Fridays Pitchers


Pretty much a regular
Pit at Bos

- Jeff Karstens, Jesse Chavez, Chris Bootcheck, Donnie Veal, Evan Meek, Sean Burnett, Craig Hansen

'09 spring stats

Karstens - 9.2ip ~ 12 hits/1BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 3k's
Chavez - 5.2ip ~ 8 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 8ER ~ 11k's
Bootcheck - 9.2ip ~ 7 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 13k's
Veal - 8ip ~ 3 hits/7BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Meek - 9.2ip ~ 5 hits/4BB ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Burnett - 9ip ~ 13 hits/3BB ~ 9ER ~ 6k's
Hansen - 8.1ip ~ 5 hits/7BB/1HBP ~ 5ER ~ 9k's

Red Sox - Clay Buchholz, Jonathan Papelbon, Takashi Saito, Hideki Okajima

'09 spring stats

Buchholz - 8.2ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 9k's
Papelbon - 6ip ~ 5 hits/2HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Saito - 6ip ~ 4 hits/3BB/2HBP ~ 1ER ~ 7k's
Okajima - 7ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 4k's
Phi at Stl

Phillies - Carlos Carrasco, Chad Durbin, Ryan Madson

'09 spring stats

Carrasco - 10ip ~ 13 hits/3BB ~ 11R/7ER ~ 10k's
Durbin - 1ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Madson - 6ip ~ 11 hits/0BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 8k's

Cardinals - Adam Wainwright, Josh Kinney, Trever Miller, Royce Ring, Fernando Salas

'09 spring stats

Wainwright - 9.2ip ~ 15 hits/3BB ~ 7R/4ER ~ 7k's
Kinney - 6ip ~ 2 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 8k's
Miller - 6ip ~ 7 hits/3BB/2HBP ~ 3ER ~ 6k's
Ring - 5.1ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 5k's
Salas - 5ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 4ER ~ 7k's
Nym at Bal

- Oliver Perez, Bobby Parnell, Darren O'Day, Elmer Dessens, Brian Stokes

'09 spring stats

Perez - 2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Parnell - 6.2ip ~ 4 hits/7BB ~ 3ER ~ 5k's
O'Day - 8.1ip ~ 9 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Dessens - 1ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Stokes - 7ip ~ 8 hits/1BB ~ 4ER ~ 5k's

Orioles - Danys Baez, Matt Albers, Chris Ray

'09 spring stats

Baez - 8.1ip ~ 6 hits/4BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Albers - 7ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Ray - 6ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 7k's
Nyy at Min

- Phil Hughes, Jason Johnson, David Robertson, Steven Jackson, Anthiny Claggett

'09 spring stats

Hughes - 8ip ~ 2 hits/6BB/2HBP ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Johnson - 1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Robertson - 5.1ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 7k's
Jackson - 7ip ~ 6 hits/1BB/2HBP ~ 2ER ~ 6k's
Claggett - 7ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's

- Glen Perkins, Jose Mijares, Jason Jones, Bobby Keppel, Brian Duensing, Mike Gosling, Joe Nathan, Luis Ayala

'09 spring stats

Perkins - 15ip ~ 16 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 6k's
Mijares - 5.1ip ~ 8 hits/8BB/1HBP ~ 6ER ~ 6k's
Jones - 9ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 5k's
Keppel - 6ip ~ 5 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Duensing - 8ip ~ 8 hits/4BB ~ 4R/1ER ~ 3k's
Gosling - 5.2ip ~ 7 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 2R/1ER ~ 3k's
Nathan - 4ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Ayala - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Was at Det

- Colin Balester, Gary Glover, Steven Shell, Ryan Wagner

'09 spring stats

Balester - 11ip ~ 11 hits/6BB ~ 8ER ~ 6k's
Glover - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Shell - 8ip ~ 10 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 4k's
Wagner - 4ip ~ 6 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 3k's

