Funky Friday Mlb


Calculated Risk Taker
Just one thought....Why is Zambrono so cheap? He has been great as of late, is there something I am missing....PLease talk me out of laying 5 units on the Chubs this afternoon....
prolly cuz of how the chisox beat him up the last time.

but things have changed since then. gotta say, think you're on the right side.
My ass is still sore from the Cubs Cornhole yesterday.
Maybe Cubs 1st 5 innings.
My ass is still sore from the Cubs Cornhole yesterday.
Maybe Cubs 1st 5 innings.

Maybe your right, but the Chi SOX bullpen is the worst in the leauge, the gave the marlins a couple of games in the last series.....I think the implode again.
Chubbies: -110 to win 2 units.....

Long story short is....The sox sux and so does their bullpen...Look for the cubbies to hit them hard past the sixth inning.....Looking hard at the under for 5 innings...Cubs arent gonna kill Buehrle but i think they grind this one out.......'an_horse'
Aramis back tonight as well. I have to think the price is cheap because of the first time that Zambrano faced them.. I am still deciding on this game myself but its Cubs or nothing for me
Zamb faceed them already this year and got shelled...I think that coupled with Buehrles recent success has people willing to play the Chisox.....One thing to ponder..WHO IN THE FUCK COULD BACK THAT BULLPEN?

Just like I said the Tigers are getting pounded as a dog and have dropped the line significantly..I will wait unitl right before 7:00pm and I will pund my Boy Smoltz for atleast 3 units....Maybe more If the CHUBS come through.........
Home Team Baby

Risking 3 (-133units) on the HOME TEAM BABY....

Smoltz @ home for that price...Are you kidding ME?

Hot bats or not, Kenny Rogers of the DL, this isnt october either so dont expect much from him except for the Braves RH Hitters to launch off of him.................................................................
Dont Need Chipper to cash this one...Got plenty of studs to fill in..



Thanks for the info though...would be nice to have him thats for sure...this tigers offensive blitzkrieg wil end tonight, this is the first quality pitcher they have seen in a while, imo.