friday NCAAFF


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
Battle of freshman QB's.. Everyone is talking about the fact that Cinncy is running with a freshman QB tonight but lets not forget that Marshall QB (Cann) is also a Freshman.. I simply think the QB position is a wash tonight and actually I favor Cinncy because I think their guy(s) has unknown upside. With Cann who works behind a very young O-line we have Known mediocracy..He barely completes 50 % of his passes and throws about as many INTs as TDs... Good luck kid tonight with Cincy's defense.

Bottom line is Cinncy beyond the QB position (which as I stated is a wash IMO) they have much more talented players at every other position. I expect Cinncy to be conservative on offensive but very agressive on defense. Good combo.. Play on and damn near at top unit... I'll get my record updated in tommorows thread.. It been pretty choppy but it will improve..:cheers:

Cincy -2.5, -110; 5 units WIN
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Wow, lots of money on both sides of 3... If Cinncy wins by a fg, possibly bad day for books. Would love to see that happen:smiley_acbe:
YEEEHA, just played it bro. Any thoughts on the other game? Quiet in bases huh?
GL Teedub.Playing it to bro.I hate being against the books but fuck it.Letting it ride and played Utah State.
Quiet in bases huh?

Just haven't seen anything I really like yet.. Watching and waiting.. Maybe Sunday but we'll see how it plays out.

Got a good feel for Sat CFB but no real thoughts in the BYU game.. Rarely get involved in games with big numbers and if I do it is always with the dog.. Definately can't make a case for dog here, so not even close to a play..

How about the Pitt Panthers. You guys off staches ass yet?
Stache gets a pass for a week, LOL. It seems like when he's the fave, you can't trust him. But when he's a dog, he somehow pumps up and gets his team ready.
Just haven't seen anything I really like yet.. Watching and waiting.. Maybe Sunday but we'll see how it plays out.

Got a good feel for Sat CFB but no real thoughts in the BYU game.. Rarely get involved in games with big numbers and if I do it is always with the dog.. Definately can't make a case for dog here, so not even close to a play..

How about the Pitt Panthers. You guys off staches ass yet?
I like the wait and see approach, only thing that I have done is a small play on LAD to win the WS +1100 (which they are off to a nice start) and BOS +140 to win the series against LAA (again, nice to grab game 1). Played BYU, hate laying the large # on the road but just can't see UT ST scoring any more than a TD in this fear the ole back door screw job though! Stache, LOL, he's a goof ball bnut is finally doing something with all of the recruits he has been getting. Man, if they only had a QB! :popcorn:
Mags-- been debating it all day.. JUst put in a 4 unit wager on Boston. A little more detail over in MLB thread.. First play of playoffs for me..
Mags-- been debating it all day.. JUst put in a 4 unit wager on Boston. A little more detail over in MLB thread.. First play of playoffs for me..
Great start for ya, I'll keep the bases comments over there though...BOL to ya bro, I like it. :smiley_acbe:
Cincy looking good for you T. There quarterback has played pretty well for being a youngin. Need a another TD from both teams for my over.
I gotta laugh this one off, cuz no way Marshall was stopping them on this drive. But Cinci's running back just straight up ran out of gas. When they got to the 10, he hit the hole and stopped on 3 straight possessions.

Nice work Tee. Get that thread up for 2morrow. You can swim in your money on Monday.