Tigers - Nate Robertson, Brandon Lyon, Bobby Seay, Casey Fien, Fu-Te Ni

Robertson - 7ip ~ 6 hits/5BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Lyon - 6.2ip ~ 10 hits/1BB ~ 6R/1ER ~ 4k's
Seay - 7.2ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 9k's
Fien - 6ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 6k's
Ni - 3ip ~ 0 hits/2BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 2k's
Fla at Atl

- Andrew Miller, Leo Nunez, Burke Badenhop, Eulogio De La Cruz, Logan Kensing, Brian Sanches

'09 spring stats

Miller - 7.2ip ~ 13 hits/5BB/1HBP ~ 13R/9ER ~ 4k's
Nunez - 4ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Badenhop - 7ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
De La Cruz - 3.1ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 3R/1ER ~ 2k's
Kensing - 5ip ~ 2 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Sanches - 4.1ip ~ 11 hits/1HBP ~ 5ER ~ 4k's

- Derek Lowe, Mike Gonzalez, Buddy Carlyle, Manny Acosta

'09 spring stats

Lowe - 11ip ~ 9 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 15k's
Gonzalez - 3.2ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 2k's
Carlyle - 5.1ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Acosta - 4.1ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Cin at Hou

- Johnny Cueto, Nick Masset, Ron Flores, Jeff Kennard, Josh Roenicke, Pedro Viola

'09 spring stats

Cueto - 7ip ~ 4 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Masset - 10.2ip ~ 17 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 9R/8ER ~ 6k's
Flores - 4ip ~ 2 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Kennard - 5ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 7R/6ER ~ 6k's
Roenicke - 6.1ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 2k's
Viola - 3ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's

Astros - Russ Ortiz, Jeff Fulchino, Chris Sampson, Chad Paronto, Neal Musser

'09 spring stats

Ortiz - 11.1ip ~ 13 hits/7BB/1HBP ~ 7ER ~ 10k's
Fulchino - 9.2ip ~ 10 hits/1BB ~ 5R/3ER ~ 4k's
Sampson - 2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Paronto - 9.2ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 10k's
Musser - 0.1ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="even"><td class="forumpost-post">Tb at Tor

Rays - Matt Garza, Jeff Niemann

'09 spring stats

Garza - 6ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Niemann - 11ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 1ER ~ 8k's

Blue Jays - Brad Mills

'09 spring stats

Mills - 9.2ip ~ 9 hits/6BB ~ 4ER ~ 6k's</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Sf at Chw

Giants - Barry Zito, Billy Sadler, Osiris Matos, Brian Wilson, Francis Beltran

'09 spring stats

Zito - 13.2ip ~ 19 hits/7BB ~ 11ER ~ 5k's
Sadler - 6ip ~ 11 hits/7BB/2HBP ~ 10ER ~ 2k's
Matos - 9ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Wilson - 7ip ~ 3 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Beltran - 6ip ~ 4 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 6k's

White Sox - Jose Contreras, Octavio Dotel, Bobby Jenks, Jeff Marquez, Randy Williams

'09 spring stats

Contreras - 2ip ~ 1 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Dotel - 7ip ~ 8 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 7R/6ER ~ 11k's
Jenks - 5ip ~ 4 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Marquez - 8.1ip ~ 7 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 7k's
Williams - 8ip ~ 2 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Tex at Col

- Matt Harrison, Derrick Turnbow

'09 spring stats

Harrison - 11ip ~ 13 hits/4BB ~ 8ER ~ 9k's
Turnbow - 5ip ~ 2 hits/4BB ~ 1ER ~ 7k's

Rockies - Jason Marquis, Manny Corpas, Randy Flores, Jason Grilli, Juan Morrillo, Huston Street

'09 spring stats

Marquis - 5.2ip ~ 9 hits/4BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 4k's
Corpas - 5ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Flores - 3ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Grilli - 3.1ip 4 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Morrillo - 8ip ~ 8 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 6k's
Street - 5.1ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 2k's
Sd at Chc

