Glasnow Starting 2 Days Rest


Pretty much a regular
I gotta believe he's going 2 innings or less. Crazy circumstances tomorrow in game 5. Yanks need to get this to the 5th. They'll go 15 outs with their Big 3
I gotta believe he's going 2 innings or less. Crazy circumstances tomorrow in game 5. Yanks need to get this to the 5th. They'll go 15 outs with their Big 3

Gotta imagine plan is Glasnow 2 (maybe somehow 3 if he’s dominant and low PC) then go Snell 3-4
Glasnow then Snell then their pen. Pretty much all their main guys are rested.

Cole has to go 6 strong. Green, Britton, and Chappy get 1 inning each after today. If there are any other RPs in the game for NY, it won't be a good thing.

You guys pick up on the change tonight? Moisture came back into the air in So Cal, temps dropped, and some balls that were previously HRs all of a sudden were caught at the track. That's a good thing, as it'll be more legit tomorrow. Simple fly balls shouldn't always be HRs. Just those that are truly crushed or squared up.
I think these managers try to get too cute. 2 days rest to start a guy when snell is ready is crazy. I mean if you needed an out or 2 or maybe an inning max you use glasnow but I dunno, he’s a power pitcher not sure what he’s gonna have tomorrow
I was on the wrong side of the marine layer last night unfortunately.
I think these managers try to get too cute. 2 days rest to start a guy when snell is ready is crazy. I mean if you needed an out or 2 or maybe an inning max you use glasnow but I dunno, he’s a power pitcher not sure what he’s gonna have tomorrow

I actually really like the move to start with Glasnow as opposed to bringing him in after. Think he will be much more effective starting. Guess we will see though.