FriDay Bases


Sniffing out wins
10-8-0 +2.82 last YTD 89.48

952 Chicago Cubs* -175 vs Milwaukee Brewers x 1 ....I dont see the odds on this game being anywhere close to correct but I cant play the Brewers, yet, so if I want action I guess I will have to bite the bullet and play the Cubbies and Lester who is 0-0, 6.23 in his four starts and 0-2 with a 6.23 ERA and 24 strikeouts this season while Peralta is 0-3, 5.04 in his four starts and 0-3 with a 5.04 ERA and 12 strikeouts this season. If U add up all of Rizzo and Castro hits against Peralta in his short career they are something like 22-48 against him. I guess I will be on this Over when available

Have a Great day guys
956 Miami Marlins* -152 vs Philadelphia Phillies x3

954 New York Mets* +100 vs Washington Nationals x1

958 Atlanta Braves* +105 vs Cincinnati Reds x1

960 St Louis Cardinals* -138 vs Pittsburgh Pirates x1

963 Colorado Rockies* +145 vs San Diego Padres x1
966 Baltimore Orioles* +102 vs Tampa Bay Rays x1

967 Toronto Blue Jays* +113 vs Cleveland Indians x half
969 New York Yankees* +103 vs Boston Red Sox x half

971 Oakland Athletics* -1 -120 vs Texas Rangers x1

975 Detroit Tigers* +107 vs Kansas City Royals x2
NL Totals
951 Milwaukee Brewers/Chicago Cubs* Over 7 -130
953 Washington Nationals/New York Mets* Over 5 -200 x1
955 Philadelphia Phillies/Miami Marlins* Under 9 -165 x1
957 Cincinnati Reds/Atlanta Braves* Over 6 -190 x1
959 Pittsburgh Pirates/St Louis Cardinals* Under 7½ -122 x1
961 Arizona Diamondbacks/Los Angeles Dodgers* Over 7 -170 x1
963 Colorado Rockies/San Diego Padres* Over 7 -130 x1
AL Totals
965 Tampa Bay Rays/Baltimore Orioles* Over 7 -165 x1
967 Toronto Blue Jays/Cleveland Indians* Under 9 -190 x1
969 New York Yankees/Boston Red Sox* Over 8 -140 x1
971 Oakland Athletics/Texas Rangers* Under 9 -150 x1
973 Seattle Mariners/Houston Astros* Over 8 -140 x half
975 Detroit Tigers/Kansas City Royals* Over 8 -145 x1
977 Chicago White Sox/Minnesota Twins* Over 7 -200 x1
979 Los Angeles Angels/San Francisco Giants* Over 6 -165 x1
Series Plays
5956 Miami Marlins (3 Game Series)* -175 vs Philadelphia Phillies (3 Game Series) x2
5971 Oakland Athletics (3 Game Series)* -150 vs Texas Rangers (3 Game Series) x2
i would have if i haad been here this afternoon...had to go buy some building supplies, glad u got it


fuck pansy ass obama

They warned me in boot camp about going onboard with you squids, is this one of those moments?

Like my man Mark Twain said,"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it"...
Like my man Mark Twain said,"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it"...

yes, thanks for the laugh....while ur on a roll, can u tell me why in the hell these sonsofbitches are still rioting and getting away with it??
fuck these damn bastards, tired of thisshit
You and me both Bro. These aren't protesters, these are pirates looking for some booty. I saw this same shit back in Chicago in the 70's...