Friday's Milleb...


CTG Regular
Ended 2-2-1 and up 5.54 units yesterday. Now 37-31-3 and +30.83 on the year. Very very frustrating push on the Jankee total, as it was sitting 8 through four innings and neither team got dick for the final 27 outs. Please do not congratulate me on a good job before I win a bet. The word we use down here is "mush" and people in the industry constantly do it to each other when they oppose on a bet and are trying to make their team come from behind to win one. For example, if I have Buffalo tonight in the hockey and they are down 4-2 early in the 3rd period, I might "congratulate" a friend who bet on the Islanders. Obviously that is an extreme (although frequent) case of mushing, but accidental mushes happen all the time, even in games where we don't bet (wow that game was a stone under someone says in the 8th inning of a 2-1 game, then it goes 14 and the final is 7-6). Last night I got accidentally mushed, as well-wishers were congratulating me on the chat and at CTG, and I admit I was already basically counting my money from the Yankee total in the 5th inning. It's always better to go over 8 at the juice that I got than the 7.5 minus-money that some people laid (that half run is worth about 18.5 cents) - but in this case, where i filled a big matchbook order, and then got a better price at pinnacle later, it hurts a little more not to win one where I was dormie with more than half the game left.

Onto Friday...

Two stiff pitchers in Flushing; but the line is gonna move so I don't have time to wait on the umpire.

The play: Philly OVER 7.5 even big 3u.

I'll stick with my Piratas today against Lynn. They keep making these absurd prices, I'll keep plowing away. Sanchez is semi-toxic, but they should score some runs.

The play: Pitt +180 medium

Tiny Tim as a dog to Diego? What?

The play: Giants +101 medium to big 2.5u

Lean Toronto but want a better price so will likely sit it out for now, as Laffey is no bargain.

Seattle total seems very low; would like help there to talk me on or get me off. I think shorty is on the UNDER in this game, which would discourage me a little.

GL fellas!

Funny, I was just going to post that over. Supporting angles
Mets 7-1 over after a loss. Kendrick is playing his second game on 4 days rest. He is a pitcher who thrives on 5 and 6 day rest. Now ho has the reverse and is playing a team that saw him this month. This of course means the Phillie bullpen. BOL
Get ur ass in here and defend yourself like a man, Dennis! Lol
LOL nothing to defend. I had a big bet on that and had a few pops in me when it hit, I really was thanking rex for posting the play.
I already apologized so its over and done, never to happen again.

And Karl can Bite Me!