Franklin Fired at Auburn

This is pitiful and Auburn should be ashamed.

First, the spread offense will not be a success in the SEC because you defend the spread with speed and the SEC has the fastest defenses.

Second, if you bring in Franklin to implement a system, realize it will take time. It seems like AU knew it would take time, they started the season with a "it will be bumpy but it is better in the long run" mentality, yet after a 4-2 start they ax Franklin.

This shows me one of two things: either AU realized the spread is a futile effort in SEC play or AU has little patience which will equate to frustration as a football program.
This is pitiful and Auburn should be ashamed.

First, the spread offense will not be a success in the SEC because you defend the spread with speed and the SEC has the fastest defenses.

Second, if you bring in Franklin to implement a system, realize it will take time. It seems like AU knew it would take time, they started the season with a "it will be bumpy but it is better in the long run" mentality, yet after a 4-2 start they ax Franklin.

This shows me one of two things: either AU realized the spread is a futile effort in SEC play or AU has little patience which will equate to frustration as a football program.

Tubs has always fired coordinators quicker than any other coach in the country, so this is no surprise to me. Hasn't seemed to hurt Auburn's program too much in the past either.
My opinion is that they thought they would have patience with it, but as it turns out human nature took over and the powers that be decided that they wanted to win right now, and told Tubs that he better make some adjustments or they would make the adjustments for him. Therefore, Tubs made his adjustment before getting adjusted himself. Gotta look out for number one, I guess. Sucks for Franklin, because they probably told him that he had time, within reason, to get this thing going, then they reneg on him. Hell, the only teams they've lost to are still undefeated...
Tubs has always fired coordinators quicker than any other coach in the country, so this is no surprise to me. Hasn't seemed to hurt Auburn's program too much in the past either.

You're witnessing the changing of power within AL. Let's see how Tubs reacts.
Wow...well, at least it's not as quick as when Houston Nutt ditched his new "spread" offense at halftime of the 1st game back in what..2006 or 2007?

So they're gonna go back to smashmouth? Honestly, I think Tubberville saw when they came out pounding the ball early against Vandy how well it worked and THAT got his mind REALLY thinking about things...and when they started running their "spread" passing and handoffs Vandy stuffing it back at them probably sealed it.
Some grumblings from some well connected people around the program are that Tubs might definitely be done at Auburn after this year.
A lot of times, the head coach will axe the Offensive Coord so the blame on him isn't as much. What are they gonna run now? Back to a conventional offense? Should be rusty this week whatever they do.
A lot of times, the head coach will axe the Offensive Coord so the blame on him isn't as much. What are they gonna run now? Back to a conventional offense? Should be rusty this week whatever they do.

Tubs just said in his press conference that he still is committed to the spread....this shit is a fucking joke