Friday bases, fucking work, just got home, the old 14 hour day ha


Pretty much a regular
Yesterday was not good 1-3-1 -2287, but still up 6457 on the week. Will be brief and just post my winners. Gonna bust up the bookie again, had an off day, oh well, not every day are ya gonna roll ass. First one here, in a delay don't know if it will get going.

KC -105 at Baltimore, risking 1050 to win 1000

Ventura had a bad game, oh well, I'm on it, he is a pimp, Jimenez is not.
Adding another

Tampa -1, -113 at Chi Sox, risking 1130 to win 1000

We'll see about Johnson, I watched some video of him the other day, wasn't impressed. Archer is very good.
Adding another

Oakland at Houston, Houston team total under 3.5 runs, -115, risking 1150 to win 1000

Chavez has made a believer out of me. Don't figure Houston will hit him, nobody has yet, and Houston has weak sticks. Not sure what Peacock will do for Houston, he has been okay vs Oakland. Well don't care what he does.
Yeah niggaz, KC smacking that ass early big boy flame thrower Ventura has 2 runs to work with 2-0 KC in the 1st. Time to bring the heat 100 mph, straight gas, sit em down Ventura. Looking at the late games now.
Adding another one, lot of road teams tonight

Texas -117 at Seattle, risking 1170 to win 1000

Not a big fan of Ross, but Elias isn't any good either. So going with the better sticks, and the hot team. Versus the weak sticks and a cold team. Seattle looks like they would need the King to be starting to beat Texas right now. Unless they get lucky, guess you never know at home they could catch some breaks and pull it off here. Doubt it, with a crap pitcher going, they will probably lose again. -117 sounds good to me.

Damn it Archer is fucking up so far. So is Chavez, shit, hope I get one of those to come in. KC looks pretty good so far.
There we go Chavez get outta this mess early. Can't have Houston get a run in the 1st, that would be bad. Could get out of the jam now with no damage.
Yes, Chavez worked out of the jam no runs for H-town bitch. Need the Rays to start cracking Johnson. There we go lead off hit for the Rays, time to ride.
Tampa is getting to Johnson now, looking good boys, lookin good on all fronts at the moment. Looks like a 3-0 to me, jeah mothafucka right back on that ass.

Added another one

Cleveland at San Fran -1, -103, risking 1030 to win 1000

Carrasco is a total bum, he is worthless. The Giants should light him up. Even in that pitchers park I bet they will get quite a few runs, but if they don't and they get 4 or so, that is okay I think. Cuz Hudson is rolling pretty nicely right now. Well he has always been pretty good, not quite as good lately the last few years. But he does still get hot from time to time, and it seems this is the time. Don't know if he can keep it up, but right now I'm going with him. Especially against bumfuck Carrasco, shit the Giants could really rip that turd.

Yeah Sigo it is looking like 3-0 on my first 3 games right now. Boom!!!! Picture me rollin, and all the g's I be holdin.
That looks to be the final card tonight. Don't see anything else I like.

Fuck Houston is hitting now, may have trouble there. Chavez is starting to get knocked around. Hopefully he will settle back down.
Wooo break off the nasty hook there Ventura, sit the fuck down Lough. It would be nice if KC could add on a couple runs.

Chavez is really giving me a heart attack, think he can still do it, but it hasn't been easy so far. He needs to get out of this with 1 run allowed this inning.
Boooom!!! Oakland turned the double play with the bases loaded, ha, shit that was crucial. Really my teams are just fucking making plays when I need it right now. It is all coming up Tuck. All I do is win, except for yesterday of course.
Boooom!!! Oakland turned the double play with the bases loaded, ha, shit that was crucial. Really my teams are just fucking making plays when I need it right now. It is all coming up Tuck. All I do is win, except for yesterday of course.

I was getting ready to F-Bomb Chavez for not throwing strikes against .141 hitters...
Shit that Nats game last night was pretty retarded. The Nats had 16 hits and just guys on the bases all night, and they get 3 runs, lol, at that, 3 runs with 16 hits. That is damn tough to pull off.

