Gimmie the NFC ML

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Mostly for value, but also I like the idea that this roster sort of has more to prove.

Brian Westbrook, who was snubbed last year, Adrian Peterson, etc. and then you have three Redskins playing for the memory of Sean Taylor.

That said, if Derek Anderson doesn't play until the second half, and if the NFC is up at half, I may hedge.

He has two of his main targets on the team and he's at a contract impasse at this point with the Browns so a good showing here could likely net him some more cash.
I am thinking the same, as the young players want to play, but I really think Rothlesbeger and Anderson may struggle.

AFC is missing a lot of their stars, but I think the game comes down to the D line and perhaps db's. I think they are not allowed to blitz, so whichever team also has the better drop back qb's it may help.

I am not thrilled about Garcia on NFC cause he is terrible, NFC looks to be solid as players from Dallas are first timers, and Green Bay all teams that had bad endings of the season.
AFC is largely composed of Pats, Chargers and Colts, but these teams are more concerned about injuries and will not take chances as most of the stars on these teams are resting.

I think the NFC is playing their best and AFC is not, but in these bloody games anything can happen for sure.
I don't think Anderson will struggle simply because he's got Braylon and Winslow there. He should feel comfortable, because if he ever gets in trouble he knows he's got guys he can count on.

Ben, to me, is still not a great passer yet, and Peyton though he likes these things, should be out early.

Gimme that plus money.

On a scale of one to ten right now, Steed, how much higher on the drug ingestion scale are you than you were say, two months ago?

On a scale of one to ten right now, Steed, how much higher on the drug ingestion scale are you than you were say, two months ago?

whoa, whoa sir. i've never done a drug in my life. alcohol....thats a different story. i've never smoked anything in my life. didnt start drinking til i was like 20 (2 years ago) too.
Nice call Joe, glad my Boys could help with the W. 13 Cowboys end their postseason with a W. I'm gonna petition Goodell and see if they can award 1/4 of a Lombardi for that. :prayer
Thanks guys.

And thank you, Gambling Gods.

Had me worried there for a while with that start, but DA didn't look so good in the second half, that seems to me what did them in because before that the only reason it seemed to be tied was because the NFC kept turning the ball over. Neither side really showed up defensively, which they never do, but with three turnovers you shouldn't really be in the position they were.

But I'll take it.


And now I miss football.
