Friday...gonna be a doozy


CTG Partner
Staff member they are..thoughts in a few hours

LA Lakers o219 2 units
New jersey -9 2 units
Chicago -9.5 4 units
Washington -1 5 units
Washington -2 2 units
Golden State -4 12 units
Golden State line is a joke..should be 8..basically my fvorite play this year..even moreso than ORL the other night

Ride or Collide
WOW, GL BAR im on alot of the same picks and im just ridiculously excited about tonight. this site has been makin me so much money lately and i always know there are quality picks from a few good members. i have so many wagers for like triple the size of my normal wagers. LETS DO THIS
yeah...3 will be fine..I wouldn;t play it as large

Atlanta opened as a ONE point FAVORITE in Vegas yesterday FYI
there are no sandwich spots when you have to win out to get the number 2 seed and have a cakewalk to Conference Finals
Raptors -5.5 4 units

back around 9-10 pm tonight..

gonna play some poker too if anyone is interested
theres a lot of talk about the last two road games and not much on this game tonight, Bar.

good luck on my boys.
Lots of CTG product behind GS tonight B.A.R.
Wings skated pretty hard last night..
Maroth looked like the mike of early last season..
And last but not least... We have Mr. Big Shot
Good to be a sports fan in D-Town right now...
GL tonight on your plays...
GO GS!!!!!!
Farm..certainly is...

Maroth gave up a lot of hits but overall looked real good.

JLA was way to quiet though..pretty dissapointing

Brewer..them last few games won;t matter if they cannot win this one...I do appreciate the feedback on that though..GL tonight bro
Mista B.A.R.,

I wanted to get your take on the INCREDIBLE scene tonight in Oklahoma City. This game I originally skipped over, but reading up on it, it seems to have a championship feel to it. The Hornets seem to be very emotional and want to go out with a win. Thoughts? Thank you.


That Orlando line was pretty sweet, should've put the house on it, but so are the warriors tonight
good luck
First 3 Rounds of Shots Is On Bar!!!!!:drink:

And The Next 5 Is On Duy!!!!!!!!:drinking:

AWESOME DUDE:smiley_acbe:
Nice Bar..Of course I only tailed Tor and GS, Pussied outta the rest plus local had everything bumped on me but congrats..Look forward to playoff talk
If it's like this everyday, i better start sending ctg some $. just to make sure it keeps running and we don't miss out on days like these.

Send me some info on how to hook the forum up with some cash. Im serious man :D

Made tons of money today because of the info i got here.

Excellent day again BAR. Thanks :)
Great job, I should have paid attention.

But again, I help by not getting on the train.

Not sure how much I like standing on the corner while that train takes everybody to the bank, but congrats on the day.
i must also send my thanks. I do not play much NBA, hate the league actually. But I see you fuckers in here makin money. I know one thing in the association, if BAR has a shit load of plays, play em all, and you will have more than you started with.

THanks man, I have A GREAT DEAL more than I started with.

This is also my official thank you to all in this section that provides such wonderful information. My fiancee also thanks you as nights like this help pay for my upcoming wedding!

GOod night and good luck...

I would have done well, except I parlayed my Golden State and Washington plays with the Twins ML


God I just can't catch a's frustrating as fuck
up only 19 units? geez, bro, i thought you could do better than that ;) . seriously, though, congrats. you deserve every single praise, bar. keep up the good work. God save big al and ctg. :smiley_acbe: