Go Auburn!!!

You don't risk a block on the road and the defense was lights out most of game. Dab trusted his d.
gotta kick it and try and go up two scores. we need a thread just on coaching decisions. should be interesting. like the Minny coach the other day. not sure what some of these guys are thinking.
Same thing with Stanford coach yesterday. They were up 6 and scored a TD with 2:12 left and he kicked the xpt. That's a time IMO to go for two and go up 14 and two full TD's. But what do I know.
You could see him stewing it over on the sidelines, after he checked with his 'boys' about what tickets they were or were not holding he decided to go for it.

Not the first time for Dabo and won't be the last.

CFB is back, you have to be on the receiving end of some fuckery to truly appreciate this sport.

Gets us ready for the NFL fixing which is second to none.
<article data-id="563952446909456328" data-time="1472965596000" class="now-feed-item now-feed-shortstop has-media module_bloom_behavior " data-behavior=" module_bloom" data-sport="23" data-teams="2,228" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(108, 109, 111); font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; margin-bottom: 9px; position: relative; font-family: BentonSans, -apple-system, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 14px 0px 0px !important;">[h=1]David M. HaleESPN Staff Writer [/h]

Dabo Swinney said he wanted the game in the hands of his defense rather than to risk a blocked kick on Clemson's final drive. "If [Auburn] marches the length of the field with 40 seconds and no timeouts, I'll go down and shake their hands and say great job." Auburn nearly did, but Clemson ended it by batting away a Hail Mary as time expired.

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</article><article data-id="563946283639775104" data-time="1472965525000" class="now-feed-item now-feed-shortstop has-media module_bloom_behavior " data-behavior=" module_bloom" data-sport="10" data-teams="19" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(108, 109, 111); font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; margin-bottom: 9px; position: relative; font-family: BentonSans, -apple-system, Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 14px 0px 0px !important;">
He's just defending his dumb decision. He was nervous as fuck as Auburn was driving for a shot.
I don't remember how but Dabo's coaching cost me a cover in the ND/Clem game last year. Had Clemson -7 and when they missed the XP I knew it would cost the cover tie. After the shitty punt when it was 19-6 and Auburn ball on Clem 40 I decided to buy off my 2u bet and took Auburn +12.5 for +115. Saved my day. Don't want to bet on Dabo too much anymore. Lets other team stay in the game with his play calling IMO. I actually think he did the right not kicking the FG - remember his kicker missed an XP and his one FG made was shaky. But the bonehead error was calling the running play on 3rd down that could end up out of bounds and did (never mind the RB needs to know to go down in bounds there) - if they had done that there would have been about 15 seconds left when Auburn got ball back vs. the 40.

Oh yeah, Stanford scores with a minute left to go up 12 and Shaw kicks XP to make it 13. Only reason not to go for 2 was the spread being 12.5/13. Gotta think he knew.
What makes it hurt isn't just he didn't kick the fg. It's the missed xp and the boulware late hit penalty when it would had been 4th and long. combine all those things and damn
GG, did you notice when boulware made the INT on 4th down at the 3 the prior drive - if he'd had batted it down instead of catching it would have saved them 5 critical yards down there. I don't think he's the brightest kid. There were bonehead penalties on both teams - don't know how coaches take it - be a lot of kids running at 5am if I was the coach.
GG, did you notice when boulware made the INT on 4th down at the 3 the prior drive - if he'd had batted it down instead of catching it would have saved them 5 critical yards down there. I don't think he's the brightest kid. There were bonehead penalties on both teams - don't know how coaches take it - be a lot of kids running at 5am if I was the coach.

Yeah that would have saved them a few yards, but players don't typically think that way. They just want the turnover. Happens all the time in NFL too
GG, did you notice when boulware made the INT on 4th down at the 3 the prior drive - if he'd had batted it down instead of catching it would have saved them 5 critical yards down there. I don't think he's the brightest kid. There were bonehead penalties on both teams - don't know how coaches take it - be a lot of kids running at 5am if I was the coach.

Dabo should be leading the team around the track with that dumb no FG decision
To be afraid to get a kick blocked there when you can ice the game is like saying we shouldn't run the ball because we might fumble. Has Dabo coached this team to win a championship or not?
Maybe I had too much to drink?

:rofl: That sounds like an answer I'd give. If that was my team and a coach made a decision like that I'd be fine with him being let go the next day (obviously you wouldn't do that to a coach with that team, but it has me questioning why he has a job and some guy off the couch doesn't). I can't think of any reason there you don't go up two scores unless you're telling the world you have zero trust in your kicker and offensive line. If your defense can stop them from the 17 yard line they can stop them from the 24 yard line (missed fg).
They never should have been in that position because Gallman should have stayed in bounds on third down. There would have been 5 seconds left at that point.

However there were 2 bad snaps earlier in the game so maybe that was some of his thought process. Idk, I think you kick the field goal there but whatever. And no you certainly don't even consider firing the guy the next day even if Auburn had completed a hail mary
What I like to do when these situations come up is play the "What would I want if I was on Auburn ML to happen in that situation?" Or conversely if I was on Auburn ML "What don't I want to happen?"

I'd want Clemson not to kick the FG........I'd want them to run a play. That will give my team a chance to win.

Anybody saying that Dumbo Swinney made the right call is not really a smart person.

On to week 2........see if a team up 1 with 10 seconds left gives an intentional safety so they can get better field position punting.....Note to Dumbo - I'm just kidding. Punt it away fucko.
They never should have been in that position because Gallman should have stayed in bounds on third down. There would have been 5 seconds left at that point.

However there were 2 bad snaps earlier in the game so maybe that was some of his thought process. Idk, I think you kick the field goal there but whatever. And no you certainly don't even consider firing the guy the next day even if Auburn had completed a hail mary

Very true.

Bad snap could play a role in it, but ugh... And I'm not saying fire the guy, because as you say even if they complete the hail mary you wouldn't, but it's stuff like that that would make me okay with having a different coach if I was rooting for the team.