fri action,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


10-6,,,,+6.2 units,,,,,,friday action,,,plilly over 9.5,,,,,baltimore over 10.5,,,,,,,,,,,,,PLEASE BAN PAULSY:whip:,,,,,,,,:smiley_abvm:
sup dhop:cheers:,,,,im about to drop some goo on my screen cause of that chich in ur avatar:hammer:
sup giant,,,why is paulsy here?,,i was hoping this would be a ''paulsy free'' site:10_16_2:,,,,,,my yankees have a shot 2nite?,,,why is price dropping like a rock,,?
sup giant,,,why is paulsy here?,,i was hoping this would be a ''paulsy free'' site:10_16_2:,,,,,,my yankees have a shot 2nite?,,,why is price dropping like a rock,,?

Being a Yankees fan, you should know that my boys dominate your team.

I can't explain the line movement, but it's probably down to where it belongs. I see it opened around -160, which is pretty crazy.

GL tonight.
thats my point,,,open up 160,,some places down to 130,125,,,,,,and with kennedy ont he mound:4_12_12:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ADDING nats +290,,,,,,,
Yeah, Kennedy blows. I'm having a hard time understanding what the hell is going on with that line myself
Weaver was just plodding along pretty strong until his last outing against.......the Yanks...... think that happens again, or anomaly?
kennedy is a joke,,,see what happens over the next few hours,,,,if it is still at a low price i may be a sucker and drop the hammer on angles,,,over also,,,,,:cheers: