Fridays Pitchers


Pretty much a regular
Tb at Min

Rays - James Shields

'09 spring stats

Shields - 6ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's

Twins - Scott Baker, Matt Guerrier, Brian Duensing, Craig Breslow

'09 spring stats

Baker - 17.2ip ~ 33 hits/2BB ~ 16ER ~ 14k's
Guerrier - 8.2ip ~ 11 hits/4BB ~ 7ER ~ 4k's
Duensing - 11ip ~ 9 hits/4BB ~ 4R/1ER ~ 5k's
Breslow - 9ip ~ 4 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 11k's
Phi at Hou

Phillies - Brett Myers, Bobby Mosebach, Ryan Madson

'09 spring stats

Myers - 13.2ip ~ 12 hits/5BB ~ 4ER ~ 9k's
Mosebach - 6.2ip ~ 12 hits/2BB ~ 6ER ~ 2k's
Madson - 9.2ip ~ 15 hits/0BB ~ 4R/3ER ~ 11k's

Astros - Roy Oswalt, LaTroy Hawkins, Chris Sampson, Wesley Wright, Alberto Arias

'09 spring stats

Oswalt - 3ip ~ 1 hit/1BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Hawkins - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Sampson - 5ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Wright - 8ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 4R/0ER ~ 2k's
Arias - 8.1ip ~ 7 hits/2BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 8k's
Stl at Bos

Cardinals - Kyle Lohse

'09 spring stats

Lohse - 20.2ip ~ 19 hits/2BB ~ 8ER ~ 11k's

Red Sox - Josh Beckett, Takashi Saito, Ramon Ramirez, Felix Rodriguez

'09 spring stats

Beckett - 18ip ~ 15 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 9k's
Saito - 8ip ~ 9 hits/4BB/2HBP ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Ramirez - 8.1ip ~ 9 hits/0BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 8k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="even"><td class="forumpost-post">Det at Atl

Tigers - Justin Verlander, Brandon Lyon, Fernando Rodney, Bobby Seay

'09 spring stats

Verlander - 20.1ip ~ 12 hits/14BB ~ 10R/7ER ~ 11k's
Lyon - 8.2ip ~ 15 hits/2BB ~ 10R/5ER ~ 5k's
Rodney - 7ip ~ 9 hits/5BB ~ 6ER ~ 5k's
Seay - 11ip ~ 9 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 10k's

Braves - Tom Glavine, Jorge Campillo, Buddy Carlyle, Eric O'Flaherty

'09 spting stats

Glavine - 3ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Campillo - 5ip ~ 8 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 1k
Carlyle - 8ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 7k's
O'Flaherty - 6.1ip ~ 16 hits/1BB ~ 10ER ~ 7k's</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Bal at Fla

Orioles -
Jeremy Gurthrie, Mark Hendrickson, Radhames Liz

'09 spring stats

Guthrie - 6.2ip ~ 8 hits/4BB ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Hendrickson - 9ip ~ 16 hits/0BB ~ 8R/5ER ~ 3k's
Liz - 9ip ~ 9 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 6k's

Marlins -
Burke Badenhop

'09 spring stats

Badenhop - 9ip ~ 9 hits/3BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's

Relievers Available:
Carlos Martinez
Renyel Pinto
John Koronka
Dan Meyer
Brian Sanchez
Kiko Calero
Logan Kensing
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Chw at Chc

White Sox
- Clayton Richard, Jack Egbert, DJ Carrasco, Bobby Jenks, Octavio Dotel, Randy Williams

'09 spring stats

Richard - 21.1ip ~ 27 hits/5BB/1HBP ~ 15R/12ER ~ 7k's
Egbert - 13.1ip ~ 15 hits/4BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 11k's
Carrasco - 12ip ~ 14 hits/5BB/2HBP ~ 6ER ~ 10k's
Jenks - 6ip ~ 5 hits/4BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Dotel - 8ip ~ 9 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 8R/7ER ~ 13k's
Williams - 10.1ip ~ 6 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 8k's

Cubs - Carlos Zambrano, Chad Fox, Chad Gaudin, Angel Guzman, Mike Stanton

'09 spring stats

Zambrano - 16ip ~ 11 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 6ER ~ 15k's
Fox - 9.1ip ~ 8 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Gaudin - 11.2ip ~ 17 hits/8BB/1HBP ~ 14R/13ER ~ 7k's
Guzman 8ip ~ 8 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 8ER ~ 7k's
Stanton - 8ip ~ 13 hits/3BB ~ 6ER ~ 5k's
Laa at Ari

- Shane Loux, Kevin Jepsen, Justin Speier, David Herndon

'09 spring stats

Loux - 10.2ip ~ 11 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 3R/1ER ~ 7k's
Jepsen - 11ip ~ 11 hits/4BB ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Speier - 8.2ip ~ 10 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 6R/5ER ~ 8k's
Herndon - 10.1ip ~ 11 hits/1BB ~ 6ER ~ 3k's

