Halak went 12-6 in the stretch run for the habs last year with a worse team in front of him(I remember the before last game against the rangers in which the habs completely failed to show up and had one of their lowest shots on goal performances ever, it was like 12 or something...)Hes been impeccable this year also in the few starts hes had. And the last game where Halak started (1st time in over one month), he gave up 2 PP goals and one 5 on 5 goal, maybe its one PP goal too many but its hard to find fault in that.

Good luck to your Red Wings and welcome aboard Pucks :shake: