Game 2 Boston Lakers-DRAMA situations

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Phil will have a lot of work to be able to outdue the Celtics and the Paul Pierce saga with the wheelchair and the whole Hulk hogan I am dead but I will come back sprinting 5 minutes later into the game. MCmahon could not have scripted that better.

Game 2 possible Drama Scenarios for the Lakers--

- Vucacic is arrested by Immigration officials in the 2nd qtr during a TV timeout- Phil posts bail and he is released and re enters the game in the 4th qtr and hits the game winning 3 pointer to win the game.

-Kobe is fouled really hard going to the hoop and knocked unconscious after a hit to the head. He is carried off the court in a casket and air lifted to boston hospital. He returns to the game with a protective turban to limit head damage and is unstoppable in the 4th qtr leading the Lakers to a win.

-Odom rejects RONDO and starts trash talking him. In the 4th qtr Odom keeps on trashing Rondo only to tell him he is his illegitimate father who left him while he was a youngster. Rondo is dejected and is crying on the bench.

Any one else have any ideas?
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ariza comes in the game, takes a dive into pierce's knee, starts flashin gang signs while screamin at pierce to "get up and start skippin around u fuckin phony". right before he gets run off the court he manages to kick (insert crooked referee's name here) in the balls forcing said ref out of the game and thereby costing the celtics the only advantage they hold in the 4th quarter
KG continues to dominate as chants of MVP echo throughout the building.
Cassell is on a fast break with Allen and there is a loud bang and a cloud of smoke. Cassell has dissappeared off the court. There is an alien spaceship loading Cassel and taking off the court. All of a sudden all 3 refs appear to be Cassel look a likes. Lakers get all the calls against them for the rest of the game.
Celtics are losing at half next game. Third quarter shenanaghans start in the 3rd quarter.

Pierce starts the quarter on a motorized wheelchair-
Perkins is playing in handcuffs and a prison jumpsuit-
Garnett is playing with floaties on and a cane
Rondo has a pacifier in his mouth and diapers
Allen is wearing satin slippers and a night gown
Lakers starting lineup next week is


However it is former NBA great MARK bryant at power forward and Jeff Fisher at point guard for the Lakers.
Lakers are cruising in the 4th quarter up by 10 when the game is stopped and the CIA enters the game. Radmonovich, Gasol and Vucacicc are arrested for conspiracy to damage Fenway Park. Lakers go on to lose the game.
I had the Celtics tonight...they were gonna win no matter what happened

Lakers win game 2. a lot of shots didnt go in that would usually. KG is not that good. Half the Celtics team is playing on injurys. Everyone predicted them to beat the Pistons Game 2, and they didnt, same scenario.
Phil & Odom are busted for smoking a blunt at halftime with Sasha, Pau and Radman getting caught in the bathroom railing lines.

Luke and the rest of the team are able to down some shrooms bill hooked em up with. Kobe goes out and loses his mind out on the court, entering a different plain of existence, draining 35 footers without even realizing it. with time running out and the lakers down 2, Kobe forgets whats going on, has a soccer flashback from his childhood and launches a drop kick 90 feet down court for the game winner.
After the game, Pierce was walking with a pronounced limp as he exited the post-game interview room and headed back to the locker room, but some 45 minutes later the injury was clearly bothering him more.

As he walked to his car, Pierce was still wearing his warm-ups. The snaps along the right side were hanging open, revealing a wrapping of several ace bandages from the bottom of his calf to the top of his thigh, an additional layer of white tape wrapped around the lower half of his hamstring, ending just above his knee.

Pierce's feet moved no more than 12 inches with each step, and as you watched him begin to navigate the four flights of stairs from the locker-room level to the players' parking lot, you couldn't help but wonder exactly how much adrenalin had fueled his comeback, and whether that knee injury wasn't going to end up keeping him out of Game 2, or at the very least reducing him to 50 percent of the player he usually is.

the truth was The Truth could barely walk by the time the night was over.

from espn's daily dime
as you watched him begin to navigate the four flights of stairs from the locker-room level to the players' parking lot, you couldn't help but wonder exactly how much adrenalin had fueled his comeback, and whether that knee injury wasn't going to end up keeping him out of Game 2, or at the very least reducing him to 50 percent of the player he usually is.

thats what I noted in the in-game. Now the game's said and done, and the adrenalin has gone, gonna be real interesting to see how his knee goes

Boston's win hinged on his 3rd period effort when KG sucked and noone else was doing anything
From Sammy Meatball DAILY"

Boston Surgeons have had to conduct an emergency amputation of Paul Pierce's left leg. Doctors suspect that a deadly bacteria found on Pierce's leg is a foreign bacteria from another planet that must have been trasmitted from contact from an alien. Doctors are puzzled to how Pierce contracted this bacteria. Doctors were able to succesfully amputate Pierce's leg and fit him with a new super robotic leg made my Goodyear. Doctors estimate that Pierce will have a 97 inch vertical now and be able to take one leap from midcourt and dunk the ball.

Doctor Sanjay Kumar " We were trying a prototype on KG tonight, I dont know if anyone saw that play where Allen threw the ball in the backcourt and KG was able to take one step hang in the air for 6 seconds and then throw the ball back to Cassell for a jumper. Pierce is getting the same type of artificial leg.
I had the Celtics tonight...they were gonna win no matter what happened

Lakers win game 2. a lot of shots didnt go in that would usually. KG is not that good. Half the Celtics team is playing on injurys. Everyone predicted them to beat the Pistons Game 2, and they didnt, same scenario.

While i agree that he is overhyped at this point in his career and not a top 3 PF he can dominate Gasol/Turiaft/Radman/Odom whenever he likes. We saw that in the 2nd q. He attacked the rim/paint. If he does that all game and doesnt settle for those stupid perimeter jumpers fading away off 1 foot like he did all 2nd half (outside of last 2 minutes) he could surpass my 20/10/5 expectation for this series and get 30/10/5 easily.

But the fact that he settles for those jumpers with this matchup is frustrating to watch.
From Sammy Meatball DAILY"

Boston Surgeons have had to conduct an emergency amputation of Paul Pierce's left leg. Doctors suspect that a deadly bacteria found on Pierce's leg is a foreign bacteria from another planet that must have been trasmitted from contact from an alien. Doctors are puzzled to how Pierce contracted this bacteria. Doctors were able to succesfully amputate Pierce's leg and fit him with a new super robotic leg made my Goodyear. Doctors estimate that Pierce will have a 97 inch vertical now and be able to take one leap from midcourt and dunk the ball.

Doctor Sanjay Kumar " We were trying a prototype on KG tonight, I dont know if anyone saw that play where Allen threw the ball in the backcourt and KG was able to take one step hang in the air for 6 seconds and then throw the ball back to Cassell for a jumper. Pierce is getting the same type of artificial leg.

This 's a FREAKING SICK'S JOKE !!!!- I heard it here first in this FINALS -

shoulddda nominate for ABC broadcasting

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Brewer^^^ lakers shut his ass down in the 2nd half besides that putback dagger dunk he was shit. The 1st half he was a monsta but lakers outplayed them in the 1st half.
KG was settling throw. You think Pau could shut him down with his slow feet?
Also, had 2 fts and helped in ball movement as lakers were left chasing to get back in halfcourt d off the double downs on him in last 2 minutes.

He was a bum and settled for jumpers all but those 2 minutes of 2h. It's like he knew he had to get back to it. But my question is why did he ever stop???
all I know is Reb's and some fucked up calls fucked the lakers.

Pau get a clean block foul = ft's

pau gets called for back court vio whick was clear it wasnt then later in the game when KG saved the ball it was a back court vio no call.

Rondo gets more ft's than Kobe ? come on now alot of touch fouls.

Lakers will even up the reb's and get their shooter more 3's in game 2

I think game #2 the lakers are gonna play like they played the spurs in game #4 watch.
I watched like 10 minutes combined of this game but overall all KG seems to do now 70% of the time is shoot mid range jumpers. KG will never win a championship. He is the most overhyped player IMO in a long long time. What has he done? He had a few good years where he was getting 16 boards a game but other then that hes proved literally nothing. Ricky Davis can score 25 points a game, but he wont take a team anywhere. Zach Randolph wont lead anyone anywhere. Marbury wont lead a team anywhere. Someone point to me what he has proven. Maybe im being niave here. Hes a good player, but hes not a great player, hes not a gamebreaker, hes not the go to guy. The player on this team is Peirce, if he is injured, its over, Lakers win, the Celtics have 1% chance.
Gurvinator I agree Pierce is a top 5 player when he wants to play, he can do KOBE like things, as he was able to do now--

