Friday September 6th Baseball

Back to back 1-1 plus juice days on thursday and friday......wish I had left the White Sox
off of the card both days. But hind sight is always 20-20 vision in retrospect. On to Saturday.
Saturday might be because I'm not quite sure yet a day off from Baseball.

BUT.....I do have one play for college football and that is the 1*BYU ML +255

If I have a saturday baseball play(s) I will start a new thread. GL saturday wagers.
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Saturday might be because I'm not quite sure yet a day off from Baseball.

BUT.....I do have one play for college football and that is the BYU ML +255

If I have a saturday baseball play(s) I will start a new thread. GL saturday wagers.

also playing 1*BYU +7.5 -108

Still looking at a Bases play for Saturday. Both the college football plays are just one unit bets like my baseball plays.