Dbacks - Dan Haren, Doug Slaten, Juan Gutierrez

'09 spring stats

Haren - 18.2ip ~ 22 hits/4BB ~ 12ER ~ 19k's
Slaten - 6.1ip ~ 10 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 3k's
Gurierrez - 9.1ip ~ 12 hits/3BB ~ 10R/9ER ~ 7k's
Cle at Sf

Indians -
Cliff Lee, Rafael Betancourt, Matt Herges, Jensen Lewis, Joe Smith, Scott Roehl

'09 spring stats

Lee - 11.2ip ~ 25 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 18R/16ER ~ 8k's
Betancourt - 6ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 7k's
Herges - 6ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 6k's
Lewis - 7ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 6k's
Smith - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Roehl - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's

Giants - Jonathan Sanchez, Bob Howry, Jeremy Affeldt, Merkin Valdez, Osiris Matos

'09 spring stats

Sanchez - 6.2ip ~ 8 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 9k's
Howry - 10ip ~ 10 hits/0BB ~ 4ER ~ 6k's
Affledt - 12ip ~ 17 hits/4BB ~ 9R/8ER ~ 8k's
Valdez - 6.2ip ~ 4 hits/6BB ~ 5ER ~ 5k's
Matos - 10.2ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 5ER ~ 4k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="odd"><td class="forumpost-post">Col at Sea

Rockies - Aaron Cook, Manny Corpas, Alen Embree, Glendon Rusch

'09 springs stats

Cook - 19ip ~ 20 hits/4BB ~ 7R/4ER ~ 17k's
Corpas - 7ip ~ 5 hits/4BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Embree - 9.2ip ~ 8 hits/5BB/2HBP ~ 10R/6ER ~ 5k's
Rusch - 8.1iP ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Mariners - Erik Bedard, Brandon Morrow, Cesar Jimenez, Garrett Olson

'09 spring stats

Bedard - 8.1ip ~ 7 hits/5BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Morrow - 2ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 2k's
Jimenez - 3.1ip ~ 8 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 2k's
Olson - 8.1ip ~ 14 hits/8BB ~ 12ER ~ 7k's</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Kc at Lad

Royals -
Gil Meche, Robinson Tejeda, Joakim Soria, Brandon Duckworth

'09 spting stats

Meche - 10.1ip ~ 21 hits/7BB ~ 12ER ~ 10k's
Tejeda - 13.2ip ~ 15 hits/14BB ~ 9ER ~ 18k's
Soria - 4ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Duckworth - 14.1ip ~ 18 hits/6BB ~ 9ER ~ 6k's

Dodgers -
Hiroki Kuroda, Jeff Weaver, Guillermo Mota, Hong-Chih Kuo

'09 spring stats

Kuroda - 12ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 9k's
Weaver - 8ip ~ 11 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 7ER ~ 7k's
Mota - 8.2ip ~ 11 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 11k's
Kuo - 2.2ip ~ 3 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
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Was at Nym

- John Lannan, Gary Glover, Garrett Mock

'09 spring stats

Lannan - 12ip ~ 8 hits/1BB ~ 2R/0ER ~ 3k's
Glover - 5.1ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 5ER ~ 5k's
Mock - 12ip ~ 16 hits/4BB ~ 9R/7ER ~ 8k's

Mets - Johan Santana, Nelson Figueroa, Pedro Feliciano, Darren O'Day, Francisco Rodriguez, Fernando Nieve

'09 spring stats

Santana - 7.2ip ~ 6 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 9k's
Figueroa - 5ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 6ER ~ 1k
Feliciano - 3.2ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 3k's
O'Day - 10.2ip ~ 9 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Nieve - 8.2ip ~ 11 hits/8BB ~ 8R/7ER ~ 3k's
Cin at Nyy

- Aaron Harang, David Weathers, Mike Lincoln, Francisco Cordero

'09 spring stats

Harang - 19.2ip ~ 22 hits/6BB ~ 11ER ~ 10k's
Weathers - 10ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 5ER ~ 8k's
Lincoln - 9.2ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 2ER ~ 5k's
Cordero - 7.2ip ~ 18 hits/5BB ~ 15R/13ER ~ 9k's

Yankees - CC Sabathia, Mariano Rivera, Damaso Marte, Jonathan Albaladejo

'09 spring stats

Sabathia - 7.2ip ~ 9 hits/2BB ~ 7R/6ER ~ 9k's
Rivera - 4ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Marte - 3.2ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Albaladejo - 9.2ip ~ 8 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 8k's
I have to head out in about 10 minutes, here are the rest of the starters

Tor at Pit
Halladay vs Virgil Vasquez

Mil at Tex
Dave Bush vs Kevin Millwood

Sd at Oak
Peavy vs Trevor Cahill