Gene Chizik: Best interviewer ever

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I know precious little about Auburn, but I heard this guy on ESPN radio this morning. Now, I give him total credit for his honesty. However.

They asked him how he would take this current team to the next level. His response? He hasn't seen tape on them.

Wait, let me say that again.

Question: How do you take this team to the next level, make it better.

Answer: Honestly, I haven't seen tape on them so I can't answer that yet.

In all fairness, he obviously wanted to answer the question, he wasn't dodging it. But that almost makes it worse.

He said other than the 15 minutes he'd spent with the team after the announcement, he hadn't spoken to a player, he hadn't watched any film of the team.

With this guy's resume, he must be the single greatest interview on this planet. How do you sell a university that you're going to turn them around or do anything with them, when you have no idea what they're like right now? They obviously didn't talk about his scintillating 2-10 record in conference or whatever it is. I mean, holy f**k this guy's gotta be able to sell d*ck to Jody Foster.

"Seriously, Tom Cruise, you want to f**k this woman."

"But, but, she's a woman."

"Listen, Tom, trust me on this one, I know what I'm talking about. Don't think about it. Just. Hit. It."

"Well, OK, Gene."
I know precious little about Auburn, but I heard this guy on ESPN radio this morning. Now, I give him total credit for his honesty. However.

They asked him how he would take this current team to the next level. His response? He hasn't seen tape on them.

Wait, let me say that again.

Question: How do you take this team to the next level, make it better.

Answer: Honestly, I haven't seen tape on them so I can't answer that yet.

In all fairness, he obviously wanted to answer the question, he wasn't dodging it. But that almost makes it worse.

He said other than the 15 minutes he'd spent with the team after the announcement, he hadn't spoken to a player, he hadn't watched any film of the team.

With this guy's resume, he must be the single greatest interview on this planet. How do you sell a university that you're going to turn them around or do anything with them, when you have no idea what they're like right now? They obviously didn't talk about his scintillating 2-10 record in conference or whatever it is. I mean, holy f**k this guy's gotta be able to sell d*ck to Jody Foster.

"Seriously, Tom Cruise, you want to f**k this woman."

"But, but, she's a woman."

"Listen, Tom, trust me on this one, I know what I'm talking about. Don't think about it. Just. Hit. It."

"Well, OK, Gene."

Chizik did a fantastic job for them as DC there. That had to do with this hiring more then anything.

Chizik was also born in Florida, went to UF, coached HS football in Florida, and was an assistant at Central Florida. Recruiting the state of Florida is going to be huge for Auburn's success in the future as long as Saban is at Alabama.

As a young assistant at UCF he would go to visit the Tampa Bay Buccaneers practices and study their practices which the Bucs allowed all coaches to do. When Monte Kiffin watched an Auburn game he immediately closed practices to the coaches because of how well Chizik picked up his scheme.

In 04 his defense was sick, he won the Broyles award, and many pegged him to be the next Bob Stoops (young DC turned badass head coach). He went on to Texas in 05 with similar success and helped them win the MNC. He has star written all over him.

Then 06 came and his pass defense went to shit (ranked in the 100s) despite having a spectacular secondary (Ross, Griffin, and Brown all drafted into the NFL). It seemed like he had no idea how to defend the Big 12 offenses that were relying more on the spread and passing attacks.

Rumors of disagreements amongst the coaching staff, Chizik not liking Brown's meddling or reported Brown's preferring playing SRs over more talented underclassmen, which led to the surprise move of Chizik taking over ISU. Many Texas fans were actually glad to see him go but still don't know who's to blame for that defense in 06 especially when it was even worse in 07 with Chizik gone.

After 05 Chizik was the hottest assistant coach in football. I think Auburn could've done much better so I don't agree with the hire, but Chizik isn't as bad a hire as many are making it out to be.
Auburn is in an impossible spot. If Chizik fails its cause he wasn't qualified, if they go with Gill and he fails it was because he wasn't really ready for big time ball. Damned if you do, damned if...

I want to see what route he goes with the offense, and more specifically who he brings in.

