Is what it is.

Worst thing is everybody in the world knew from about the 9 minute mark of the 4th quarter that the Irish were gonna get the backdoor.

Corruption doesn't need to hide anymore. It has become a meme, just like most of society these days.
I don't care about the spread or the cover. When you're up 31-7 and you show a lack of composure when you ask that of your players, FUCK YOU SABAN. What FRAUD
I want to make sure I'm clear about my point. He's about attention. That situation again showed that he don't give a fuck about anything but himself gaining attention.
I want to make sure I'm clear about my point. He's about attention. That situation again showed that he don't give a fuck about anything but himself gaining attention.
I don't get that impression about him, but maybe I'm just blind to it. He's a perfectionist who doesn't let any detail go unnoticed.
I want to make sure I'm clear about my point. He's about attention. That situation again showed that he don't give a fuck about anything but himself gaining attention.
You’re about attention and congrats you got plenty of it this week. Waiting to cash that clemson check. Fuck I’m an idiot.