Giselle Brady NOT dead of cancer #blessed #tb12

If FB is the source, there are a TON of celebrity death hoaxes that have been done in the past. Sly Stallone just had one a few months back, but it happens a lot.

Tweeter doesn't even have anything yet, and those peeps on there are the first with almost everything.
If this didn't involve death I would be all over this as a hoax...which I am guessing there is a 90% chance this is.
I am so greatly saddened by this report I was not aware of her stomach disease
Would it be most helpful if our website came together in support of Tom brady, she was his wife and now she is not? I am sad about this report
I am hurt because Tom brady is a player I admire she is young. It is sad to report
It is a unwelcome death report because she was the very first model to horse walk and all appreciated her ways
It wasnt a tip, it was a text that said Bradys wife died. I typed back fuck, he typed back stomach cancer, 3 girls, I said wow, I said where did you see it he said Facebook, i dont have facebook, it was a college friend that I literally thought was TB12 cause my boy lives in Exeter and he is a pats man. I thought he was giving me the stonecold stunna news, cause the boston radio was saying another thing was going on after JE went down. It was not a tip, i wasnt trying to be cool, I was shocked.. Glenn Brady, whose wife did die last night is a legend and my thoughts are with him. You see I just share, sometimes too much, but who cares Hope yall enjoyed the thread