One more thing, Mark May and Sir Charles need to shut the fuck up about black coaches not getting the "good" jobs. Hello guys, have you noticed that national title contending jobs don't come open every year? There is a reason for that. If you are contending for championships, you obviously don't need a coach. Its "bad jobs" where coaches are needed. I'm all for evening out the ratio of head coaches in regard to race, but what entitlement do blacks - or anyone else for that matter - have to getting a "good" job? In fact, when was the last time that a coach in his first year took over a team that was honestly in position to compete for a national title? I can think of exactly one in the last ten years. Les Miles at LSU. Its the coach's job (regardless of race) to make the job good, not get handed the reigns to a wagon on its way to the top.
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Teams hire coordinators

----All the good black young assistants that are on a path to be coordinators, they jump to the NFL

Mel Tucker is defensive coordinator with Browns, he was offered DC by Jim Tressel after Snyder left and he turned it down

Black coaches going to NFL are to blame

There are definately more black assistants in the NFL than in college. And thus coaches.
Yeah, I think May and Barkley's gripe isn't so much that the good jobs go to white guys--though the do--it's that all the jobs go to white guys. More than that, and I think this is bigger than race, is that the good jobs--which is to say, the high profile, high dollar jobs--go to name guys. Almost always.

I actually don't consider Auburn to be in that category (sorry Auburn fans). But, for example, the Dallas Cowboy job, or the Alabama job when it came open. Where they ever going to go with somebody you've never heard of? Probably not. And there just aren't a lot of black coaches in that 'name' pool. So I think the whine is, until you give them 'a' job, they'll never be in the running for 'the' jobs.

Which I think is a fair point.
Until May and Barkley start complaining about the lack of white cornerbacks, tailbacks, etc., they need to keep their mouths shut about the lack of black coaches.
I agree that there should be more black head coaches in the NCAA ranks, but removing a black head coach from one school and placing him at another does not even out the ranks. If Gill had been offered the AU job. Would Buffalo hire another black head coach? What black coach would be in the running for a job in the northeast? Most of the better black candidates are in the south. Buffalo would be in the same predicament that AU was arguing. They would not be as familiar with the landscape and recruiting would be a problem.
Until May and Barkley start complaining about the lack of white cornerbacks, tailbacks, etc., they need to keep their mouths shut about the lack of black coaches.

:shake: Let's just play football instead of playing this silly race war.
Why don't we hear asians saying they should be more asian coaches, or indians saying there should be more indian coaches. Or taiwanese saying there should be more etc...

Why don't we hear asians saying they should be more asian coaches, or indians saying there should be more indian coaches. Or taiwanese saying there should be more etc...

Because they don't make up the lion's share of the players. And the reason nobody complains about there being no white corners or whatever is because ALL the players used to be white, and they've now been beaten out at those positions.

The problem I think a lot of people have is that on the field, slowly but surely, talent wins out. In football, they happen to be black, in baseball, Latin, in hockey--well, they're still white. Point being, white, black, asian, they all got out on the field, went to training camp, and the better man for the job got the job. But even as black players dominate, and they slowly seem to be position coaches everywhere, they still can't seem to get head coaching jobs.


I, personally, think it's impossible to claim racism across the board. Every university has its own masters to answer to and while I'm absolutely certain there are certain schools who'd hire a broken parking meter as HC before they even interviewed someone black, there are others who probably just don't know any better. They look at name schools or name teams in the NFL, pick a name off the chart, and just hope it works out.

But with as many teams as there are in college football, that there are basically as many black coaches in the NFL as there are in all of college really suggests something isn't right. And, again, it may not be outright racism, it may be rampant stupidity, but something just doesn't look right.
Why don't we hear asians saying they should be more asian coaches, or indians saying there should be more indian coaches. Or taiwanese saying there should be more etc...

Because they don't make up the lion's share of the players. And the reason nobody complains about there being no white corners or whatever is because ALL the players used to be white, and they've now been beaten out at those positions.

The problem I think a lot of people have is that on the field, slowly but surely, talent wins out. In football, they happen to be black, in baseball, Latin, in hockey--well, they're still white. Point being, white, black, asian, they all got out on the field, went to training camp, and the better man for the job got the job. But even as black players dominate, and they slowly seem to be position coaches everywhere, they still can't seem to get head coaching jobs.


I, personally, think it's impossible to claim racism across the board. Every university has its own masters to answer to and while I'm absolutely certain there are certain schools who'd hire a broken parking meter as HC before they even interviewed someone black, there are others who probably just don't know any better. They look at name schools or name teams in the NFL, pick a name off the chart, and just hope it works out.

But with as many teams as there are in college football, that there are basically as many black coaches in the NFL as there are in all of college really suggests something isn't right. And, again, it may not be outright racism, it may be rampant stupidity, but something just doesn't look right.


Joe Public: Voice of Reason within CTG

i fukn always hate that race is blamed on. and yes its ALWAYS the african americans who complain!! i'm soo sick of it!!!
But even as black players dominate, and they slowly seem to be position coaches everywhere, they still can't seem to get head coaching jobs.


Because coaching requires a different set of skills than playing does.

And the reason nobody complains about there being no white corners or whatever is because ALL the players used to be white, and they've now been beaten out at those positions.

No, the reason no one complains is that there's a double standard in effect. If blacks are good at something, they get to "beat out" people from other races in a meritocratic competition. If whites are good at something, they are expected to set aside a certain percentage of slots for others regardless of whether they are equally qualified.

The bottom line is May and Barkley are asking for quotas for black coaches, but not for white players.

Any way you slice it, that's not fair.
Yeah, I think May and Barkley's gripe isn't so much that the good jobs go to white guys--though the do--it's that all the jobs go to white guys. More than that, and I think this is bigger than race, is that the good jobs--which is to say, the high profile, high dollar jobs--go to name guys. Almost always.

I actually don't consider Auburn to be in that category (sorry Auburn fans). But, for example, the Dallas Cowboy job, or the Alabama job when it came open. Where they ever going to go with somebody you've never heard of? Probably not. And there just aren't a lot of black coaches in that 'name' pool. So I think the whine is, until you give them 'a' job, they'll never be in the running for 'the' jobs.

Which I think is a fair point.

No, that isn't what Charles and Mark are saying. If all they were saying is "there should be more than 4 black head coaches in college football" then I would agree.

My biggest problem with the black coaches is they're not getting jobs and they're getting [expletive] jobs when they are hired," Barkley said. "They're not getting good jobs. They're not getting jobs where they can be successful. That's why I wanted Turner to get the Auburn job. He could win consistently at Auburn. You can't win consistently at New Mexico. You can't win consistently at Kansas State. He could have won at Auburn."

I don't have Mark May's quote from college gamenight but he said Mississippi State, Syracuse (when Gill was being linked), KSU, and Washington weren't good jobs. But he is full of shit. Those are all BCS schools who - under proper guidance - could be competitive within 3-5 years. What he really means is those aren't good jobs right now. And that is where my complaint comes in, that "good jobs" according to what Charles and Mark think they are, never come on the market therefore the whining is stupid. Good jobs already have coaches, its bad jobs where coaches are needed. Brady Hoke and Turner Gill are in the same situation, Hoke is going to SDSU does anyone currently think that is a "good" job? Why shouldn't he get the Auburn job? There are no jobs coming open this year where the team is good enough to win a title in 2009 and even if there were, why should Turner Gill automatically get plugged right in? Nobody is entitled to be in charge of a national championship team, its your job to take crap and make it into a contender.
in another post i read today some were talking about urban meyers. we all agree that he is an exceptional coach. he turned bowling gr into a contender in the mac. no small feat. then he worked his magic at utah. we all know the rest of the story. the fact that more black coaches are getting position coaching jobs is great because that is the first step. with more black coaches getting opportunities at some lower levels it just makes sense that with time they will move up if they are good enough. for every university out there that would never hire a black coach there are two that dont give a rats a$$ if their coach was green. as long as he wins games his school will see a lot more green. at this time in history there just arent that many good black coaches but i feel we will see this change as the pos coaches become o and d coordinaters than head coaches at smaller schools. talent and brains dont have a color.
peace out, stevsa