Friday 6/21

Arizona TT over 4 1/2 105/100 W

Boston 108/100 L

KC 100/130 L

Milwaukee 100/137 L
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jfc. fish team total went from u3.5 -130 this morning now it damn 2.4!! -180 for u3.5. that insane i rocked ff u1.5 -120
And seattle ff -.5 -125.. i almost never play seattle ff cause the offense but they showing a little life and rogers will walk 4 guys, surely they can come up w 1-2 hits after he puts guys on!! lol
this one not for faint of heart

dakota hudson ov 16.5 a perfect world this kinda sets up pete r for him. he don't waste pitches looking for k's, nats make contact, if he on his game this gonna be a bunch of 8-9-10 pitch innings with nats just beating the ball into the dirt. out total with a middling pitcher at coors! you really gottta trust me to play this one!! lol