French Open Discussion


CTG Big Brother
I'm mainly a live player in the early rounds, but the 2nd week raises the spectre of match totals & spreads between players who've likely proved themselves to have survived this long, so I'll use this thread to post some musings, and any pre-game bets. Anyone is welcome to wax lyrical with their own hot air since I'm far from an expert, only paying attention to the WTA when it comes to Slams.
Radwa / Errani match with Errani injury and Radwa's apparent resurgence after a month of crap should be an absolute cracker.
Interesting implications for the Joker's state of mind going forward in the tourney...

<nyt_headline type=" " version="1.0">Youth Coach Helped Djokovic Fulfill Many of His Hopes</nyt_headline>


</nyt_byline>Published: June 2, 2013

PARIS — It was Wimbledon they dreamed about together, Jelena Gencic and Novak Djokovic. And it was easy for a golden boy to dream when Gencic, with her luminous blue eyes and soothing voice, kept telling him that such big things were possible. <!--forceinline-->
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Djokovic remembers practicing for the victory ceremony on grass in Serbia, holding up a small trophy and saying: “I’m Novak Djokovic. I won Wimbledon.”

But Gencic, a born teacher who was much deeper into means than ends, was not the type to declare a project finished, a quest complete. Though Djokovic did indeed win Wimbledon in 2011, holding the trophy aloft and then eventually showing Gencic, his boyhood mentor, the replica in person in Belgrade, Gencic was well aware there was still one trophy missing from her former prize pupil’s collection.

That was the Coupe des Mousquetaires, awarded to the men’s singles champion at the French Open, the one Grand Slam tournament that Djokovic has yet to win.

“She didn’t know she was going to die probably, but she told Novak when she saw him last time that she would be the most happiest woman to hold that trophy,” Marian Vajda, Djokovic’s current coach, said Saturday night. “When she saw Novak the last time, she told him she wanted to take a picture and have the whole collection.”

There will be no picture now. Gencic, the coach who discovered Djokovic’s talent in the mountain resort of Kopaonik and expertly laid the foundation of his game, died Saturday in Serbia, according to an announcement by the Serbian Tennis Federation.

She was 76, and though word of her death arrived in Paris before Djokovic took the court Saturday to play his third-round match against Grigor Dimitrov, his support team, including Vajda and his friend and physical trainer, Miljan Amanovic, knew it was better that he wait to hear the news.

“We found out before, when he was warming up in the annex,” Vajda said. “Miljan told me during the practice, and I said: ‘We should not tell him right now. I think it would not be good.’ ”

Djokovic remained in his prematch bubble and then dismantled Dimitrov in straight sets despite some right shoulder discomfort that required treatment late in the proceedings. After the on-court smiles and the television interviews, Amanovic was among those who informed Djokovic of Gencic’s death. According to members of his team, Djokovic broke down in tears, and he later canceled his postmatch news conference to grieve out of the spotlight.

What this means to his quest for a first French Open title remains unclear. In the fourth round Monday, he is scheduled to face Philipp Kohlschreiber, a flashy 29-year-old German with a huge serve for his size who upset Djokovic in straight sets here in the third round in 2009.

What is clear is that Djokovic has had to play through plenty of grief and concern in the last two seasons. His father, Srdjan, was hospitalized last year in Serbia in intensive care with a severe respiratory illness and is still recovering. Djokovic’s grandfather Vladimir died last April while Djokovic was playing the Monte Carlo tournament.

With Gencic’s death, Djokovic has now lost two touchstones in a hurry. They were two elders who were particularly crucial to his sense of stability and possibility during the war years in Serbia in the 1990s, two elders who were there for him when NATO forces were bombing Belgrade in 1999, when he was 12 and the future for an aspiring tennis star looked particularly dark.

“I went to practice with Novak and three other boys,” Gencic said in Belgrade in 2010. “There were many other boys and girls, and when they were on the tennis court, they don’t think about bombs. That’s the point of, the reason of, practicing. You don’t think about that.”
Gencic remembered picking practice sites based on where the bombs had fallen the night before, reasoning that NATO would not bomb the same place again.

“I could feel it in my house; it was terrible,” she said. “My sister was very hurt by the bombs and 16 months later she died.”

But the tone of that interview was surprisingly not bitter. Though Gencic expressed regret that she had lost touch with Djokovic at that stage and expressed resentment toward Srdjan for not keeping her better informed, she remembered the eight years they did spend in each other’s frequent company with great tenderness.

“Oh, special boy, that boy was unbelievable,” she said. “Very intelligent. He knew very well what to do, how much to do. He listens, and every word it was, ‘Please tell me again.’ And I’d say, ‘Did you understand me?’ And he would say, ‘Yes, but please, tell me again.’ He wanted to be so sure.”

Gencic met him when he was 6 while she was giving a summer clinic on the hardcourts across from his parents’ restaurant in Kopaonik, in the Serbian mountains near Montenegro. She had advised Monica Seles and Goran Ivanisevic in their junior years and knew — no, sensed — exceptional talent and determination when it was in front of her. She soon told the Djokovics — neither of whom played tennis seriously — that they had “a golden child.”

But her mentoring was not restricted to match tactics and coaxing Djokovic away from the one-handed backhand used by his idol Pete Sampras to the two-handed backhand that would later help make him No. 1.

“I gave him books, not books for young boys, books for older, about life, not just tennis,” she said. “We listened to music, and he liked to listen. I liked classical music, and he listened with me.”

Gencic said she explained that one particular piece was like a tennis match: “You start slowly and then stronger, stronger, stronger,” she said.

Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture” left a particularly deep impact. “I could see he thought it was wonderful,” Gencic said. “And I explained to him, ‘When you play a match, Novak, and this is very important, when you play a match and suddenly you feel not very good, remember this music, remember how much adrenaline you have in your stomach and your body. Let this music push you to play stronger and stronger.’

“He understood,” Gencic said. “He was 11 years old, but he understood.”

Djokovic, of course, understands much more now, at a worldly and poised 26, with millions upon millions in his bank account and scores of stamps in his passport.

But he knows perfectly well that none of this would have happened without Gencic and her pale blue eyes, without her experience and her vision of what he could achieve.

“Pretty much what I know on court, I owe to her,” Djokovic once told me. “She’s the one who developed my game. Whatever she told me, I did. And she kept telling me I had the talent to be No. 1. I believed her, and I still believe her.”

Last year in Monte Carlo, he struggled to play after Vladimir’s death, eventually running out of emotional momentum in the final; he won just four games against Rafael Nadal. He and Nadal could play again here in the semifinals. Vajda does not know for sure what to expect from his pupil, from Gencic’s pupil. But he thinks he knows.

“I think in one way this could give him confidence,” Vajda said. “All the knowledge he got from her, it will be another boost to him during the tournament to honor her, because she told him to bring the trophy to her.”
saw a video of jokers biography, this lady was a huge impact in his life. Definitely this will motivate him. may take a stab at him when he plays nadal. Pretty sure he is an underdog there.
Errani and Vinci just played a doubles match, on 0 and 1.
Errani seems fine to me, so I may have to give her a go vs the Pole
Note: If Wawrinka played all matches like he played this first set he could beat anyone. Guy's shot making has been phenominal. Not sure what that says about Gasquet who has hung in there with him - but Stan is simply hitting ridiculous shots.
I'm waiting for Gasquet to self destruct. If Wawa can continue to just make life difficult, he can still take this. Hoping he takes the 2nd to help with my over bet
You should be home now Mike (after three sets). I'm fully expecting Gascan to lose from here - I'm happy I hedged.
I love watching wawrinka, he impressed me back in january vs. joker in the aussie open, had numerous chances to win that, and if I remember correctly, a few match points
Missed the last couple of days, can't believe (in catching up with the scores) that Jankobitch bageled Shitpova 1st up and still lost. Unreal.