Yeah mulligan I don't know what the fuck he was doing. Hopefully he settles in now, guess not sure. Well the Astros blow, he will probably lock it down now, and cruise through 6. Pen in the 7th for sure, the Oakland pen is solid, this should be a winner. Don't see Houston getting to 4 runs, they had their chances here early didn't capitalize. Time to die Houston.
They need to get Chavez the fuck out of the game. He is looking like he did back in the day. In a world of hurt in that game now. Chances of getting out of this jam are not good. Well need to get out without a run coming in.
Well there goes that shit, threw it into the stands, nice error. So there's a loss. Hopefully KC and Tampa will win. Then 2-1, on these early games. Hopefully win both late games.
The 2 night games look pretty solid to me. I had more time to go over those, was a bit rushed in these early ones. Still the early ones will go 2-1 I think, so nothing wrong with that. But I do believe those late games are going 2-0, so 4-1 on the night. Seattle isn't beating Texas with fucking Elias going ha, no way. Cleveland isn't winning on the road with bumfuck Carrasco going. At worst it would be a push if the Giants don't hit too much, since that is a pitchers venue, especially at night.
Shit there is a problem now. Went out for a minute and now came back and the Chi Sox tied it at 4. Wonder what the deal is with Archer tonight, fuck oh well guess Tampa is gonna have to get something going off the pen. Chi Sox Pen has been in there a while now. Really can't have a 1-2 early, that better not happen.
3-0 San Fran win there g, okay, I am fine with that. You must have the under then I take it. Trusting Carrasco with an under is a bold maneuver, fuck, I don't want that, but it could happen in that park I guess.
Fucking Archer damn it, what is the deal there. I left for a minute to pick up some cash and then he gave it up. Well I am gonna be picking up cash every damn day now, ha, I just put in these small cash pick ups with WU, cuz I am afraid to do any big ones, lol. Don't really know, but when you've been in jail for 20 days, ummmm, you think about things like that. I'm like fuck, better not get a big payout like 4 or 5 k, cuz I could end up in jail, lol. I may be a little over cautious, but I don't want anything happening like that, ha. Man I was crying myself to sleep in there, ha, not really but felt like it.
Well that sucks. Looked like I might have the win with Tampa up 6-4 in the ninth nope, fucking loser. Abreu can just go back to Cuba I hate that fucking guy, he does nothing for me when I bet the Chi Sox, but when I bet against em, he hits a granny. Fuck that fucking guy. Oh well, guess this isn't a banner night, Giants are a win for sure I would think right now. Texas should be good, guess they are only up 1. Get both of those and it's 3-2 tonight, fuckin who cares, a bumfuck result. A winning night anway, not much though, not getting a big boner over this night. Well fucking work fucked it up, keeping me there so late. Then I rushed through my early games, think I didn't make the best bets early. That's a fucking excuse, but a legitimate one, lol.

I'm not sure but with Tuck in control of the ship now, days may be numbered on my job. Well bolting for Vegas I know has come up in my head numerous times. Matt would not do that, but he is gone now, lol. Tuck will quit work and bolt for Vegas at any moment if he's red hot.
Crap, Texas is gonna blow it too. Guess 2-3 on the night. Need to get work out of the fucking way, that wrecked tonight for me.
Damn it back 2 back losing days. Oh fucking well, will have plenty of time to think over Saturday's games. 2-3, not sure how much I lost will have to check tomorrow. This Texas game is over for sure now probably anyway. Better go to bed now, I'm worn the fuck out with work all week and a 14 hour day today. It is too much on me, really I need to quit if I wanna maximize my betting potential, but it is a tough call cuz if I do that I gotta wreck shop, and continue to do it, and not hit any bad rough patches.
Shit I'm working like 55 hours a fucking week, so you can't be successful doing that, especially waking up at 3 am for work, ha. Unless you are a machine I guess, I try my best, but shit ain't gonna happen don't think unless I quit. Gonna think it over, may quit this week to focus on the gambling. Shit I have been doing pretty great with working a shitload, so without that burden it should get much better.
You should quit, drink vodka and milk..gamble all day..listen to nwa...Fuck bitches in the hay..snort the yay. Go tic toc tuck