Friday's NBA Plays...


The Truth Is Out There
73-67 (+2.49)

1-0 last night.


Minnesota Timberwolves at Utah Jazz

The play...

Jazz -10.5 (2 units)

I'm a slave to the situation.

Reasoning in a bit.

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4th in 5 for the Wolves after a heavy dose of run n' gun during a Blazers-Warriors-Blazers stretch.

Wolves on zero rest obviously and played relatively high minutes last night, they had the lead going into the 4th before totally shitting the bed.

Jizz well-rested and waiting, remembering the Wolves destroyed this Utah team on this very floor just over a month ago winning by 27 points.

After tonight the Jizz have games against Blazers, Warriors and Spurs making this a definite must-win on paper.

Jizz fighting to remain in 4th spot with the Flippers on their ass like brake lights.

Stars have aligned for this one with motivational and situational aspects both colliding,

And would usually warrant more than a few extra units than usual.

But it's the Jizz,

The team that has fucked me six ways from Sunday so I'll show some unusual restraint with my sloppy roll management (this season).

Not too mention I got a 'bad' line and no Georgie Hill but either way this has the all the markings of a 20 or more point win.
Did I mention I hate the Utah Jazz.

Continually shit in my scrambled eggs.

Only they could mess this spot up.