Allen and KG are just along for the ride-- KG is not aggressive and reallly not that good- he is a jump shooter and thats it, he can rebound and play some D, but his offensive skills are limited lets call it a D+ offensive moves
This result in game 1 shows the Lakers can win this series if they play better- KObe has to do well, and teh rest of team has to get off
lakers outplayed them for 30-32 min then when Pierce came back the fans went ape shit and Pierce hit those 3's and it was over.
Yeah true without the injury there Lakers win, Lakers need some drama too, maybe come out with jack Nicholson as coach next game 2nd half?
you say lakers will win this serie. you have guaranteed that and you said you won't post anymore if lakers lose.
you still believe lakers are going to win???
i wish you luck because you will really need it
i think you are a good capper but i also think you have missed this serie by taking joe public side and the lakers
the game changed when radman got taken out with his 4th foul early in the third. he was in rhythm and the celts have no answer for the Laker O when that 5th guy is nettin 3's.

you can't just focus on kg's O. His D is the reason why the celtics are in the finals.
sammy, would it be drama enough to watch the lakers continue to miss shots they should make?

personally, i would like the drama situation of boston sweeping la. that would make my month!
On an offensive rebound, Kobe will brush Pierce's ear with the tag on his arm wrap and Pierce will predictably go to the parque (a la tony parker) wincing in pain while holding his face with one hand and clutching his left ankle with the other. After about 30-45 seconds, he'll stand up, seemingly unable to see or comprehend his surroundings, and stagger to the other end like Stevie Wonder on a quart of bourbon (and without the use of a seeing guide), actually tripping once and almost falling to the ground only to be caught by p.j. brown, all the while squinting and one arm to cover his eyes, the other arm to "feel" where he's at, and limping on his right foot.

Of course, once he gets to the free throw line his eyes miraculously heal, there are no tears or blurred vision, and he's able to knock down both FT's...
Odom gets nailed hard going to the hoop-- He is unconscious. He is carted off in a wheelchair off the court. While in the wheelchair he gives birth to 5 more Cassells. Phil puts 4 of the Cassell look alikes in the game and Boston gets confused and keeps turning the ball over as they dont know which Cassells play for who.

DOc has come prepared--
Pierce then breaks a nail on his shooting hand. The game is stopped. Pierce is carted off on the wheelchair again and in obvious pain, Pierce is gone for emergency nail restorative treatment. In the 4th qtr the roof starts retracting and Pierce re enters the game in a parachute. He goes on to hit 4 3's in a row.
Pierce does a hesitation dribble gets RADMAN to committ and blows right by him to the hoop for an easy layup. Odom sees this and instead of fouling Pierce fakes it like is going to foul him and yells BOOOOOOO.

Pierce falls to the ground and is now experiencing post traumatic stress symptoms. Pierce is not getting up, smelling salts are not working on him. They decide to bring a golden lab dog used to lead blind people. Pierce is woozy, and has that face that a bettor has when they blow a 3 run lead in the 9th inning. Pierce is in dissarray, he starts bumping in to the Dog and says sorry DOC. Then he pets the Dog and says Sam is that you, Sam cassel help me off the court I cannot see. Pierce has a cane and he is walking to midcourt with the blind dog. Phil lures the dog over with some scoobie snacks, and now Pierce is lost. Vucacic and Radman are wearing black masks talking in some foreign language, and stuffing Pierce into a black duffle bag. Lakers are winning the game handily, until the golden lab on the sidelines bites Phil Jackson in the ass and takes off. Then the dog becomes the "LITTLE HOBO" anyone watch that show?? The golden lab searches the arena and finds Pierce hidden in a maintenance room. The golden lab finds Pierce, and in the 4th qtr, Pierce is being dragged in the black duffle bag by the golden lab as fans are watching in astonisment. They are cheering but dont know what is going on? The golden lab drops off the black duffle bag to Doc Rivers who doesen't know what to do. Kendrick Perkins opens the bag, at first tries to shove Doc Rivers into the bag until Pierce does a martial arts flip up and is ready to go, and re enters the game and scores the next 30 points en route to a C's win.
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doc is going to prove the world wrong and show what a tremendous coach he is by comparing the Celtics struggles to those of Nelson Mandela and South Africa with apartheid.

Doc's tremendous coaching will pay off as the Celtics rally around his insane analogy.

wait a second. that already happened
With :15 left and the Lakers up 1, Pierce eye-brow fakes Radmanovic behind the 3-point line, causing Radman to commit a touch foul by brushing against Pierce's shoulder and stepping on his big toe. Pierce goes to the floor screaming in "obvious" pain holding his hips and yelling that he can't feel his legs. Doc calls a timeout, the training staff rolls a gurney out, lifts the lifeless Pierce on to the cart and rolls him off the court. Upon returning from the T.O., the officials inform Doc he has to make a subsitution for Pierce to shoot the ft's. When from out of nowhere, Pierce comes sprinting out of the tunnel with his shoulder wrapped, but otherwise fine.