Rich Harden Scratched with flu-like symptons

- Kevin Correia, Greg Burke, Edwin Moreno, Joe Thatcher, Gabe DeHoyos

'09 spring stats

Correia - 5ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Burke - 7ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 4R/3ER ~ 7k's
Moreno - 8ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Thatcher - 7.2ip ~ 10 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 4R/2ER ~ 10k's
DeHoyos - 3ip ~ 4 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 3k's

Cubs - Mitch Atkins, Carlos Marmol, Kevin Gregg, Angel Guzman, Jason Waddell, Kevin Hart

'09 spring stats

Atkins - 7ip ~ 12 hits/1BB/2HBP ~ 7ER ~ 8k's
Marmol - 4ip ~ 2 hits/1BB/3HBP ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Gregg - 6ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Guzman - 5ip ~ 8 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 8ER ~ 3k's
Waddell - 8ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 1ER ~ 9k's
Hart - 7.1ip ~ 5 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 5ER ~ 12k's
Last edited:
Oak at Cle

- Brett Anderson, Andrew Bailey, Michael Wuertz

'09 spring stats

Anderson - 9.2ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Bailey - 5.2ip ~ 3 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Wuertz - 6ip ~ 10 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 6ER ~ 8k's

Indians - Carl Pavano, Scott Lewis, Matt Herges, Edward Mujica, Greg Aquino

'09 spring stats

Pavano - 7ip ~ 8 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 6ER ~ 2k's
Lewis - 10.1ip ~ 10 hits/4BB/2HBP ~ 6ER ~ 8k's
Herges - 6ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 6k's
Mujica - 5.2ip ~ 10 hits/2BB ~ 8ER ~ 2k's
Aquino - 4ip ~ 4 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="odd"><td class="forumpost-post">Mil at Sea

Brewers - Seth McClung, Mitch Stetter, Lindsay Gulin

'09 spring stats

McClung - 4.2ip ~ 7 hits/3BB ~ 6ER ~ 1k
Stetter - 7ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Gulin - 7ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 11k's

Mariners - Jason Vargas, David Aardsma, Randy Messenger, Luis Munoz, Sean White, Doug Fister, JC Ramirez

'09 spring stats

Vargas - 6.2ip ~ 8 hits/5BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 4k's
Aardsma - 7ip ~ 6 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 7k's
Messenger - 9ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Munoz - 5.1ip ~ 5 hits/4BB ~ 2ER ~ 5k's
White - 8ip ~ 3 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Ramirez - NO SPRING STATS</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Ari at Laa

- Jon Garland, Tony Pena, Jon Coutlangus, Bobby Korecky, Scott Schoenweis

'09 spring stats

Garland - 8.1ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 7ER ~ 2k's
Pena - 3.1ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 4k's
Coutlangus - 4.2ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 5ER ~ 4k's
Korecky - 5ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 7R/6ER ~ 6k's
Schoenweis - 5ip ~ 8 hits/3BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's

- Jered Weaver, Matt Palmer, Brian Fuentes, Anthony Ortega

'09 spring stats

Weaver - 3ip ~ 10 hits/1BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Palmer - 10ip ~ 14 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 7R/6ER ~ 5k's
Fuentes - 2.2ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 1k
Not sure how accurate these are. The Dodgers havent updated their page all year and the Royals havent updated since Wednesday

Lad at Kc

Dodgers - Claudio Vargas, Eric Stults

'09 spring stats

Vargas - 11.1ip ~ 18 hits/3BB ~ 9ER ~ 12k's
Stults - 6ip ~ 12 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 9R/8ER ~ 1k

Royals - Luke Hochevar, Kyle Farnsworth, Joakim Soria, Juan Cruz, Joel Peralta

'09 spring stats

Hochevar - 12.1ip ~ 12 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 7k's
Farnsworth - 6ip ~ 8 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 9k's
Soria - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Cruz - 3ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Peralta - 6.2ip ~ 5 hits/3BB ~ 3ER ~ 10k's