Fuck The NFL Refs... This Is Getting Ridiculous. No...Really!


Look. I Know... As A Raider Fan Since 1977... I've Seen Bad Calls Go Against My Squad...
But Tonight's MNF Is A NEW LOW In The NFL...

You May Be Saying... "OH...Vap Just Lost His Wager" No... I Didn't. I ACTUALLY Got Some Good Advice On The 2nd Half In The "NFL IN-GAME" (CTG Members RULE!!!)

I'm Talking From A FAN PERSPECTIVE...

We Can Talk About Bad Beats... Or The Refs "Fucking Us" But The Bears Got Fucked With No Vaseline... The Amount Of BS Calls Tonight, Has Made Me Question About Spending My Hard Earned Cash On Football From Here On Out...

Again... I Cashed...Yet And Still I'm Pissed. If You Missed It, Watch It Again... You Will Be Scratching Your Head... "WTF WAS THAT?!" You'll Say!

BEARS Don't GAF! They Just Scored With Under 2 Minutes In The 4th... YET...I'm Still Disgusted With What I Have Seen Tonight...Pitt Will Probably Kick A FG To Win... I'll Be Back...

Here I AM... 13 Minutes Later...Yup. Pitt Kicks A FG To Win...

Look. I've Hated Pitt Since Franco Harris And Chicago Since The Superbowl Snuffle... So IDGAFF About EITHER TEAM!

But This Was Str8 Up BULL SHIT! Seriously. I Feel Good 4 The Bears +7 Backers. But This Was...



Fuckin A...

Easy E Can Eat A Big Fat Dick
Tim Dog Can Eat A Big Fat Dick
Luke, Can Eat A Fat Dick!
I had Chicago ml into the over
That taunting call was bs. Even though it ended up in a field goal, they took time off the clock. Not sure how much time it was, but even if was a minute, then Fields needs that extra minute to further drive down the field to set up for the game winning field goal.
Just really bad officiating
Show Me The Taunting?! Cause I Didn't See It!
All I Saw Was The Ref Back Into Him As He Ran Off The Field,
As He Was Throwing The Flag!

You. Are. Correct. @blackcrow
Took Time Off The Clock...
Bad Night For The Officials...

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Yeah. It was really bad. I was on Pitt to win in a couple parlays but I feel dirty winning those. That taunting call was BS. The ridiculous roughing the passer and targeting calls are ruining the game.
I think we need to, for handicapping purposes of course (wink), have a team ranking on officiating bias, 1-32, on who typically gets the most help from the refs and who gets the least.

#32 is easy - The Lions get no breaks, ever. Except maybe once every three Thanksgiving games.
#31 is probably the Raiders - they still get residual Al Davis screw jobs.

#1 is also pretty easy - Not the Steelers, believe it or not, but the Packers. Steelers are in the #2-#4 range. When those two met up this season it was the first time in a long ass time that the Steelers did not get most of the calls. That clinched it for me.

#2-#4, you can argue about the order, is some combination of Pittsburgh, KC and whatever team Tom Brady is on (currently the Bucs, previously the Pats).

I'll let you guys fill in the rest. Just put Dallas at around 16-20. They certainly get shafted more often than not, but in division games the usually get some calls.

Then we can look at the matchups and factor that in. For example Lions-Steelers in Heinz next week figures to be ugly.
I think we need to, for handicapping purposes of course (wink), have a team ranking on officiating bias, 1-32, on who typically gets the most help from the refs and who gets the least.

#32 is easy - The Lions get no breaks, ever. Except maybe once every three Thanksgiving games.
#31 is probably the Raiders - they still get residual Al Davis screw jobs.

#1 is also pretty easy - Not the Steelers, believe it or not, but the Packers. Steelers are in the #2-#4 range. When those two met up this season it was the first time in a long ass time that the Steelers did not get most of the calls. That clinched it for me.

#2-#4, you can argue about the order, is some combination of Pittsburgh, KC and whatever team Tom Brady is on (currently the Bucs, previously the Pats).

I'll let you guys fill in the rest. Just put Dallas at around 16-20. They certainly get shafted more often than not, but in division games the usually get some calls.

Then we can look at the matchups and factor that in. For example Lions-Steelers in Heinz next week figures to be ugly.
I Like It. :shake:
Kinda Like The Same For Baseball And Which Umps Call More Strikes Than Balls.
Larger Or Smaller Strike Zone.
It's so subjective though. As everyone says "they could call holding on every play". But they don't. But then if they did, would it be due to Team A getting all the calls or the zebra calling what he saw?

And to be completely unbiased one would have to watch multiple games with no horse in the race whatsoever. Even when it's two teams I couldn't give a shit about, I usually dislike one team more than the other. A holding to one could be a good non-call to another.
I See What Your Saying @Zeke But Did You Watch The Game? Too Many Calls/Non-Calls Than I've Seen In A LONG Time.
Anyways, Off To Work. Have A Good One Fellas
No I didn't Vap. I'm getting to old to stay up for the prime time games. Hell even with working from home my bed time is no later than 10.
It was possibly some of the worst officiating I've ever seen. The primary ones is the TD called back on a phantom penalty resulting in a FG, the very late hit on Fields no call (3 steps after ball released and lit up), the taunting where the ref looks at the player-puts his hand on a flag (6 steps after "taunting)-turns into the player-throws a flag.

There were more, but that was just plain awful. Even the TV analysts and commentators were livid. Sadly, there will be no repercussions.
I challenge someone to find a team more affected in the postseason than the Saints the past 5 years. Hard to accept the postseason is rigged but as a Saints fan it feels impossible to rule out.
I challenge someone to find a team more affected in the postseason than the Saints the past 5 years. Hard to accept the postseason is rigged but as a Saints fan it feels impossible to rule out.
That one play was egregious and deserves total sympathy but have you ever seen refs march an offense down the field, celebrate with the opponent, and rule a guy down before he can return a fumble for six?
That one play was egregious and deserves total sympathy but have you ever seen refs march an offense down the field, celebrate with the opponent, and rule a guy down before he can return a fumble for six?
I’m not clear on the situation you are referencing but yes to the march them
down the field part. Likewise, I’ve seen sudden attention to holding on repeated first down or greater gains to kill a teams ability to score for years. In my opinion, the rule changes have nothing to do with player safety and everything to do with the ability to control the outcome of games and totals. It’s a sad way to view things buts it’s a lens I’ve developed over a 20 year period. It stands out the most when I don’t have action on the game.
I’m not clear on the situation you are referencing but yes to the march them
down the field part. Likewise, I’ve seen sudden attention to holding on repeated first down or greater gains to kill a teams ability to score for years. In my opinion, the rule changes have nothing to do with player safety and everything to do with the ability to control the outcome of games and totals. It’s a sad way to view things buts it’s a lens I’ve developed over a 20 year period. It stands out the most when I don’t have action on the game.
I agree with you. They make everything more subjective to generate more controversy and media attention and to licitly influence the outcome of games. It‘s easiest to accomplish in a league where there is more parity because just one call change change the outcome in a game.
I challenge someone to find a team more affected in the postseason than the Saints the past 5 years. Hard to accept the postseason is rigged but as a Saints fan it feels impossible to rule out.
They’ve certainly been on the wrong end of a couple
complaining bout the refs is as pointless as worrying bout the garbage ass ncaa playoff rankings. We know it a problem, we know it doesnt matter it wont change, we just gotta hope we lucky enough it doesnt effect our games or if it does it effects the other team! lol.. the more stupid ass rules they make to benefit the offense the more they put the games in the officials hands, we know that leads to a lot more suspect shit going on!! most the time i think it just incompetence not cheating for one side or the other but it still sucks a fat one.
if you calling bears last fg a miss by "inches" your eyes as bad the refs!! lol. that thing was short by a good 5 yards!!

this was really suspect mostly cause they were letting steelers rough Fields up and not throwing flags, you never see that anymore, im no conspiracy guy but when they dont throw flags for late hits on QB something is def up!!
4pm and prime time games have been real disgusting this season. It’s only gonna get worse. The nfl makes too much from betting partnerships at this point