
Calculated Risk Taker
One play tonight.....

Utah Jizz +6.5 Risking 1.5 units approx.....

Cant see why I wouldnt make this play just based on value, you know that Sloan has them ready, they can already smell the confrence championships, what makes you think they dont give max effort tonight, even in Oakland. Short of a collapse I cant think of any way that they dont cover....JMO....

:cheers: CTG:cheers:
was thinking the same. im curious if this line goes any higher. would love to get 7.
I think either GS blows them away or Jazz win SU, I'm leaning on GS, but if the Jazz win I'll be happy cause I've got them winning the series in 5 .. GL man
Goodluck bro........I think the Jazz could easily come play well in game 4.

With the rebounding edge the Jazz had along with homecourt, that game was too close to not think that GS just lights up 1 game this series. Remember GS came home for the first time after on the road and spanked Dallas. I know its a different series, but that homecrowd is just unreal and that should give them a jolt of energy especially after playing in Utah. Utah is also again a terrible road team historically in the playoffs.
Thanks Guys...

This is a different Utah team, their road woes are a concern but I think they are riding an emotional high after that last game...I just think its gonna be a good close game...

GL Guys