fri action,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


42-45-3,,,,+2.85 units,,,,,,2day,,,,,,,,wash +270,,,,,,,,,pitt +230,,,,,,,,,stl/atl over 9,,,,,,,,,yanks/balt over 10.5,,,,,,,,,tex/cle over 11.5,,,,,,,,fla +180,,,,,,,,,san diego +200,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:cheers::drinking::drinking::smiley_abvm:
BR that storm is now heading my way.How much rain yall got over there?Might have to get the bateau out incase I flood.
Show me some bullshit.............

Right now, I need it.

My Friday night involved a fucking nail salon and chick shit.

I need a dose of manhood right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boilerrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need you bro, I'm fucking dying man, I had to spend a fucking hour in a nail salon.

Breathing those nail fumes have got me dizzy

Two weeks ago, I had to go "tomato shopping"..............

Spent fifty bucks at a tomato stand.

Now, I just found out I gotta go BACK to the tomato stand tomorrow.

How sweet is this?
Putting in some serious brownie points until football. I'm gonna be calling all kinds of favors in two weeks.

By the way Boiler, Clemson is the play.
Clemson's last game was in the same Georgia Dome vs Auburn. Bama has not been there since 1992?

I think Clemson sucks and I'm a huge Bama fan but Clemson tears thing open in Week 1 by at least a touchdown. Get down bro.....

Bama is GREAT team to bet on but not Week 1

Clemson is all fired up and they have will break it.

The dome and turf situation will only excarbate the situation.

Is excarbate a word?
Where the fuck is Boiler??????????????

I need some Boiler right now !!!!!!!!!

Come out and play !!


Don't make me use this icon...............

I'm now on my hands and knees...............

Boiler, will you please share some bullshit with us. Otherwise, I will cry like ten little babies.....................