He hits all three ft's, putting the celts up 2. Radmanovic gets the inbounds pass and dribbles around 3 Celtics to 1/4 court and, while double-teamed by KG and Perkins, fires up a wild, off-balance 3 with :09 left that banks in for what ends up being the game winning shot.

In the middle of the Laker celebration on the floor, an unidentified white male, later identified as a Russian mofia strong man named "Boris", shoots Vlad execution style for making the shot instead of turning the ball over as instructed. He puts an extra bullet in his skull just for good measure for the point he scored by actually making one of the two ft's he attempted.

Phil calls Tanya Harding and tells her he needs her husband Jeff Giloolly to plan an attack on Pierce's knee. Pierce is finishing practice and he is walking in the tunnel when an unknown man attacks and beats him silly with a coconut. CNN is showing a coconut soaked Pierce being treated for injuries to his knee. Phil and Kobe and Nicholson are giving high fives to each other.

Game starts Celts are dejected and Lakers are winning easily at half by 17. Halftime rolls around and a hospital attendant is rolling the hospital bed with Pierce strapped up to it in stable condition courtside beside the Celts bench.

Pierce has his jersey and hands it to RUDY from that movie, who is now wearing #34. Rudy enters the game for the C's and with the crowd chanting RUDY and Pierce courtside in his hospital bed, RUDY dominates KOby and scores 7 tray's for the C's.

The game ends with Rudy on Kg's shoulders being carted off the court and ALlen is pushing Pierce's hospital bed.
Lakers are in desperation mode trailing 2-0 in the series. Phil resorts to desperation. He feeds Radmanovich, Vucaccic and Gasol many cans of the canned food MAMWICH-(hamburger in a can)

The game is close at half until there are some eruptions on the court. All of a sudden the lane is wide open for the Lakers as KObe and Odom are driving for easy layups. THere appears to be a cloud of smoke on the court, and Pierce has that look of agony and confusion on his face.

Dirty RAMDAN posts up in the lower blocks vs RONDO. Radman has his ass on RONDO and lets a massive bomb go, and all you see is RONDO go flying right out of bounds behind the C's net. He is gasping for air and cannot breathe. Radman drove in for the easy dunk.

Radman continues to work his magic on D, he starts an assault of massive farts aimed at KG- Now KG instead of taking 17 footers is taking 24 footer jumpers. At one point KG was launching 32 footers.

Lakers win and the series is turned around
Phil fakes an illness, he claims he has came down with an extreme rare case of an Asian Wild Bird FLU--

John Madden and George Bush are brough in to coach the Lakers:

Madden" George I think if we can just put that ball in the basket more times than the C's do, we will win the game.

Bush- "I think you may be on to something there John" Man you are brilliant"

Madden" We have to figure out a way to stop the C's big three"

Bush " We can accuse them of having weapons of mass destruction"

Madden" How are we going to prove that Bush"

Bush" Easy this year Pierce and KG took a cab from a strip club while they were in New York playing the Knicks. They spoke to the cab driver, who happens to be linked to terrorists. SO now Kg and Pierce are also linked to terrorists.

Madden" Yeah yeah linking them I love it, linking just like Brett favre is linked to greatness, stardom, championships, best human in the world, best Qb, greek god.

Bush" Exactly thats my plan JOhny, they didnt put me in this position for just my good looks
Phil fakes an illness, he claims he has came down with an extreme rare case of an Asian Wild Bird FLU--

John Madden and George Bush are brough in to coach the Lakers:

Madden" George I think if we can just put that ball in the basket more times than the C's do, we will win the game.

Bush- "I think you may be on to something there John" Man you are brilliant"

Madden" We have to figure out a way to stop the C's big three"

Bush " We can accuse them of having weapons of mass destruction"

Madden" How are we going to prove that Bush"

Bush" Easy this year Pierce and KG took a cab from a strip club while they were in New York playing the Knicks. They spoke to the cab driver, who happens to be linked to terrorists. SO now Kg and Pierce are also linked to terrorists.

Madden" Yeah yeah linking them I love it, linking just like Brett favre is linked to greatness, stardom, championships, best human in the world, best Qb, greek god.

Bush" Exactly thats my plan JOhny, they didnt put me in this position for just my good looks

Wow that was perfect on so many Angles.

Sammy Meatballs :cheers::shake: